Your vocabulary, the number and the kind of words you use, is a dead giveaway of the level of your spiritual evolution… simply put your vibrational frequency. If I could not measure it accurately other ways, I would use that to tell you what is your spiritual vibration, your level of consciousness.
How? What? Are you kidding Sophie?
No, I am not kidding.
You have a billion words for “what”… much like apes, by the way… and only a few, imprecise words for “how”. How words are adverbs…
In the footnotes there is a long list of adverbs… so long I may have to move them to another article… we shall see ((abjectly = in a hopeless resigned manner
ably = with competence; in a competent capable manner
abnormally = in an abnormal manner
abominably = in an offensive and hateful manner
absently = in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
absentmindedly = in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
abstractedly = in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
abstractly = in abstract terms
abstrusely = in a manner difficult to understand
absurdly = in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree
abusively = in an abusive manner
abysmally = in a terrible manner
academically = in regard to academic matters
accommodatingly = in accommodation
accusingly = in an accusing manner
acutely = in an acute manner
adamantly = inflexibly; unshakably
additionally = in addition, by way of addition; furthermore
adequately = in a sufficient manner
admiringly = with admiration
adorably = in an adorable manner
adoringly = with adoration
adroitly = with adroitness; in an adroit manner
adulterously = in an adulterous manner
advantageously = in a manner affording benefit or advantage
adversely = in an opposing manner
aesthetically = in a tasteful way
affably = in an affable manner
affectedly = in an affected manner
affectingly = in a poignant or touching manner
affirmatively = in an affirmative manner
aggravatingly = in an aggravating fashion
aggressively = in an aggressive manner
agilely = in a nimble or agile manner
aimlessly = without a specific goal or focus
airily = in a flippant manner
alarmingly = in an alarming manner
alertly = in mentally perceptive and responsive way
allegorically = in an allegorical manner
alliteratively = in an alliterative manner
alternatively = in place of, or as an alternative to
altruistically = in an altruistic manner
amateurishly = in an amateurish manner
ambiguously = in an ambiguous manner
ambitiously = with ambition; in an ambitious and energetic manner
amiably = in a friendly manner
amicably = in a friendly manner
amorally = without regard for the distinction between right and wrong
amorously = in an amorous manner
amusingly = in an entertaining and amusing manner
analytically = by virtue of analysis
anarchically = in a lawless rebellious manner
anciently = in ancient times; long ago
angelically = like an angel
animatedly = in an animated manner
annoyingly = in an annoying manner or to an annoying degree
antagonistically = in an antagonistic manner
apathetically = in an apathetic manner
apologetically = in an apologetic manner
appealingly = in an appealing manner
appreciatively = with appreciation; in a grateful manner
apprehensively = with anxiety or apprehension
appropriately = in an appropriate manner
approvingly = in an approving manner
aptly = in a competent capable manner
arbitrarily = in a random manner
archly = with playful slyness or roguishness
ardently = in an ardent manner
arduously = in a laborious manner
argumentatively = in a disputatious manner
aristocratically = in an aristocratic manner
arrogantly = in an arrogant manner
artfully = in an artful manner
articulately = in an articulate manner
artistically = in an artistic manner
artlessly = in an ingenuous manner
ascetically = in an ascetic manner
ashamedly = with a feeling of shame
assertively = in an assertive manner
assiduously = with care and persistence
assuredly = without a doubt
astutely = in a shrewd manner
asymmetrically = in an asymmetrical manner
atrociously = in a terrible manner
attractively = in a beautiful manner
atypically = in a manner that is not typical
audaciously = in a daring manner
audibly = in a manner that is heard
auspiciously = in an auspicious manner
austerely = in an austere fashion
authoritatively = in an authoritative and magisterial manner
autocratically = in an overbearingly domineering manner; as a dictator
avariciously = in a greedy manner
avidly = in a zealous manner
axiomatically = on the basis of axioms
baldly = in a barefaced manner
balefully = in a baleful manner
banefully = in a noxiously baneful way
banteringly = in a bantering fashion
barbarously = in a barbarous manner
barefacedly = without shame
basely = in a despicable, ignoble manner
bashfully = in a shy or timid or bashful manner
bawdily = in a bawdy manner
becomingly = in a becoming manner
befittingly = in an appropriate manner
belatedly = later than usual or than expected
believably = easy to believe on the basis of available evidence
believingly = in a credulous manner
belligerently = in the manner of someone eager to fight
beneficially = in a beneficial manner
benevolently = in a benevolent manner
benignantly = in a benign manner
benignly = in a benign manner
beseechingly = in a beseeching manner
bestially = in an inhumane manner
bewilderedly = in a bewildered manner
bewilderingly = in a bewildering and confusing manner
bewitchingly = in a bewitching manner
bitingly = extremely and sharply
blamelessly = in an irreproachable and blameless manner
blandly = in a bland manner
blankly = without expression
blasphemously = in a blasphemous manner
blatantly = in a completely obvious manner
bleakly = without hope
blessedly = in a blessed manner
blissfully = in a blissful manner
blithely = in a joyous, carefree, or unconcerned manner
bloodily = involving a great bloodshed
bluffly = in a blunt direct manner
boastfully = in a boastful manner
boisterously = in a carefree manner
bombastically = in a grandiose manner
boorishly = like a boor, “he behaved boorishly at the party”
boringly = in a tedious manner
boundlessly = without bounds
bountifully = in a bountiful manner
boyishly = like a boy
brashly = in a brash cheeky manner
brazenly = in a brazen manner
breezily = in a breezy manner
brotherly = like or characteristic of or befitting a brother
brusquely = in a blunt direct manner
brutally = in a vicious manner
brutishly = in an inhumane manner
buoyantly = in a cheerfully buoyant manner
cagily = in a cagey manner
cajolingly = in a cajoling manner
calculatingly = in a calculating manner
callously = in a callous way
calumniously = in a false and slanderous and defamatory manner
candidly = it is sincerely the case that
cannily = with foresight
cantankerously = in a bad mood
capably = with competence; in a competent capable manner
capriciously = in a capricious manner
captiously = in a captious, carping manner
captivatingly = in a bewitching manner
carnally = in a carnal manner
catastrophically = with unfortunate consequences
caustically = in a caustic vitriolic manner
cavalierly = in a proud and domineering manner
ceaselessly = with unflagging resolve
centrally = in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function
ceremonially = in a ceremonial manner
ceremoniously = in a ceremonious manner
chaotically = in a manner suggestive of chaos
characteristically = in characteristic manner
charily = with great caution; warily
charitably = in a charitable manner
charmingly = in a charming manner
chastely = in a chaste and virtuous manner
chattily = in a chatty manner
cheekily = in a brash cheeky manner
cheerily = in a cheerful manner
cheerlessly = in an unhappy manner
childishly = in a childlike manner
chirpily = in a cheerfully buoyant manner
chivalrously = in a gallant manner
chronologically = with respect to chronology
churlishly = in a churlish manner
circularly = in a circular manner
circumspectly = in a cagey manner
circumstantially = according to circumstances
civilly = in a civil manner
clammily = in a clammy manner
classically = in the manner of Greek and Roman culture
cleanly = in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollution
climatically = with respect to climate
clinically = in a clinical manner
clumsily = in a clumsy manner
coarsely = in coarse pieces
coaxingly = in a cajoling manner
coherently = in a coherent manner
coincidentally = happening at the same time
cold-bloodedly = in cold blood
collectedly = in a self-collected or self-possessed manner
collectively = in conjunction with; combined
combatively = in a bellicose contentious manner
comfortingly = in a comforting or consoling manner
comically = in a manner arousing or provoking laughter
compactly = in a compact manner or state
compassionately = in a compassionate manner
competently = with competence; in a competent capable manner
competitively = in competition
complacently = in a self-satisfied manner
complainingly = with complaints
complexly = in a complex manner
composedly = in a self-collected or self-possessed manner
