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004 motivation ambition will-power
ambition, motivation, and will power
You want to be someone who can do things, who want to do things, who actually does things? This article will answer some of your questions.
I am reading a book, Diet Cults. The author and the book itself is as cultish as the diet cults it writes about, nevertheless it is worth my time to read it.
On thing I found interesting is his “dissertation” about the importance and the effect of motivation in losing weight and maintaining the weight loss once the ideal weight is achieved.
What he is saying is that one needs a motivation, which I would rename, for the purposes of clarity, an outside or inside goal… According to the dictionary, “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.” Or secondarily “the general desire or willingness of someone to do something”
But if you look at the root of the word, motivation is a power that moves you. Motivation is literally the desire to do things.
- MOTIVATION: Something inner, something emotional or soul based…
A subtle inner force.
- AMBITION is similar, but it has a definite goal in mind, and what pulls and moves a person is a desire to achieve that definite goal.
- WILL POWER means, again according to the dictionary: “the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action” “a control deliberately exerted to do something or to restrain one’s own impulses.”
It is like a push to start… or alternatively refrain from starting.
So which one would you rather have?
If you have bad habits, which will pull you out and keep you out best?
Which will get you out of bed and pull on your walking shoes when you are tired and the bed is beckoning?
Which one will stop your hand halfway to your mouth with the cookie you swore would lay off?
My hunch is that it is indeed MOTIVATION.
Why? Because motivation seems to be an ongoing, 24 hours a day power, that gently moves you, or attempts to move you, until you are ready to move.
Ambition, because it is a wholly outside, worldly result, will make you a fanatic, a workaholic, an overachiever, much like greed. Ambition is so strong, that it may even make you step on other people to achieve what you set out to achieve.
And will power makes you brittle, and gritting teeth… no lightness, no grace in it. Forcing.
But, the question is, how to you get motivated if there is no motivation inside.
Thousands of motivational speakers have discovered that most people have no motivation, but would like results nevertheless. So they talk… but the effect of their talks is temporary at best.
The same is the purpose of the millions of inspirational memes on the internet: to motivate and inspire people, but without an inner source of motivation, they don’t even make a ripple on the dead inner surface of most people.
Why are people dead? Were they born dead inside?
My hunch is that no motivation is often born with… and the rest of unmotivated people, about 30% of that crowd, is the lasting effect of parental disapproval syndrome: on one hand wanting to please the parent, on the other hand only perfection pleases the parent, so people try and give up.
But what if you were born without motivation? According to my conversations with Source, entire cultures are people born without motivation.
Motivation is a sign that a self is present. A person with a self is further along in evolutionary terms than a person without a self. The self is a uniquely human phenomenon.
Each and every person can awaken the self… and I have students who have, or who are working on it…
Once the self becomes fully available, motivation, inner motivation becomes also available… And of course there are degrees.
On avarage, measured today, the self is opened up on average about 10%, the pool includes the 40% with not even an inkling of self, and the rest with different degrees of flowering.
I have found that reading my articles, and especially participating in my coaching program, inevitably awakens the self.
So what can you do if you don’t want to read my articles and don’t want to be in my coaching program?
You can do what the articles say you should do: find external motivation, or pray for rain.
And I have been testing a third method: altering your self-image… I’ll report on my findings in this same forum.
What determines how you and your life turn out?
What is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude? As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated … Continue reading → Related Posts: Can you change your money DNA, your love DNA, […]
Rules for a life that is not prescripted
I almost snubbed this link a reader sent me… She is quite talkative, so I thought it was b.s… but integrity didn’t allow me to skip it.
And I watched it, and wept, and laughed, and felt that those of you who read my articles, and especially those of you who have been working with me one-on-one, in my Reclaim program, should recognize at least three parts where he said it better than I ever could…
So here is your challenge: Watch the video. It is arguably one of the best commencement addresses… and because it has elements of attitude and beingness that actually work…
OK, here is the youtube video… don’t just watch it. Find the parts with the teaching… It will make a difference for you.
The way to comment is to say the distinction/principle he mentions.
If you catch all three, I have a big gift for you. If you catch one… I still have a gift for you.
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Read the original article: i-could-use-some-help 003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career talking points: how do you know what skills to build? reading books
volunteering providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr Article You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession… But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them. Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me… I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people. Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing. I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails. Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket. One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me… I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising. Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world. So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job. I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing. I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area. I busted my ass. I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine. After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue. I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street. It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run. 003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career talking points: how do you know what skills to build? reading books
volunteering providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr Article You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession… But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them. Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me… I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people. Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing. I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails. Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket. One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me… I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising. Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world. So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job. I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing. I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area. I busted my ass. I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine. After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue. I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street. It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run. Read the original article: everything-in-your-life-is-a-reflection-of-a-choice-you-have-made-if-you-want-a-different- If you play to win, you’ll always play a small game. Play to win in anything. Win friends, and influence people. Win an argument Win a competition Win at cards Win a reward, a salary, a compliment to look smart, … Continue reading → Related Posts: Life, looked through the filter of games… Is life […] Read the original article: Double Sweater Glitch i-could-use-some-help
What does it take to change into a new career or The art of changing direction and succeed
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how do you go from one profession to another? having a vague idea is not enough!
how can you build skills if that is not part of your job?
What other than skills do you need?
How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure? everything-in-your-life-is-a-reflection-of-a-choice-you-have-made-if-you-want-a-different-
Wanting to win is a survival game. Low vibration, low consciousness
Double Sweater Glitch