This article may be the most important article you’ll ever read… This is not an exaggeration. Any day is a good day to wake up, but around these weeks of greed and herdlike stomping to get more stuff, it is especially a good time. So, as you understand, this is a wake up article…
We all say we hate complainers. And we all complain.
But is there any form of complaint that is not a downer, that is not a racket, that is a good thing?
I like to watch entire series of television shows on Netflix. If I don’t like it, I just start another one. No commercials, no TV needed, easy.
I watched Foyle’s War, a British series, and I was encouraged: well written, well played. So I started to watch a Swedish series, Wallander. Five stars… must be good.
Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14069/complaint/