compulsively = in a compulsive manner
compulsorily = in a manner that cannot be evaded
conceitedly = with conceit; in a conceited manner
concernedly = in a manner showing concern
concisely = in a few words
conclusively = in a conclusive way
concurrently = overlapping in duration
condescendingly = with condescension; in a patronizing manner
conditionally = subject to a condition
confidentially = in a confidential manner
confidently = with confidence; in a confident manner
confidingly = with trust; in a trusting manner
confoundedly = in a perplexed manner
confusedly = in a confused manner
confusingly = in a bewildering and confusing manner
congenially = in a congenial manner
conjointly = in conjunction with; combined
conscientiously = with extreme conscientiousness
consciously = with awareness
consecutively = in a consecutive manner
conservatively = in a conservative manner
considerately = in a considerate manner
consolingly = in a comforting or consoling manner
conspicuously = in a manner tending to attract attention
constructively = in a constructive manner
contagiously = in a contagious manner
contemptibly = in a manner deserving contempt
contentedly = with equanimity
contradictorily = in a contradictory manner
contrarily = in a contrary disobedient manner
contrastingly = in a contrasting manner
contritely = in a rueful manner
contumaciously = in a rebellious manner
contumeliously = without respect; in a disdainful manner
conversationally = with the use of colloquial expressions
conversely = with the terms of the relation reversed
convincingly = in a convincing manner
convivially = in a convivial manner
convulsively = with convulsions, in a convulsive way
cooperatively = in close cooperation
coordinately = in a coordinated manner
copiously = in an abundant manner
coquettishly = in a flirtatious manner
correspondingly = in a corresponding manner
cosily = in a cozy manner
courageously = in a courageous manner
covertly = in a covert manner
covetously = with jealousy; in an envious manner
coyly = in a coy manner
cozily = in a cozy manner
craftily = in an artful manner
crazily = in an insane manner
creakily = in a creaky manner
creatively = in a creative manner
credulously = in a credulous manner
crisply = in a well delineated manner
critically = in a critical manner
crookedly = in a crooked lopsided manner
crossly = in an ill-natured manner
crudely = in a crude or unrefined manner
crushingly = in a crushing manner
cryptically = in a cryptic manner
cunningly = in a sly or crafty manner
curmudgeonly = brusque, surly, and forbidding
cursorily = without taking pains
curtly = in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner
customarily = by custom; according to common practice
cutely = in an attractive manner
cuttingly = in an intentionally unkind way
cynically = with cynicism; in a cynical manner
daftly = in a mildly insane manner
daintily = in a refined manner
damply = in a damp manner
daringly = in an adventurous manner
dashingly = in a highly fashionable manner
dauntingly = to a degree or in a manner that daunts
dauntlessly = without fear
dazedly = in a daze; in a dazed manner
dazzlingly = in a manner or to a degree that dazzles the beholder
deceitfully = in a corrupt and deceitful manner
decently = in a decent manner
deceptively = in a misleading way
decisively = with firmness
decoratively = in a decorative manner
decorously = in a proper and decorous manner
defencelessly = without defense
defenselessly = without defense
defensively = in an apologetic and defensive manner
deferentially = in a respectfully deferential manner
defiantly = in a rebellious manner
deftly = in an agile manner
dejectedly = in a dejected manner
deliciously = so as to produce a delightful taste
delightedly = with delight
delightfully = in a delightful manner
deliriously = in a delirious manner
demandingly = in a demanding manner
dementedly = in an insane manner
demonstrably = in an obvious and provable manner
demonstratively = in a demonstrative manner
demurely = in a demure manner
densely = in a stupid manner
dependably = in a faithful manner
deplorably = in an unfortunate or deplorable manner
deprecatively = in a deprecative manner
depressingly = in a depressing manner or to a depressing degree
derisively = in a disrespectful and mocking manner
descriptively = by giving a description
desolately = in grief-stricken loneliness
despairingly = with desperation
despondently = with desperation
destructively = in a destructive manner
determinedly = with ambition; in an ambitious and energetic manner
detrimentally = in a detrimental manner
devilishly = as a devil; in an evil manner
deviously = in a devious manner
devotedly = with devotion
devoutly = in a devout and pious manner
dexterously = with dexterity; in a dexterous manner
diabolically = as a devil; in an evil manner
diagonally = in a diagonal manner
didactically = in a didactic manner
diffidently = in a diffident manner
diplomatically = with diplomacy; in a diplomatic manner
dirtily = in a filthy unclean manner
disagreeably = in a disagreeable manner
disappointedly = in disappointment; in a disappointed manner
disappointingly = in a disappointing manner
disapprovingly = showing disapproval
disastrously = in a disastrous manner
disbelievingly = in an incredulous manner
disconcertingly = in a disturbing or embarrassing manner
disconsolately = in grief-stricken loneliness
discontentedly = with discontent; in a discontented manner
discordantly = in a discordant manner
discouragingly = in a discouraging manner
discourteously = in an impolite manner
discreetly = with discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint
disdainfully = without respect
disgracefully = in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree
disgustedly = with disgust
disgustingly = in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
dishonestly = in a corrupt and deceitful manner
dishonorably = in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree
disingenuously = in a disingenuous manner
disinterestedly = without bias; without selfish motives
disjointedly = in a disjointed manner
dismally = in a dreadful manner
disobediently = in a disobedient manner
disparagingly = in a disparaging manner
dispassionately = in an impartially dispassionate manner
dispiritedly = in a dispirited manner without hope
disproportionately = to a disproportionate degree
disquietingly = in a disquieting manner
disrespectfully = in a disrespectful manner
disruptively = in a disruptive manner
dissolutely = in a dissolute way
distantly = from or at a distance
distastefully = in an offensively distasteful manner
distinctively = in an identifiably distinctive manner
distractedly = in a distracted manner
distrustfully = with distrust
disturbingly = in a disturbing manner
divertingly = in an entertaining and amusing manner
divinely = by divine means
dizzily = in a giddy light-headed manner
doggedly = with obstinate determination
dogmatically = in a narrow-minded dogmatic manner
dolefully = with sadness; in a sorrowful manner
domestically = with respect to home or family
domineeringly = in a domineering manner
doubtlessly = without doubt; certainly
dourly = in a sullen manner
downwardly = spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
drastically = in a drastic manner
dreamily = in a dreamy manner
drearily = in a cheerless manner
drowsily = in a drowsy manner
drunkenly = showing effects of much strong drink
dubiously = in a doubtful manner
dully = without liveliness
dumbly = in an inarticulate manner
dutifully = out of a sense of duty; in a dutiful manner
dynamically = in a forceful dynamic manner
ebulliently = in an ebullient manner
eccentrically = in an eccentric or bizarre manner
economically = in a manner using the minimum of time or resources
ecstatically = in an ecstatic manner
educationally = in an educational manner
eerily = in an unnatural eery manner
efficaciously = in an effective manner
efficiently = in a manner that wastes no time or effort
effortlessly = without effort or apparent effort
effusively = in an effusive manner
egotistically = in an egotistical manner
elaborately = with elaboration
elegantly = with elegance; in a tastefully elegant manner
eloquently = with eloquence
emotionally = in an emotional manner
empathetically = in a sympathetic manner
enchantingly = in a bewitching manner
encouragingly = in an encouraging manner
endearingly = in an adorable manner
endlessly = continuing forever without end
energetically = in an energetic manner
engagingly = in an engaging manner
enigmatically = in a cryptic manner
enjoyably = in an enjoyable manner
enquiringly = in an inquiring manner
enterprisingly = in an enterprising manner
entertainingly = in an entertaining manner
enthrallingly = in a bewitching manner
enthusiastically = in an eager manner
entreatingly = in a beseeching manner
enviably = in an enviable manner
enviously = with jealousy; in an envious manner
equivocally = in an ambiguous manner
erectly = in a straight-backed manner
erratically = in an erratic unpredictable manner
