Can you be a creator and live in the machine? Yes, if you live life like a conversation

Life is a conversation… or in fact, a lot of conversations

When I say “conversation”, I don’t mean a dialog. I mean something I can’t find a word for: I mean: what do you say about something BEFOREHAND… OR AFTERWARD.

You could say: oh, I see, you mean context… and meaning… and maybe I do. But context doesn’t exactly say what I mean either.

Life is a conversation.

Life is a conversation that begins the moment you’re conceived, and as soon as you’re conceived the world sends information your way. The nature of that information, how it’s delivered, how you receive it, how you interpret it, and how you respond – that’s your life.

So life is a conversation. We tend not to perceive life that way; we tend to think that life just happens to us, when really it’s a responsive, interactive process which we create. But we don’t realize that we create it; we don’t realize that we’re the source.

There’s a good reason that we don’t realize it. We don’t realize it because how we create it, what we create it from, is determined by so many influences that predate our conception, so it’s much more natural to conceive of ourselves as being an effect of the world, rather than as creators of the world.

But there is some reason that the spiritual teachers all tell us that we’re gods, or that we’re created in the image of God. The difference between us and God is that God, however you conceive of it/her/him – nothing created it; it was the original source, therefore any thought that God had became reality.

I don’t believe in God, so you don’t have to worry about it; I’m not trying to convince you of anything. But if there is a God, he/she/it was uncreated; unformed. It was original; it had no source. It is its own source. We’re created in the image of God, which means we’re also our own source. The big difference is that we’re not uncreated. In other words, the place where we create from has origins before our creation, so it’s hard for us to see that we’re actually creating our lives.

It takes a lot of consciousness, a lot of conscious effort, to get to the point of realization that we’re a source. Most of us never get there, or we get there only very partially.

In essence, the expression: life is a conversation, is trying to say, that you are authoring life with every word you say. With recounting old pains. With complaining. With bitching and moaning. With every word.

Here is an example where unless the conversation is designed… the result is now what you would want.

In business there are several “conversations” that unless they are defined, kept separate, and are effective, a business will not stay in business too long.

In fact, most businesses I know are not clear about these different conversation… I think Seth Godin calls these stories, in his All marketers are liars book.

One conversation/story is the owner has with themselves. The context of the business, any business, is to turn a profit. It is foundational. But it is also important that the business fulfills a person’s expectation of themselves, that it creates something that doing the business will make them like themselves. It can be big, it can be small, but it’s mandatory.

Another conversation is with clients/customers and potentials. Lots of promises. “Who I am for you” promises.

Another conversation is with employees, yet another with suppliers, and the last conversation is with the general public.

If you never took the time to design these conversations, your business will be less than satisfactory, or will fail.

Now, why am I telling you all this, after all you don’t care, do you?

But if you are reading this article, you are doing some kind of business with me… even if you don’t pay money: you paid me with your attention, and I thank you for it.

If you are a client, student of mine, you are paying with both.

And if you are a potential customer, client, student… we shall see…

Whatever I am going to say here, the purpose of this article, is for actual and potential clients to hear.

Because I am an energy practitioner, most people come to me for what other energy practitioners promise: something instant.

We, collectively, have this illusion about energies, that they do something instantly. End even if the energy occasionally does, the effect is not lasting, no matter what anyone says.

Here are a few examples:

1. I know a woman, an Indian guru, who has events where she cranks herself up, and cranks the audience up. I have measured, her vibration rises to 400 during the event, and drops to under 200 after the event, and stays there, until the next event.

It is worse for the participants. It’s like an orgasm… yesterday’s orgasm is… meh, a memory at best.

2. Electricity… It is energy. It needs an equipment to work through, and it works as long as the equipment is plugged in, and is working.

In human terms, as long as you are plugged in and you consciously don’t block the energy, the energy may do something in you: I have yet to find a person who can sustain being plugged in and not block the energy.

Even I can’t do it.

I have some student who are honest and tell me that they are with me because they want the energies to raise their vibration.

I didn’t raise my vibration to where it is with the energies. I raised it with the self-awareness, the learning, the practice, not with the energies. They are very useful when I need them, but they are a tool.

I have the courses, the programs, so you can raise your vibration by realizing what made it so low, and eliminate it.

It is the strait and narrow process: we take away what didn’t work, and replace it with something that works.
  • We replace unreality with reality.
  • We replace with self-righteous anger with taking responsibility.
  • We replace with casual relationship to our word with integrity

And we learn how our particular machine can be used to give us a life we can enjoy, a life where we can be productive, have healthy relationships, be well, and be fulfilled.

Soul Correction Workshop

One of the programs is the Soul Correction Workshop: where you find out what to pay attention to so the machine doesn’t use your life and grind you out… or it does… always, no exceptions.

It’s a workshop I haven’t done in some six years, but I recorded every session, and it is almost as good as being there, even though I don’t work on you personally, I work on some 20 other participants, much like you.

20+ videos, custom activators, very useful.

If enough people buy it, I’ll add the downloadable audios: it takes quite a few hours to convert videos to audios… But if enough people buy it, it’s worth it.

More info

Read the original article: Can you be a creator and live in the machine? Yes, if you live life like a conversation

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