Intelligence is like money: it can buy you a lot or it can buy you junk

IMG_7036  Get Rid of Frustration Once and for All? I just pulled the energetic attachments from two guys, and I had an insight while I was doing it. Both guys are frustrated: given how smart they are, their results should … Continue reading

Mind Movies Matrix System – Create Vision Board Online Free review

How Much Is Natalie Ledwell Worth The Mind Movie message program is a reminder, to the Subconscious Mind, of what it is you want. Remember, it’s your other than conscious mind that does much of the work of inviting what you want into your life. Your mind movie is just a tool for change to […]

Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission

spreading_misery_equallyUnless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed. It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on … Continue reading

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with?

haughtyDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons? Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. When you pretend to … Continue reading

Lisa Nichols San Diego Creative Visualization Exercises Pdf

lisa nichols creative visualization

Thoughts are similar to a magnet, they attract like thoughts and circumstances. Thinking one kind of thought invites into the mind more comparable thoughts and ideas. These thoughts have the tendency to attract events that are in accordance with them. A clear mental image radiates from the mind of the individual thinking it, and is transmitted to other people.

Lisa Nichols San Diego

Our thoughts and feelings, and the visualizations we create in the mind, influence our life. By changing them we modify our life. This means that we should be mindful with our thoughts and how we relate to them, otherwise we might just get things and enter into situations that you don’t want, and if that happens we will have to find ways to get rid of them. A whole lot better think and visualize what that we really want, and that will improve our life.

Your thoughts create your emotional states. Your feelings create your bodily sensations. The power of your intents direct your actions and it effects your future. Visualization may be used to cure and to alter your life and the world at large. The following sections will look into creative visualization and it will give you insights into the wonderful world of reality manifestation, and the amazing potential of positive thinking.

Creative Visualization Exercises Pdf

Your thoughts can happen! Not all thoughts of course, but those that are centered, spelled out, and often-repeated frequently; for this reason, the benefits of using a vision board. It becomes a tool that allows us to repeatedly inculcate our ideas and desires into the formless substance which then reacts in kind by producing the manifestation of that powerful thought.

Negative thoughts are based on fear. Fear brings on bad thoughts. As we already know believing in something will make it happen. If we give fear a chance, it will thrive within us and will rob us from all. So if we fear we’ll have a car accident it will probably happen. If we think our wife will abandon us it probably, by nature, happen. You have to eliminate negative thoughts.


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Positive belief myths

positive beliefsIt is in the unsaid, it is the obvious that doesn’t need to be said, that dominant beliefs that keep us poor, miserable and sick are beliefs that are negative, about ourselves, or about money. In my work with people, … Continue reading

What’s the difference between a DNA activation and self-control? Self-improvement, self-development?

your-doomI said in the last article and I say it here again: We are all born with a full “Christmas tree” loaded with ornaments i.e. genes. Some of those ornaments light up, some of those don’t. The capacities that those … Continue reading

If the twist aka dominant belief removal doesn’t seem to make any difference

How you do anything is how you do everything! A client writes: Do you check to see if the attachment came back or is this something I have to ask to be done. My answer: I will check everyone Unless … Continue reading

Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?

Note: In this article I will use action and behavior interchangeably… If you have ever attended a course on making money, or starting a business, you will recall the leader’s frantic call for “massive action.” Then they achieve a whopping … Continue reading

Therefore: Your dominant belief is not the same as your dominant behavior. So what am I pulling?

One of the biggest discoveries, for you and me, is the fact that you can’t produce a different life by changing a belief. If it worked, and it doesn’t, then all the people who do affirmations, afformations, self-hypnosis, hypnosis, brain … Continue reading