erroneously = in a mistaken manner
eruditely = with erudition; in an erudite manner
euphemistically = in a euphemistic manner
evasively = with evasion; in an evasive manner
evilly = in a wicked evil manner
exaggeratedly = in an exaggerated manner
exasperatingly = in an exasperating manner
excellently = extremely well
excitingly = in an exciting manner
excruciatingly = in a very painful manner
exhaustively = in an exhaustive manner
exorbitantly = to an exorbitant degree
expansively = in an impressively expansive manner
expectantly = in an expectant manner
experimentally = in an experimental fashion
expertly = in an expert manner
explicitly = in a clearly expressed manner
explosively = in an explosive manner
expressively = with expression; in an expressive manner
extemporaneously = without prior preparation
extemporarily = without prior preparation
extortionately = to an exorbitant degree
extravagantly = in a rich and lavish manner
exuberantly = in an exuberant manner
exultantly = in an exultant manner
exultingly = in an exultant manner
facetiously = not seriously
factually = as a fact or based on fact
faithlessly = in a disloyal and faithless manner
falteringly = in an unsteady manner
familiarly = in an friendly or informal manner
famously = in a manner or to an extent that is well known
fanatically = in a passionately fanatic manner
fancifully = in a fanciful manner
fantastically = exceedingly; extremely
farcically = in a farcical manner
fashionably = in a stylish manner
fastidiously = in a fastidious and painstaking manner
fatally = with fatal consequences or implications
fatefully = in a prophetically fateful manner
fatuously = vacuously or complacently and unconsciously foolish
favorably = showing approval
favourably = showing approval
fearlessly = without fear
fearsomely = in a fearsome manner
fecklessly = with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner
feelingly = with great feeling
felicitously = in a felicitous manner
ferociously = in a physically fierce manner
fervidly = with passionate fervor
feudally = in a feudal manner
feverishly = in a feverish manner
fiendishly = as a devil; in an evil manner
figuratively = in a non-literal sense
filthily = in a filthy unclean manner
firstly = before anything else
fishily = in a questionably unusual manner
fitfully = in a fitful manner
fittingly = in an appropriate manner
fixedly = in a fixed manner
flagrantly = in a flagrant manner
flamboyantly = in a fancy colorful manner
flashily = in a fancy colorful manner
flatly = in an unqualified manner
flawlessly = in an adroit manner
flexibly = with flexibility
flimsily = in a weak and flimsy manner
flippantly = in a flippant manner
flirtatiously = in a flirtatious manner
floridly = in a florid manner
fluently = in a fluent manner
forbiddingly = in an unpleasant or menacing manner
forcefully = with full force
forgetfully = in a forgetful manner
forgivingly = with forgiveness; in a forgiving manner
forlornly = in a forlorn manner
formidably = in a formidable manner
formlessly = in a formless manner
forthrightly = directly and without evasion; not roundabout
fortuitously = by good fortune
foully = in a wicked and shameful manner
foxily = in an artful manner
fractiously = in a fractious manner
fraternally = in a brotherly manner
fraudulently = in a dishonest and fraudulent manner
freakishly = unpredictably
frenetically = in a very agitated manner; as if possessed by an evil spirit
frenziedly = in a frenzied manner
fretfully = in a fretful manner
frighteningly = in an alarming manner
frightfully = used as intensifiers
frigidly = without warmth or enthusiasm
friskily = in a playfully frisky manner
frivolously = in a frivolous manner
frontally = in, at, or toward the front
frostily = without warmth or enthusiasm
frothily = in a frothy manner
frowningly = with a frown; while frowning
frugally = in a frugal manner
fruitfully = in a productive way
fruitlessly = in an unproductive manner
fulsomely = in an unctuous manner
functionally = with respect to function
funnily = in a strange manner
furtively = in a secretive manner
fussily = in a fussy manner
futilely = in a futile and unproductive manner
gamely = in a plucky or sporting manner
garishly = in a tastelessly garish manner
garrulously = in a chatty loquacious manner
gaudily = in a tastelessly garish manner
genially = in an affable manner
genteelly = in a genteel manner
geographically = with respect to geography
giddily = in a giddy light-headed manner
gingerly = in a manner marked by extreme care or delicacy
girlishly = like a girl
gleefully = in a joyous manner
glibly = with superficial plausibility
gloatingly = in a gloating manner
gloriously = with glory or in a glorious manner
gloweringly = in a glowering manner
glowingly = in an enthusiastically glowing manner
glumly = in a sullen manner
gluttonously = in a gluttonous manner
good-naturedly = in a good-natured manner
gorgeously = in an impressively beautiful manner
gracelessly = without grace; rigidly
grammatically = in a grammatical manner
grandiloquently = in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner
grandiosely = in a grandiose manner
grandly = in a grand manner
graphically = in a graphic way
gratifyingly = in a gratifying manner
gratingly = in a harsh and grating manner
gratuitously = in an uncalled-for manner
greasily = in a greasy manner
greedily = in a greedy manner
gregariously = in a gregarious manner
gropingly = in an uncertain groping manner
grossly = in a gross manner
grotesquely = in a grotesque manner
grouchily = in an ill-natured manner
grudgingly = in a reluctant manner
gruesomely = in a gruesome manner
gruffly = in a gruff manner
grumpily = in an ill-natured manner
guardedly = in a conservative manner
guiltily = in the manner of someone who has committed an offense
gushingly = in a gushing manner
gutturally = in a guttural manner
haggardly = in a haggard manner
half-heartedly = without enthusiasm; in a half-hearted manner
haltingly = in a halting manner
handily = in a convenient manner
haphazardly = in a random manner
harmfully = in a detrimental manner
harmlessly = in a harmless manner
harmonically = with respect to harmony
harmoniously = in a harmonious manner
hatefully = in a hateful manner
haughtily = in a haughty manner
hazily = through a haze
healthily = in a levelheaded manner
heartlessly = in a heartless manner
heatedly = in a heated manner
heedfully = in a careful deliberate manner
heedlessly = without care or concern
heinously = in a terribly evil manner
hellishly = extremely
helpfully = in a helpful manner
hermetically = in an airtight manner
heroically = in a heroic manner
hesitantly = with hesitation; in a hesitant manner
hesitatingly = with hesitation; in a hesitant manner
hideously = in a hideous manner
hilariously = in a hilarious manner
historically = throughout the past
honorably = in an honorable manner
honourably = with honor
horizontally = in a horizontal direction
horridly = in a hideous manner
horrifyingly = in a horrifying manner
hospitably = in a hospitable manner
hostilely = with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner
huffily = in a huffy manner
hugely = extremely
humanely = in a humane manner
humorlessly = in a humorless manner
humorously = in a humorous manner
humourlessly = in a humorless manner
hungrily = in the manner of someone who is very hungry
huskily = in a hoarse or husky voice
hypnotically = by means of hypnotism
hypocritically = in a hypocritical manner
hypothetically = by hypothesis
hysterically = in a hysterical manner
icily = in a cold and icy manner
identically = with complete identity; in an identical manner
idiotically = in an idiotic manner
ignorantly = in ignorance; in an ignorant manner
illegibly = in an illegible manner
illiberally = in a narrow-minded manner
illogically = in an illogical manner
imaginatively = with imagination
immaculately = in an immaculate manner
immaturely = in an immature manner
immeasurably = to an immeasurable degree; beyond measurement
immoderately = without moderation; in an immoderate manner
immodestly = without modesty; in an immodest manner
immovably = so as to be incapable of moving
immutably = in an unalterable and unchangeable manner
impalpably = not substantially
impartially = in an impartial manner
impassively = in an impassive manner
impeccably = flawlessly
imperatively = in an imperative and commanding manner
imperceptibly = in a manner that is difficult to discern
imperiously = in a manner showing arrogant superiority
impersonally = without warmth
impertinently = in an impudent or impertinent manner
impetuously = in an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions
impiously = in an impious manner
impishly = in an appealing but bold manner
implausibly = not easy to believe
implicitly = without ever expressing so clearly
imploringly = in a beseeching manner
impolitely = in an impolite manner
importantly = in a significant way or to a significant degree
importunately = in a beseeching manner
imposingly = in an impressive manner
impotently = in a helpless manner
