Bits and pieces… The Myth of Because… You are the one you are waiting for

I live in a two-family home. I live upstairs. When I first moved here, I lived in the downstairs apartment. The house is old, and you can hear when someone walks upstairs. The rent is very high: I guess we … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?Eliminating mistakes, errors in thinking, is the fastest way to good results, including raising your vibrationThe World Is Waiting To Exhale…The Follow-Your-Passion Myth and What’s the TruthUPDATED: How A Sideways Glance is The Key To Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration

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A short meditation to help you enter gratitude… the gateway to higher vibration

Related Posts:From my correspondence: Gratitude vs Appreciation: what is the difference?What does it mean to raise the vibration?How To Activate Gratitude and AppreciationWhy Would You Want To Be Grateful? What is Gratitude Going To Do For You?Followup on Inelia Benz … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:From my correspondence: Gratitude vs Appreciation: what is the difference?What does it mean to raise the vibration?How To Activate Gratitude and AppreciationWhy Would You Want To Be Grateful? What is Gratitude Going To Do For You?Followup on Inelia Benz and Ascension 101

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Energies Part 3: Designer and Source energies

In this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony. If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:The difference between activators and energies, and why is RESPECT my homework for the weekUntil recently you could get energies in only three waysQ-A: Can the Energizer be added to the Effortless Abundance Activator audio?Talk back to me: Are my audios subliminal? Do I have trade secrets? What’s in the audios?What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big?

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Correction or fix? When are they the same? or how to become an intelligent consumer?

I am a people watcher. I watch what they do, I watch the emotions underlying the behavior… the hidden stuff. Even people whose life philosophy is to help people take missteps into the arena to offering fixes. But for most … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Energies Part 2: The water energizer

Water… OK… first my story. In 1993 a physician declared me incurable. I was weak, I was malnourished, and my blood work did not respond to anything, and was completely messed up. I didn’t seemingly have any known disease: had … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:Q-A: Can the Energizer be added to the Effortless Abundance Activator audio?Updated: How to make your own energy remedy: HOE, Unclove with HOE, or the Effortless Abundance RemedyWater Energizer results… testimonialEnergize Water to 650 With Energizer Audio – A fast revolutionary way to get fully energized waterHow can I measure the vibration of water across the planet? How do I know what to connect to, when I connect to a bottle of water you have?

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Updated: Is Sophie something special? Does she have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t…

Am I something special? Do I have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach? Am I better? Am I special? I am going to share with you … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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What will you do if the economy tanks? If the trouble you are afraid of actually happens?

I have a wide cone of vision (I see the big picture) in most issues regarding “the economy.” Maybe because both my parents were economists? Who knows. But having a wide cone of vision, especially in this arena, has its … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
Related Posts:Quotes I want you to ponderFrom my correspondence: Gratitude vs Appreciation: what is the difference?How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?On Breathing: difficulty breathing, pressure in the chest, holding your breath, etc… how the harmonize worksDenial of Service Attacks… oh my

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You don’t have enough time? Are you sure that’s what’s happening?

Sophie Benshitta Maven

Each cultural group has a typical way of saying something that sounds weird for a “foreigner.” Israelis say: “Ein li koah” meaning: I don’t have the energy… add the exhausted breathless tone of voice to get the total mood. Americans, … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Related Posts:Quotes I want you to ponderHow to turn an oceanliner around in a tight bay… or how should you go from where you are to where you want to be, emotionally and all waysWhy isn’t your life changing, in spite of all the stuff you do to change it? Witnessing to the rescueThe beginning is delayed but not by muchSide Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects

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  1. what is love? how do you go about getting it? what is it buying you?
  2. Enough
  3. The Path To Enlightenment, raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

Why don’t the low carb diets, low carb power bar, low carb shakes get you off carbs?

Sophie Benshitta Maven Read Part 1, Part 2 before you read this article… One of the problems with the low carb diets it that they don’t address the real issue. The real issue is that you have sold your soul to the “devil,”

Your Biggest Fault Is Your Access To Transformation, Your Biggest Asset Is Your Enemy

Sophie Benshitta Maven It seems that while I wasn’t looking (12 months?), the number of “experts” in teaching unstucking grew about a thousandfold… but when I look at what they are teaching