It’s time to laugh again… plus here is a shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love Sleepy-time

Sophie Benshitta Maven Using your Sleepy Time to raise your vibration Gonzo, the guru, offers advice on how to reach nirvana on your own without the expense

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling… Lions, Bears and Giants, Oh My!

Sophie Benshitta Maven I am halfway through listening to an interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, prolific alternative history writer, blah blah blah. As you saw from my previous article, I am reading one of his books… I was researching why Moses is depicted with … Continue reading

What is a spiritual practice? And what does it have to do with raising your vibration?

Sophie Benshitta Maven Spiritual practices are the tools we have to activate our capacities, including the new capacities just received on September 4-5. The expression, spiritual practice, has two parts: Practice

Why are people so low vibration? Including the teachers, the gurus, the energy practitioners?

Sophie Benshitta Maven If you read one of my previous articles, your answer (most of it) is there: our upbringing is based on the interest of the “powers that be” and not on the interest of the individual, or the interest

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off… or make you an outcast, or crazy

Sophie Benshitta Maven This article is not for everybody… Exercise caution! I think I am going crazy. The main reason people, most of them, almost all of them, are authoritarian, meaning not doing their own due diligence finding out if what is being …

You have capacities, you have power. You use them… Guess how much of your power you use?

Sophie Benshitta Maven You have capacities, you have power. You use them… Guess how much of your power you use? In the fantasy TV series, Heroes, one of the characters says: “If you are afraid to use your powers, you don’t

DNA upgrade, DNA activation… Avatar State Audio Activators… what is what?

Upgrade vs. Activation Upgrade is adding something new… like a new capacity, a new ability. Activation is forcing you to use what you have, your capacities, your abilities. Activators are small nudging devices

The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently

Sophie Benshitta Maven The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently. I find myself reluctant to say anything. I find myself reluctant to

What is a DNA upgrade?

Sophie Benshitta Maven What is a DNA upgrade? Not the hokey stuff you hear about, but the one that is for real? The internet is full of false prophets and it is in vogue to want to upgrade your