imprecisely = in an imprecise manner
impressively = in an impressive manner
improbably = not easy to believe
improperly = in an improper way
improvidently = in an improvident manner
imprudently = in an imprudent manner
impudently = in an impudent or impertinent manner
impulsively = in an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions
inaccurately = in an inaccurate manner
inadequately = in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree
inadvertently = without knowledge or intention
inanely = vacuously or complacently and unconsciously foolish
inappropriately = in an inappropriate manner
inarticulately = without eloquence; in an inarticulate manner
inattentively = in an absentminded or preoccupied manner
inaudibly = in an inaudible manner
inauspiciously = in an inauspicious manner
incautiously = without caution or prudence
incestuously = by incest
incoherently = in an incoherent manner
incompetently = in an incompetent manner
incompletely = not to a full degree or extent
inconceivably = to an inconceivable degree
inconclusively = not conclusively
inconsequentially = lacking consequence
inconsequently = lacking consequence
inconsiderately = without consideration; in an inconsiderate manner
inconsistently = without showing consistency
inconspicuously = in a manner intended to avoid attracting attention
inconveniently = in an inconvenient manner
incorrectly = in an incorrect manner
incredulously = in a disbelieving manner
incurably = in a manner impossible to cure
indecently = in an indecent manner
indecisively = lacking firmness or resoluteness
indecorously = without decorousness
indiscreetly = without discretion or wisdom or self-restraint
indiscriminately = in an indiscriminate manner
indistinctly = in a dim indistinct manner
indolently = in an indolent manner
indulgently = in an indulgent manner
industrially = by industrial means
industriously = in an industrious manner
ineffectively = in an ineffective manner
ineffectually = in an ineffectual manner
inelegantly = without elegance
ineloquently = without eloquence; in an inarticulate manner
ineptly = with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner
inexactly = in an imprecise manner
inexcusably = in an unpardonable manner or to an unpardonable degree
inexorably = in a manner impervious to change or persuasion
inexpertly = in a crude and unskilled manner
inexpressively = without expression; in an inexpressive manner
infectiously = in a contagious manner
inflexibly = in an inflexible manner
influentially = exerting influence
informally = without formality
informatively = in an informative manner
infrequently = not many times
ingeniously = in an ingenious manner
ingenuously = in an ingenuous manner
ingratiatingly = in a flattering and ingratiating manner
inhospitably = in an inhospitable manner
inhumanely = in an inhumane manner
iniquitously = in an iniquitous manner
injudiciously = in an injudicious manner
inoffensively = in a not unpleasantly offensive manner
inopportunely = at an inconvenient time
inordinately = extremely
inquiringly = in an inquiring manner
inquisitively = with curiosity
insanely = (used as intensives) extremely
insatiably = to an insatiable degree
inscrutably = in an inscrutable manner
insecurely = in a tentative and self-conscious manner
insensibly = in a numb manner; without feeling
insensitively = in an insensitive manner
insidiously = in a harmfully insidious manner
insignificantly = in an insignificant manner
insincerely = without sincerity
insinuatingly = in an insinuating manner
insipidly = in an insipid manner
insistently = in an insistent manner
insolently = in an insolent manner
instantaneously = without any delay
instructively = in an informative manner
insubstantially = not substantially
insufficiently = to an insufficient degree
insultingly = in a disrespectful and insulting manner
intelligently = in an intelligent manner
intelligibly = in an intelligible manner
intemperately = indulging excessively
intentionally = with intention; in an intentional manner
interestingly = in an interesting manner
interminably = all the time; seemingly without stopping
intermittently = in a manner of stopping and starting at irregular intervals
internally = on or from the inside
interrogatively = in a questioning format
intolerantly = in an intolerant manner
intractably = in an intractable manner
intrepidly = without fear
intricately = with elaboration
intuitively = in an intuitive manner
inventively = in an inventive manner
invitingly = in a tantalizing manner
irately = in an irate manner
ironically = in a manner characterized by incongruity or unexpectedness
irrationally = in an irrational manner
irregularly = in an irregular manner
irrelevantly = in an irrelevant manner
irresistibly = incapable of being resisted
irresolutely = lacking determination or decisiveness
irresponsibly = in an irresponsible manner
irreverently = in an irreverent manner
irrevocably = in a manner that cannot be taken back
irritably = in a petulant manner
irritatingly = in an irritating manner
jaggedly = with a ragged and uneven appearance
jarringly = in a manner that jars and irritates
jauntily = in a jaunty fashionable manner
jealously = with jealousy
jeeringly = in a disrespectful jeering manner
jejunely = in an immature manner
jerkily = with jerking motions
jestingly = in jest
jocosely = with humor
jointly = in collaboration or cooperation
jokingly = in jest
jovially = in a jovial manner
joylessly = in a joyless manner; without joy
joyously = in a joyous and gleeful manner
jubilantly = in a joyous manner
judiciously = in a judicious manner
justifiedly = with honesty
knavishly = in an artful manner
knowingly = with full knowledge and deliberation
laboriously = in a laborious manner
lackadaisically = in an idle and lackadaisical manner
laconically = in a dry laconic manner
lamely = in a weak and unconvincing manner
languidly = in a lethargic manner
languorously = in a languorous manner
lasciviously = in a lascivious manner
laterally = to or by or from the side
lavishly = in a rich and lavish manner
lawfully = by law; conforming to the law
laxly = in a permissively lenient manner
learnedly = with erudition; in an erudite manner
lengthily = in a lengthy or prolix manner
leniently = in a permissively lenient manner
lethargically = without energy; in a lethargic manner
lewdly = in a lewd and obscene manner
licentiously = in a licentious and promiscuous manner
lifelessly = in a lifeless manner
limitedly = in a limited manner
limpidly = in a clear and lucid manner
limply = without rigidity
lingeringly = in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way
linguistically = with respect to language
lispingly = with a lisp
listlessly = in a listless manner
lividly = in a livid manner
loftily = in a lofty manner
logically = according to logical reasoning
long-windedly = in a verbose manner
longingly = in a yearning manner
lopsidedly = in a crooked lopsided manner
loquaciously = in a chatty loquacious manner
loyally = with loyalty; in a loyal manner
lucidly = in a clear and lucid manner
ludicrously = so as to arouse or deserve laughter
lugubriously = in a sorrowful lugubrious manner
luridly = in a lurid manner
lustfully = in a lustful manner
lustily = in a healthy manner
luxuriously = in an indulgently rich manner
lyrically = in a lyrical manner
magisterially = in an overbearingly domineering manner; as a dictator
magnanimously = in a magnanimous manner
magnificently = extremely well
magniloquently = in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner
maidenly = befitting or characteristic of a maiden
majestically = in a majestic manner
malevolently = in a malevolent manner
maliciously = with malice; in a malicious manner
malignantly = in a malignant manner, as of a tumor that spreads
manageably = so as to be manageable
manfully = in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man
maniacally = in a maniacal manner or to a maniacal degree
manipulatively = in an artfully manipulative manner
mannerly = socially correct in behavior
manually = by hand
marginally = in a marginal manner
markedly = in a clearly noticeable manner
martially = in a martial manner
marvelously = (used as an intensifier) extremely well
masochistically = in a masochistic manner
massively = to a massive degree or in a massive manner
masterfully = in a skillfully masterful manner; with the skill of a master
materialistically = in a materialistic manner
maternally = in a maternal manner; as a mother
mathematically = with respect to mathematics
matronly = befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman
maturely = in a mature manner
mawkishly = in a mawkish and emotional manner
meanderingly = in a meandering manner
meaningfully = in a meaningful manner; so as to be meaningful
meanly = poorly or in an inferior manner
measuredly = in a deliberate unhurried manner
medicinally = in a medicinal manner
meditatively = in a meditative manner
mellowly = (obsolete) in a mellow manner
melodically = with respect to melody
melodiously = in a melodious manner
