A love test: What kind of a lover are you?

Sophie Benshitta Maven A love test Answer Honestly! Do NOT read ahead! It will ruin it! You are walking to your boy/girlfriend’s house. There are

Get out of your mind, the home of misery and lack of intelligence?

All those courses that teach mind power are teaching you something that doesn’t work. The mind is a slow, clunky machine with only one purpose: to own you, to reduce you to its own slave. I am not speaking against … Continue reading →Read More http://www.yourvibration.com

Dry Rain: The water that you drink leaves you dry inside… in fact dried out like a prune

This article I found on yahoo gave me an idea: this is a great way to show you how you manage to be dehydrated in spite of the fact that you drink a lot of liquids. The basis of every liquid is water. And depending on the vibration

How does the Energizer energize the water? Energized Water Explained

Water is the most godly creation right after human being. It is capable of carrying any energy, and carry it without any distortions. Water is loving with no agenda of its own.

Energize Water to 650 With Energizer Audio – BetaTesters Wanted. Limited Time!

Water Energizer Audio: Energize Your Water With Energies Embedded in Audio; Beta Testers Wanted Necessity is the mother of invention… Or we could say that Creative Problem Solving is the mother of invention, at least in my case. Five days ago I

Principles in raising your vibration: consistency, slow and steady

This article breaks an American myth that good things come to you fast… they don’t. Everything worth having needs to be built… Everything that comes fast is JUNK… temporary, a flash in

You feel out of whack. Raise your vibration to grow… as a person, financially, more joy, more fun, more love?

The key to growth is noticing… The key to raising your vibration is awareness “Dear Astrology Guy: Please tell me why I have to work so hard — meditate, reflect, read, analyze, poke, prod, investigate — to

Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody…

What is the vibration of these teachers and healers: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda