Why can’t you change? What is holding you back?

Why you can't change: to change, you need to own the past and complete itIn spite of The sight, and other capacities newly available to you, you don’t seem to be able to change…

You have been unsuccessful getting their guidance, getting your information from outside of the mind.

This manifests, among others, in the inability to muscle test correctly.

The question is why?

The phenomenon, what actually seems to happen is this: you understand where to look, how to look, and you nod rapidly. You bring great examples to show how you just succeeded in using the new capacity… but I can smell the mischief… you are trying to throw me off my tra

Fear Of Failure… Another Possible Bottom Belief

Failure, the big deterrent I had a dream most of my life to live in a school and be a perpetual student. I knew it was weird, but I also knew that the best time I have ever had was studying hard in school: being at home was really horrible for me. In 1987 I did The Forum, (Now it is called The Landmark Forum) and there was an exercise in it. The question was: Who are you that you are? Weird question, right