melodramatically = as in a melodrama
menacingly = in a menacing manner
mendaciously = in a mendacious and untruthful manner
mercifully = in a compassionate manner
mercilessly = without pity
messily = in a messy, untidy manner
metaphorically = in a metaphorical manner
methodically = in a methodical manner
meticulously = in a manner marked by extreme care of details
mincingly = in a mincing manner
mindfully = in a careful deliberate manner
mindlessly = without intellectual involvement
minimally = to a minimal degree
minutely = in painstaking detail
mirthfully = in a joyous manner
mischievously = in a disobedient or naughty way
misleadingly = in a misleading way
mistakenly = in a mistaken manner
mistily = in a misty manner
mistrustfully = with distrust
mockingly = in a disrespectful jeering manner
moistly = in a damp manner
momentously = in a momentous way
monosyllabically = in a monosyllabic manner
monotonously = in a monotonous manner
monstrously = in a hideous manner
moodily = in a moody manner
morbidly = in a morbid manner or to a morbid degree
mordaciously = in a mordacious manner
morosely = in a sullen, moody manner
mortally = in such a manner that death ensues
motherly = befitting a mother; warm and nurturing
motionlessly = without moving; in a motionless manner
mournfully = in a mournful manner
movingly = in a moving manner
mulishly = in a stubborn unregenerate manner
mundanely = in a mundane manner
munificently = in a generous manner
murderously = as if bent on murder
murkily = unclearly; opaquely
musically = in a musical manner
musingly = in a reflective manner
mutely = without speaking
mystically = in a mystical manner
naively = in a naive manner
nakedly = without clothing
narrow-mindedly = in a narrow-minded manner
nasally = in a nasal manner
nastily = in a nasty ill-tempered manner
nattily = in a natty manner; with smartness
naughtily = in a disobedient or naughty way
nebulously = in a nebulous and indefinite manner
needfully = in an essential manner
needlessly = without need
nefariously = in a nefarious manner or to a nefarious degree
negatively = in a harmful manner
neglectfully = in a neglectful manner
negligently = in a negligent manner
nervelessly = in a composed and unconcerned manner
neurotically = in a neurotic manner
niggardly = petty or reluctant in giving or spending
nimbly = in a nimble or agile manner
noisily = with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound
nonchalantly = in a composed and unconcerned manner
noncompetitively = in a noncompetitive manner
nonverbally = without words
northeastwardly = in a northeastward direction
northwestwardly = in a northwestward direction
nostalgically = in a nostalgic manner
noticeably = in a noticeable manner
noxiously = in a detrimental manner
numbly = in a numb manner; without feeling
nuttily = in a mildly insane manner
obdurately = in a stubborn unregenerate manner
obediently = in an obedient manner
objectively = in a manner not influenced by emotion
obligatorily = in an obligatory manner
obligingly = in accommodation
obliquely = to, toward or at one side
obnoxiously = in an obnoxious manner
obscenely = in a lewd and obscene manner
obscurely = in an obscure manner
obsequiously = in an obsequious manner
observantly = in an observant manner
observingly = in an observant manner
obsessively = in a compulsive manner
obstinately = in a stubborn unregenerate manner
obstreperously = in manner that attracts attention
obtrusively = in an undesirably noticeable manner
obtusely = in a stupid manner
offensively = in an unpleasantly offensive manner
offhandedly = without previous thought or preparation
officiously = in an officious manner
oily = containing an unusual amount of grease or oil
ominously = in a manner suggesting something bad will happen
onerously = in an onerous manner
opportunely = at an opportune time
oppositely = in an opposite position
oppressively = in a heavy and oppressive way
optimally = in an optimal and most desirable way
optimistically = with optimism; in an optimistic manner
organizationally = with regard to organization
ornamentally = in an ornamental, nonfunctional manner
ornately = in an ornate manner
ostensibly = from appearances alone
ostentatiously = in a manner intended to attract notice and impress others
outlandishly = in an outlandish manner
outrageously = to an extravagant or immoderate degree
outspokenly = in an outspoken manner
overbearingly = in an overbearing manner
overtly = in an overt manner
overwhelmingly = incapable of being resisted
owlishly = in an owlish manner
painlessly = without pain
painstakingly = in a fastidious and painstaking manner
palely = in a pale manner; without physical or emotional color
pallidly = in a manner lacking interest or vitality
paradoxically = in a paradoxical manner
parenthetically = in a parenthetical manner
parochially = in a parochial manner
passably = to a moderately sufficient extent or degree
passively = in a passive manner
patently = unmistakably
paternally = in a paternal manner
pathetically = in a manner arousing sympathy and compassion
patriotically = in a patriotic manner
patronisingly = with condescension; in a patronizing manner
patronizingly = with condescension; in a patronizing manner
peaceably = in a peaceable manner
pedantically = in a pedantic manner
peevishly = in a peevish manner
pejoratively = in a pejorative manner
pellucidly = in a clear and lucid manner
penetratingly = with ability to see into deeply
penitentially = showing remorse
penitently = showing remorse
pensively = in a pensive manner
perceptibly = in a noticeable manner
perceptively = in a keenly discerning manner
peremptorily = in an imperative and commanding manner
perfidiously = in a perfidious manner
perfunctorily = in a set manner without serious attention
periodically = in a sporadic manner
peripherally = in or at or near a periphery or according to a peripheral role or function or relationship
perkily = in a perky manner
permissively = in a permissive manner
perpendicularly = in a perpendicular manner
perplexedly = in a perplexed manner
perseveringly = with perseverance
perspicuously = in a clear and lucid manner
persuasively = in a persuasive manner
pertinaciously = in a dogged and pertinacious manner
pertinently = in a pertinent way
pertly = in an impudent or impertinent manner
perversely = deliberately deviant
pessimistically = with pessimism; in a pessimistic manner
pettishly = in a petulant manner
petulantly = in an easily irritated or annoyed manner
philosophically = in a philosophic manner
phlegmatically = in a phlegmatic manner
picturesquely = in a picturesque manner
piercingly = extremely and sharply
piggishly = in a piggish manner
piously = in a devout and pious manner
piquantly = with strong spices; in a spicy manner
piteously = in a piteous manner
pithily = in a pithy sententious manner
pitifully = to a pitiful degree
pitilessly = without pity; in a merciless manner
pityingly = in a compassionate manner
placatingly = in a placating manner
placidly = in a quiet and tranquil manner
plaintively = in a manner expressing sorrow
plausibly = easy to believe on the basis of available evidence
playfully = in a playful manner
pleadingly = in a beseeching manner
pleasingly = in a pleasing manner
pleasurably = in a very pleasurable manner
plentifully = in a bountiful manner
pluckily = in a plucky manner
poetically = in a poetic manner
poignantly = in a poignant or touching manner
pointedly = in such a manner as to make something clearly evident
pointlessly = in a pointless manner
poisonously = in a very malevolent manner
pompously = in a pompous manner
ponderously = in an uninterestingly ponderous manner
portentously = in a portentous manner
possessively = in a possessive manner
potently = in a manner having a powerful influence
powerlessly = in a powerless manner
pragmatically = in a realistic manner
precariously = in a manner affording no ease or reassurance
preciously = extremely
precipitately = at breakneck speed
precipitously = abruptly; in a precipitous manner
precociously = in a precocious manner
predictably = in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree
preferentially = in a preferential manner
prematurely = too soon; in a premature manner
preposterously = so as to arouse or deserve laughter
presentably = in a presentable manner
pressingly = in a pressing manner
presumptively = by reasonable assumption
presumptuously = in a presumptuous manner
pretentiously = in a pretentious manner
prettily = in a pretty manner
priggishly = in a priggish manner
primitively = in a primitive style or manner
primly = in a prissy manner
prissily = in a prissy manner
problematically = in such a way as to pose a problem
prodigally = to a wasteful manner or to a wasteful degree
productively = in a productive way
profanely = in an irreverent or profane manner
professionally = in a professional manner
proficiently = in a proficient manner
profligately = in a dissolute way
profusely = in an abundant manner
progressively = advancing in amount or intensity
