Can humans grow? Grow intelligence, curiosity, motivation?

idle curiosityLet me start with a joke: How to have a million dollars in business? Start with two million

How do you make a million dollars in the restaurant business? Start with two million

This is the joke that is making the circles in my brain when I think about how to have clients who have ambition, motive power, and actually accomplish stuff?

You start with students who already accomplish stuff…

Can you actually teach accomplishment? Muscle test (Source) says: no… unless.

This article is about what comes after the word ‘unless’.

You’ll find that if you opened this article because of the title, you probably just wanted the answer… idle curiosity… But if you read the whole article you actually have ‘real’ curiosity, something that is as rare as .25% of humanity… That is one in 400… or one (probably) among all my readers.

Some mornings are like this morning: the insights pop like popcorn… almost too fast to be able to appreciate the beauty of it.

This happens on Fridays a lot. I have a 9:45 appointment with Bonnie, to record our weekly ‘Distinctions’ podcast.

The name focuses my brain on distinctions… and nothing make the popcorn pop faster than looking at the world through distinctions.

I am finding that a few weeks old baby bear is more intelligent than as a five-six year old human child.

When the baby bear finds something that can roll… it immediately gets the essence of it: hey, it rolls… Let’s roll with it. A young child, instead, is bothered by the fact that it rolls.. it wants it to do what it wants it to do. OK, I should have said ‘he of she’, I apologize… I just couldn’t see he or she.

I posted an answer in Quora some time ago sharing that I raised my IQ from 110 to 160… and it brought a lot of naysayers, and a few curious ones. One person, already intelligent judging from his attitude, asked me to share how I did it.

I shared an aspect of it, not the whole thing…

I am starting to see that the most important aspect of human intelligence is the desire and consequent (resulting) ability to see patterns.

Not like the 5-6 year old child, more like the bear cub.

A bear cub will have to survive on its own mileage, intellectual mileage, so nature equipped it with a lot of curiosity and resulting pattern recognition. Human children, on the other hand, are babied for decades, and curiosity never develops, and the resulting pattern recognition: neither. It could develop later, but because parenting excuses a child from the need and necessity to look… it mostly doesn’t. 95% of all people never look at anything in a way that would poke the box and awaken curiosity and pattern recognition.

So humans keep on trying to put a square peg into a round hole… never quite distinguishing the problem.

I feel like a one-eyed person in the country of the blind.

The blind doesn’t want to believe that there is something they don’t see…

The analogy is a little shaky: the blind has the touch, the hearing, the taste, and smell… Whatever cannot be detected or distinguished with those: he or she, the blind, will not believe it exists.

Now, if we add thinking as a ‘sense’, it is a tool just like the other five, you can observe yourself and other people that thinking is not present. I mean thinking as in ‘critical thinking’

The people who must invent reasons to hate Obama, Hillary or Biden, pedophilia etc. are not able to think critically, and they swallow whole what they are told.

No chewing, no digestion, no elimination. Just swallowing and regurgitating.

But what happens is that the roundness, the sphericalness of a ball, analogy again! is never distinguished.

Telling tall tales from seeing what is going on, is the same thing as not seeing that the ball should roll… it is its nature.

And how many percentage of humans can’t tell, can’t and won’t chew? 99%. Tragic.

So you see in the world of the blind a one eyed person sees stuff the blind can’t even imagine.


patterns of languageSeeing patterns and recognizing them is high IQ…

I am working on distinguishing what one could do to raise another’s motive power, another’s ambition, another’s whole world with regards to achievement.

So far: not good… lol.

The world seems to agree with me, because in some of my ‘classes’ where I am a student, it keeps coming up, both in the ‘teaching’ and in the questions.

One person keeps on asking what she could do to stop procrastinating.

The ‘teachers’ keep on repeating: get clarity…

But, unfortunately the person who asks the question has low vibration and low IQ… and for the answer to be useful, she would need a higher IQ, a higher vibration, and a lower ‘about-me’ score.

To her detriment, she is pretty… So she has been winning in life to the degree she has been winning with her charm alone… duping other doofus to buy her stuff.

Only responding to challenge with curiosity will dislodge her from her comfortable ‘but I want to, that is why I am asking questions!!!’ place.

I discovered this morning (I told you, Friday mornings are popcorn-like!) that I also want to just ask questions and get answers… I ask my questions of Source (muscletesting).

I asked this morning: shall I take a shower? And the answer was no. But I have b.o… body odor…

And then it dawned on me: this is a question I need to answer myself. I am humbled… I can see that the pull of getting answers without looking is strong even in my DNA…

The other day… Last Sunday… I had an unusual last session of a workshop (integrity). We had a conversation about power, having power, and how to have it.

My recommendation was to distinguish powerful by finding all occurrence of what is powerless, what is not powerful…

One of all the students took up the challenge. And has started to look… OMG… I hope he won’t stop looking.

I am starting to see that maybe looking to distinguish is the secret sauce that turns a useless turnip into someone who has some motive power.

Turnip or ball… equally lack inner motive power… And 99% of humans are a lot like turnips or balls… they are moved by forces outside of them, and settle when something stops them, an obstacle, a flat area, whatever doesn’t give them a slope to roll on.

I can see what attracts some to sign up to every class I give: during the class I am the ‘slope’, and they have an experience of being alive… But no matter how much I would be present, even if we lived together, even if I were a seeing eye dog, it would not transfer the motive power to them… even then I would have it and they would not…

I activated The Sight capacity this Wednesday to the people who showed up in my What’s Missing class. But the capacity doesn’t do the looking, the person needs to do it.

And if you don’t have the habit of looking, you will never see.

One of the people in that class has the capacity open but doesn’t use it. She is the ball that rolls down the hill… and stops in the valley… No inner motive power, other than for survival… Pure Selfish Gene… nothing beyond.

So the questions, the intelligent questions you would ask if you were intelligent: how do I look? What do I look for? How do I know when I see it?

For now, do what the guy in the Integrity Course is doing: find something that you want to distinguish.

Powerful is a great idea, but you may have a more personal question.

For example: you could distinguish healthy…

Just remember that distinguishing only concerns itself with what it isn’t… not with any part of the definition.

Definition is what is inside the thing, what says what it is… Distinction says what is outside of the thing, what it isn’t.

For most of you even the instructions sound stupid, or Greek… but nevertheless try.

The more attempts you make the more of the cobweb on your brain will fall away, the more the cataract on your eyes will dissolve.

It is a long process, but it’s worth it. Unless your life expectancy is just another few weeks or months, it is worth it.

Mine? Undefined. Totally up to me. I take care of myself and I can live another ten years… I don’t take care of myself, and I’ll be dead by the end of the year.

Even if your IQ is the current average of 70, you can expand yourself and your intelligence by doing this exercise in earnest.

Connecting last jigsaw puzzle piece.

One excellent way to sharpen your eyes and brain is to start looking at puzzles… I once had a teacher, Gina, who did that passionately, and kept her IQ reasonably high. There are lots of puzzle books, I hear.

My hero program is a self-managing system so you don’t forget to do it… and to remind you that this is a long process…

It’s a place, a private place, to document your progress… to make promises and keep them. On the long haul it increases your integrity, your experience of yourself, in additions to increasing your intelligence by forcing you to look.

Get access to the hero system…
The system also includes a conversation with me, on the phone/web or in email, to get you started and decide on the exact kind of process that matches where you are at.

Read the original article: Can humans grow? Grow intelligence, curiosity, motivation?

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