What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13997/love-6/

How to raise your consciousness to raise your vibration… the connection is revealed in this article

Warning: this article is a little “technical”… if you are only reading for the fun of it, you’ll hate this article… Don’t tell me I haven’t warned you!

What needs to change for vibration to rise? Can an energy raise your vibration? Can changing your beliefs change your vibration?

Like with everything, things are best measured when you are your worst, including your vibration. When the s-h-i-t hits the fan. When someone pushes your buttons. When all your dreams come tumbling down.

Why? Because the rest of the time you are just la-di-da… no challenge. You fancy yourself safe, successful, high vibration, but it all proves to be a pretense when the going gets tough.

Of course, your dramatic mind can make every action feel the crucial action that your mind depends on… running late, clicking the wrong button, the computer malfunctioning, forgetting something…


‘Skeptical’ neurologist works to separate science from sham

Neurologist Steven Novella treats patients with  neuromuscular conditions where the brain fails to communicate with the rest of the body.

And as a hobby, he is a myth-buster in hot pursuit of the too good, too strange to be true — systematically proving that there is rarely anything new …

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13908/science-or-sham/

Being, Granting Beingness, granting being, allowing to be


Whatever you resist, make wrong, want to change, fix, and can’t leave alone, hooks you and makes you prisoner.

Now, here is the rub. Talking about flying isn’t. Talking about beingess isn’t.

Beingness is created by WORD, but talking about it doesn’t do anything for anyone.

Werner Erhard talks about beingness, Ron L. Hubbard talked about beingess, the gurus talk about beingness…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13745/word-2/

When you love yourself, you love your life

Observe yourself: you do well, you get somewhere on time, you get to finish the project, you make yourself proud: and suddenly all that love spills out to your life. You smile under the blanket, and you ask: what happened?
This article will examine why you love yourself when you do, and what can…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13261/when-you-love-yourself-you-love-your-life/

Why would you want to connect to Source? Will it raise your vibration?

Let me start with the story of a famous thief…
Arthur Barry was described by Time as “The slickest second-story man in the East,” truly one of the most famous jewel thieves of all times. _1
In his years of crime, he committed as many as 150 burglaries and stole jewels valued between $5 and…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13167/why-would-you-want-to-connect-to-source-will-it-raise-your-vibration/

When you don’t know what you are about, you are lost

One commonality among my many readers is that they don’t feel well. That they are plagued with too much activity in the mind, that they listen from their minds, and that they have negative emotions that they resist, avoid, run from, urges they succumb to. They are in forceful resistance…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13053/you-are-lost/

What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”
It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.
I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13040/what-is-the-work/

So you want to feel special… how is it going for you?

So you want to feel special?
We are all special, if special means, as special as our thumbprint… But that special is not enough for you, is it?
You want to be SPECIAL… as in special talent, outstanding, mind boggling, awesome, the best.
In this article I will shed light to an important…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12962/special-3/

How to enter growth mode the easy way?

In life you are either growing or you are shrinking. You are either moving or you are stuck.
When you grow, you feel wonderful, When you shrink, you feel horrible…
This article is about a method to to cause your own growth in a gentle easy way, little by little.
Below is my horoscope for the…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12907/enter-growth-mode/