prohibitively = to a prohibitive degree
prominently = in a prominent way
promiscuously = in a licentious and promiscuous manner
promisingly = in an auspicious manner
prophetically = in a prophetic manner
propitiously = in an auspicious manner
prosaically = in a matter-of-fact manner
prosily = in a prosy manner
protectively = in a protective manner
protractedly = in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way
providently = in a provident manner
provincially = by the province; through the province
provisionally = temporarily and conditionally
provocatively = in a provocative manner
prudently = in a prudent manner
prudishly = in a prudish manner
pruriently = in a prurient manner
pryingly = in a curious and prying manner
puckishly = in an appealing but bold manner
pugnaciously = in a pugnacious manner
punctiliously = in a punctilious manner
punctually = at the proper time
pungently = with a sharp taste or smell
punishingly = in a punishing manner
punitively = in a punishing manner
puritanically = in a prudish manner
purposefully = in a purposeful manner
purposelessly = without a clear purpose
pusillanimously = with a lack of courage and determination
quaintly = in a quaint old-fashioned manner
quaveringly = in an unsteady quavering manner
queasily = in a queasy manner
queerly = in a strange manner
querulously = in a peevish manner
questionably = in a questionable and dubious manner
questioningly = in a curious and questioning manner
quixotically = in a quixotic manner
quizzically = in a questioning manner
racily = in a racy manner
radiantly = in a radiant manner
raggedly = in a ragged uneven manner
rakishly = in a rakish manner
ramblingly = in a rambling manner
randomly = in a random manner
rapturously = in an ecstatic manner
rashly = in a hasty and foolhardy manner
raspingly = in a harsh and grating manner
rationally = in a rational manner
raucously = with a raucous sound
ravenously = in the manner of someone who is very hungry
ravishingly = in a ravishing manner or to a ravishing degree
realistically = in a realistic manner
reassuringly = in a reassuring manner
rebelliously = in a rebellious manner
rebukingly = in the manner of someone delivering a rebuke
receptively = in a receptive manner
recklessly = in a reckless manner
reflectively = in a reflective manner
refreshingly = in a pleasantly novel manner
regally = in a regal manner
regretfully = with sadness (used in polite formulas)
relentlessly = in a relentless manner
relevantly = with relevance
reliably = in a faithful manner
religiously = with extreme care, regularity, and conscientiousness
reminiscently = in a reminiscent manner
remorsefully = in a rueful manner
remorselessly = without pity; in a merciless manner
remotely = to a remote degree
repellently = in a repellent manner
repentantly = showing remorse
repetitively = in a repetitive manner
reprehensively = in a shameful manner
reproachfully = in a reproving or reproachful manner
reprovingly = in a reproving or reproachful manner
repulsively = in an offensive and hateful manner
resentfully = with resentment; in a resentful manner
reservedly = with reserve; in a reserved manner
resignedly = with resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner
resoundingly = in a resounding manner
respectably = in a decent and morally reputable manner
resplendently = in an impressively beautiful manner
responsibly = in a responsible manner
restfully = in a restful manner
restively = in a restive manner
restlessly = in a restless manner
restrictively = in a restrictive manner
reticently = with reticence; in a reticent manner
retroactively = after the fact
retrospectively = in a manner contemplative of past events
revengefully = in a vindictive, revengeful manner
reverently = with reverence; in a reverent manner
revoltingly = in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
rewardingly = in a rewarding manner
rhapsodically = in an ecstatic manner
rhetorically = in a rhetorical manner
rhythmically = in a manner recurring with measured regularity
ridiculously = so as to arouse or deserve laughter
righteously = in a righteous manner
rightfully = by right
rigidly = in a rigid manner
rigorously = in a rigorous manner
riotously = in a tumultuous and riotous manner
ripely = with mature or developed appearance
ritually = in a ceremonial manner
robustly = in a robust manner
roguishly = like a dishonest rogue
rollickingly = in a carefree manner
romantically = in a romantic manner
roomily = with ample room
rottenly = in a terrible manner
rotundly = in a sonorous manner
roundly = in a round manner
routinely = according to established practice
rowdily = in a rowdy manner
royally = in a royal manner
ruefully = in a manner expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
ruggedly = in a rugged manner
ruthlessly = in a ruthless manner
sacredly = by religion
sacrilegiously = in a sacrilegious manner
sagaciously = in a shrewd manner
sagely = in a wise manner
salaciously = in a lascivious manner
sanctimoniously = in a sanctimonious manner
sanely = in a sane or lucid manner
sarcastically = in a sarcastic manner
sardonically = in a sarcastic manner
satirically = in a satirical manner
satisfyingly = in a gratifying manner
saucily = in an impudent or impertinent manner
scandalously = in a scandalous manner
scantily = in a sparse or scanty way
scarily = in an alarming manner
scathingly = in a scathing and unsparing manner
sceptically = with scepticism; in a sceptical manner
scholastically = with respect to scholastic activities
scientifically = with respect to science; in a scientific way
scoffingly = in a disrespectful and mocking manner
scrumptiously = so as to produce a delightful taste
scrupulously = with extreme conscientiousness
scurrilously = in a scurrilously manner
searchingly = in a searching manner
secondarily = of secondary import
secretively = in a secretive manner; with a preference for secrecy
sedately = in a sedate manner
seductively = in a tempting seductive manner
sedulously = in a sedulous manner
selectively = by selection; in a selective manner
self-consciously = in an uncomfortably self-conscious manner
self-indulgently = in a self-indulgent manner
self-righteously = in a sanctimonious manner
selfishly = in an egotistical manner
selflessly = in an altruistic manner
semantically = with regard to meaning
sensationally = in a sensational manner
senselessly = in a meaningless and purposeless manner
sensibly = with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner
sensitively = in a sensitive manner
sensually = in a sultry and sensual manner
sensuously = with aesthetic gratification or delight
sententiously = in a pithy sententious manner
sentimentally = in a sentimental manner
sequentially = in a consecutive manner
serenely = in a peacefully serene manner
servilely = in an obsequious manner
shabbily = so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated
shaggily = in a shaggy manner
shakily = in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking
shallowly = in a shallow manner
shamefacedly = in a shamefaced manner
shamefully = in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree
shamelessly = without shame
shapelessly = in a shapeless manner
sheepishly = in a sheepish manner
shiftily = in a shifty manner
shockingly = extremely
showily = in a fancy colorful manner
shrewdly = in a shrewd manner
shrewishly = in a shrewish manner
shrilly = in a shrill voice
shudderingly = with a shudder
shyly = in a shy or timid or bashful manner
sickeningly = in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree
silkily = in a silky manner
simperingly = with a lack of courage and determination
single-handedly = without assistance
single-mindedly = in a single-minded manner
sinuously = in a sinuous manner
skeptically = with scepticism; in a sceptical manner
sketchily = in a sketchy incomplete manner
skillfully = with skill
skimpily = in a skimpy manner
skittishly = in a skittish manner
slackly = in a relaxed manner; not rigid
slanderously = in a false and slanderous and defamatory manner
slavishly = in a slavish manner
sleekly = in a sleek glossy manner
sleepily = in a sleepy manner
slenderly = in a slim or slender manner
slickly = with superficial plausibility
slightingly = in a disparaging manner
sloppily = in a sloppy manner
slovenly = negligent of neatness especially in dress and person
sluggishly = in a sluggish manner
slyly = in an artful manner
smarmily = in an unctuous manner
smartly = in a clever manner
smilingly = with smiles; in a smiling manner
smolderingly = with barely repressed anger
smugly = in a smug manner
smuttily = in a smutty manner
sneakily = in a surreptitious manner
sneeringly = with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner
snidely = with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner
snobbishly = in a snobbish manner
snootily = in a snobbish manner
snugly = warmly and comfortably sheltered
sobbingly = with sobs
sociably = in a sociable manner
solicitously = in a concerned and solicitous manner
solidly = with strength and soundness
solitarily = in solitude
somberly = in a serious and solemn manner
somnolently = in a drowsy manner
sonorously = in a sonorous manner
soothingly = in a soothing manner
sordidly = in a sordid or squalid way
sorrowfully = in a sorrowful manner
soulfully = in a soulful manner
soundlessly = without a sound
sourly = in a sour manner
southeastwardly = in a southeastward direction
southwestwardly = in a southwestward direction
spaciously = with ample room
sparingly = to a meager degree or in a meager manner
sparsely = in a sparse manner
spasmodically = in spurts and fits
spatially = with regard to space
speciously = in a specious manner
speculatively = with speculation; in a speculative manner
speechlessly = without speaking
spicily = with strong spices; in a spicy manner
spiritedly = in a spirited or lively manner; with animation and vivacity
spiritually = in a spiritual manner
spitefully = in a maliciously spiteful manner
spontaneously = in a spontaneous manner
spookily = in an unnatural eery manner
sporadically = in an irregular or unpredictable manner
sportively = in a merry sportive manner
spotlessly = in a spotless manner
sprucely = in a stylish manner
squeamishly = in a squeamish manner
stably = in a stable solid fixed manner
staidly = in a grave and sober manner
standoffishly = in a standoffish manner
starkly = in a stark manner
startlingly = in a startling manner
staunchly = in a staunch manner
steadfastly = with resolute determination
steely = resembling steel in hardness
steeply = in a steep manner
stickily = in a sticky viscid manner
stiltedly = in a stilted manner
stingily = in a stingy manner
stodgily = in a stuffy manner
stoically = without emotion; in a stoic manner
stolidly = in a stolid manner
stonily = in a stony manner
stormily = in a stormy or violent manner
straightforwardly = with firmness and conviction; without compromise
strategically = with regard to strategy
strenuously = strongly or vigorously
stridently = in a strident manner
stringently = in a stringent manner
structurally = with respect to structure
stubbornly = in a stubborn unregenerate manner
studiously = in a studious manner
stuffily = in a stuffy manner
stunningly = in a spectacular manner
stupendously = to a stupendous degree
stupidly = in a stupid manner
sturdily = in a sturdy manner
stylishly = in a stylish manner
suavely = with suavity; in a suave manner
subconsciously = from the subconscious mind
subjectively = in a subjective way
submissively = in a servile manner
subserviently = in an obsequious manner
subtly = in a manner difficult to detect or grasp
succinctly = with concise and precise brevity; to the point
suggestively = in a suggestive manner
suitably = in an appropriate manner
sulkily = in a sulky manner
sultrily = in a sultry and sensual manner
summarily = without delay; in a summary manner
sumptuously = in a sumptuous and opulent manner
sunnily = in a cheerful manner
superbly = (used as an intensifier) extremely well
superciliously = with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner
superficially = in a superficial manner
superfluously = in a superfluous manner
superstitiously = in a superstitious manner
supposedly = believed or reputed to be the case
surlily = in a churlish manner
surprisedly = in the manner of one who is surprised
surreptitiously = in a secretive manner
sweepingly = in a sweeping manner
symbolically = in a symbolic manner
symmetrically = in a symmetrical manner
sympathetically = in a sympathetic manner
systematically = in a consistent manner
tacitly = by unexpressed agreement
taciturnly = without speaking
tactfully = showing tact or tactfulness; in a tactful manner
tactically = with regard to tactics
tactlessly = without tact; in a tactless manner
tactually = by touch
talkatively = in a chatty loquacious manner
tamely = in a tame manner
tangentially = in passing
tantalizingly = in a tantalizing manner
tardily = later than usual or than expected
tartly = in a tart manner
tastefully = with taste; in a tasteful manner
tastelessly = without taste or in poor taste; in a tasteless manner
tastily = in a tasty manner
tauntingly = in a playfully teasing manner
tautly = in a taut manner
tawdrily = in a tastelessly garish manner
tearfully = with tears; in a tearful manner
teasingly = in a playfully teasing manner
tediously = in a tedious manner
tellingly = in a telling manner
temperamentally = by temperament
temperately = with restraint
temptingly = in a tempting seductive manner
tenaciously = with obstinate determination
tensely = in a tense manner
tentatively = in a hesitant manner
tenuously = in a tenuous manner
tepidly = in an unenthusiastically lukewarm manner
territorially = with respect to territory
tersely = in a short and concise manner
testily = in a petulant manner
tetchily = in an ill-natured and tetchy manner
thankfully = in a thankful manner; with thanks
theatrically = in a stagy and theatrical manner
theoretically = in theory; according to the assumed facts
therapeutically = for therapeutic purposes
thinly = in a widely distributed manner
thirstily = in a thirsty manner
thoughtlessly = in a thoughtless manner
threateningly = in a menacing manner
thriftily = in a thrifty manner
thusly = in the way indicated
tidily = in a tidy manner
timorously = in a timorous and trepid manner
tiredly = in a weary manner
tirelessly = with indefatigable energy
tiresomely = in a tedious manner
tolerantly = in a tolerant manner
tonelessly = in a monotone
topically = to a restricted area of the body
torpidly = in a daze; in a dazed manner
torturously = in a very painful manner
touchily = in a touchy manner
touchingly = in a poignant or touching manner
toughly = in a ruggedly tough manner
tragically = in a tragic manner; with tragic consequences
traitorously = in a disloyal and faithless manner
tranquilly = without emotional agitation
transparently = so as to allow the passage of light
treacherously = in a disloyal and faithless manner
treasonably = in a disloyal and faithless manner
tremendously = extremely
tremulously = in a tremulous manner
trenchantly = in a vigorous and effective manner
trepidly = in a timorous and trepid manner
trickily = in an artful manner
trimly = in a trim manner
tritely = in a trite manner
truculently = in a defiantly truculent manner
trustingly = with trust; in a trusting manner
truthfully = with truth
tumultuously = in a tumultuous and riotous manner
tunefully = in a melodious manner
tunelessly = in a tuneless fashion
turbulently = in a turbulent manner; with turbulence
turgidly = in a turgid manner
unabashedly = in an unabashed manner
unaccountably = in an unaccountable manner
unambitiously = in an unambitious manner
unappreciatively = in an ungrateful manner
unashamedly = without shame
unassumingly = in an unassuming manner
unattractively = in an unattractive manner
unavoidably = by necessity
unbearably = to an unbearable degree
unbecomingly = without decorousness
unbelievingly = in an incredulous manner
unblinkingly = showing no emotion
unblushingly = without blushing
uncannily = in an uncanny manner
unceremoniously = in an unceremonious manner
uncertainly = showing lack of certainty
uncharacteristically = in uncharacteristic manner
unchivalrously = in an unchivalrous and ungallant manner
uncivilly = in an uncivil manner
unclearly = in a manner that is unclear
uncomfortably = in physical discomfort
uncomplainingly = without complaining
uncompromisingly = in an uncompromising manner
unconcernedly = in an unconcerned manner
unconditionally = not subject to a condition
uncontrollably = in an uncontrolled manner
unconvincingly = in an unconvincing manner
uncouthly = in an uncouth manner
uncritically = in an uncritical manner
unctuously = in an unctuous manner
undecipherably = in an illegible manner
undeniably = to an undeniable degree or in an undeniable manner
underhandedly = slyly and secretly
understandably = in an intelligible manner
understandingly = with understanding
unemotionally = in an unemotional manner
unendingly = with unflagging resolve
unenthusiastically = without enthusiasm; showing no enthusiasm
unequally = in an unequal or partial manner
unequivocally = in an unambiguous manner
unerringly = without making errors
unethically = in an unethical manner
unevenly = in an unequal or partial manner
unfairly = in an unfair manner
unfaithfully = in an unfaithful undependable unreliable manner
unfalteringly = with determination; in a determined manner
unfashionably = in an unfashionable manner
unfavorably = showing disapproval; in a disparaging way
unfavourably = showing disapproval; in a disparaging way
unfeelingly = without compassionate feelings
unforgivingly = without forgiveness; in an unforgiving manner
ungainly = lacking grace in movement or posture
ungraciously = without grace; rigidly
ungratefully = in an ungrateful manner
ungrudgingly = in a generous and ungrudging manner
unharmoniously = in a discordant manner
unhelpfully = in an unhelpful manner
unhesitatingly = without hesitation
unhurriedly = without haste
unimaginatively = without imagination
unimpeachably = without question
unimpressively = in an unimpressive manner
uninformatively = in an uninformative manner
unintelligently = in an unintelligent manner
unintelligibly = in an unintelligible manner
unintentionally = without intention; in an unintentional manner
uninterruptedly = without interruption
uninvitedly = without invitation
uniquely = so as to be unique
unitedly = with cooperation and interchange
unkindly = lacking in sympathy and kindness
unknowingly = without knowledge or intention
unmelodiously = in an unmelodious manner
unmercifully = without pity; in a merciless manner
unmindfully = in a careless and thoughtless manner
unmusically = in an unmusical manner
unnaturally = by artificial means
unnecessarily = without any necessity
unnoticeably = in an imperceptible manner or to an imperceptible degree
unobtrusively = in an unobtrusive manner
unofficially = without official authorization
unpleasantly = in an unpleasant manner
unprecedentedly = in an unprecedented manner
unpredictably = in an erratic unpredictable manner
unpretentiously = in an unpretentious manner
unproductively = in an unproductive manner
unpropitiously = in an inauspicious manner
unquestioningly = in an unquestioning manner
unrealistically = in an unrealistic manner
unreasonably = to a degree that exceeds the bounds or reason or moderation
unrelentingly = in a relentless manner
unrepentantly = in an impenitent manner
unreservedly = without reservation
unrestrainedly = in an unrestrained manner
unromantically = without romance; in an unromantic manner
unsatisfactorily = in an unsatisfactory manner
unscrupulously = without scruples
unseasonably = not in accordance with the season
unselfconsciously = in a comfortable unselfconscious manner
unselfishly = in an unselfish manner
unshakably = with determination; in a determined manner
unsmilingly = without smile; in an unsmiling manner
unsociably = in an unsociable manner
unsparingly = in a scathing and unsparing manner
unsteadily = in an unsteady manner
unstintingly = in an unstinting manner
unsuccessfully = without success
unsuspectingly = without suspicions
unswervingly = in a constant and steadfast manner
unsymmetrically = in an asymmetrical manner
unsympathetically = without sympathy; in an unsympathetic manner
unsystematically = in an unsystematic manner
unthinkingly = in a thoughtless manner
untruly = in a untrue manner
untruthfully = in a mendacious and untruthful manner
unwantedly = in an undesirable manner
unwarily = without heed or caution
unwaveringly = with resolute determination
unwillingly = in an unwilling manner
unwisely = without good sense or judgment
unwittingly = without knowledge or intention
uprightly = in an upright position
uproariously = in a hilarious manner
upwardly = spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position
urbanely = in an urbane manner
urgently = with great urgency
usefully = in a useful manner
uselessly = in a useless manner
uxoriously = in a loving and uxorious manner
vacantly = in a vacant manner
vacuously = in a vacuous manner
valiantly = with valor
validly = with validity; in a valid manner
valorously = with valor; in a valiant manner
vapidly = in a vapid manner
vauntingly = in a boastful manner
venally = in a corrupt and deceitful manner
vengefully = in a vindictive, revengeful manner
venomously = in a very malevolent manner
verbally = by means of language
verbosely = in a verbose manner
vertically = in a vertical direction
vicariously = indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute
viciously = in a brutal manner
victoriously = in a victorious manner
vigilantly = in a watchful manner
vilely = in a vile manner
vindictively = in a vindictive, revengeful manner
virtuously = in a moral manner
virulently = in a virulent manner
visually = with respect to vision
vivaciously = with vivacity
vocally = in a vocal manner
vociferously = in a conspicuously loud manner
voluptuously = in a shapely and voluptuous manner
voraciously = in an eagerly voracious manner
voyeuristically = like a voyeur
vulgarly = in a smutty manner
vulnerably = in a vulnerable manner
waggishly = in a waggish manner
wanly = in a weak or pale or languid manner
wantonly = in a wanton manner
warily = in a manner marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
watchfully = in a watchful manner
weightily = as something very heavy
weirdly = in a weird manner
wheezingly = with a wheeze
whimsically = in a fanciful manner
wholeheartedly = without reserve; without reservation
wickedly = in a wicked evil manner
wilfully = in a willful manner
willfully = in a willful manner
wily = marked by skill in deception
winsomely = in an engaging manner
wishfully = in a wishful manner
witheringly = in a withering manner
wittily = in a witty manner
wittingly = with full knowledge and deliberation
woefully = in an unfortunate or deplorable manner
wolfishly = in the manner of a wolf
wonderingly = in a curious and questioning manner
wondrously = (used as an intensifier) extremely well
woodenly = without grace; rigidly
wordily = in a verbose manner
wordlessly = without speaking
worriedly = in a worried manner
worthily = in a worthy manner; with worthiness
worthlessly = in a worthless manner
wrathfully = in a wrathful manner
wretchedly = in a wretched manner
wrongly = without justice or fairness
wryly = in a humorously sarcastic or mocking manner
yearningly = in a yearning manner
yieldingly = in an obedient manner
youthfully = in a youthful manner
zealously = in a zealous manner
zestfully = with zest
zestily = with zest
Your world, your world view, the possibilities you can see for yourself are directly related to the vocabulary you have. This is one of the benefits you derive from reading.
If you are in my coaching programs… you’ve been getting to a place where I can actually coach you about that. Congratulations.
Being at the door of the “how world” is an accomplishment. I mean it.
This side of the door is what you have, thus far, paid attention to, what you have words for, what shows up in your world now.
On the other side is what will take you to “the promised land.”
In my work – if I took an inventory which is not so easy, but possible – you would see that I give 7% of my brain power to What and 93% to the How.
How is the attitude, the context, the who…
Even the process is a what: You do THIS first and then you do THAT.
No how there…
So how do you open that door?
That is the questions, isn’t it?
A know a company that spends their entire time designing programs to train how’s and don’t get through to people, or not much, not really. ((I am talking about Landmark Education. Landmark Education only teaches “how” and “who”… but it is like teaching pigs to sing… not very effective.))
So I have no mentor, no teacher, no help… I will have to invent, I will have to enroll you to be my partner in inventing a way to open that door.
One of my students… the one I write so much about… has cracked the door open for himself.
He started to read Sam Walton’s autobiography, (Made in America) and it resonated with him.
It is likely that this was the first whole book he ever read.
Now, you need to understand, that the more “what” words you have, the less likely that you will hear the how in a book like Sam Walton’s biography, or in Tai’s speaking.
Every step in Tai’s 67 steps is a how treasury… and you can’t hear it.
You hear it all as a what…
Many of you hear only the what even at the second round.
It is NORMAL. But don’t stop there.
If you set out to hear the “how”, eventually you’ll hear it.
I am mighty good at hearing the how… and yet. I read a lot… about 100 books a year. I’ve seen with several books, only when I re-read them that I start to see the how, the who.
One book I have now read five times (Cobweb by Neal Stephenson) and noticed, that the hero in the book was not interested in saving the world, not interested in being a hero: he was just interested in saving his daughter and his wife.
Now, if you say that that is a “what” you are right. But you are also missing the point.
Because it is mainly a context, a who, and a how…
His cone of vision… what gave him strength, singularity of purpose, inventiveness, courage, was his desire to save his daughter and his wife.
The fact that he saved the world… it doesn’t even enter his consciousness. Local yokel… not cosmopolitan are some of the how/who expressions. I missed that the first four times I read it.
I was projecting my own “saving the world” “cosmopolitan” attitude… but I was wrong. That was mine. His was “local yokel” caring about drunk drivers, writing tickets, and saving his daughter’s and his wife’s life.
I am weeping as I am writing this.
This character, this “local yokel” has done more for humanity that I can even hope to do… seeing that humbles me. I got a sliver of a “how” that I’ve sorely lacked.
I had been too “high and mighty” before to care about my locality. People.
Suddenly with the insight came possible actions: I donated a shipment of walnuts I didn’t want, to my community center.
I muscle tested and gave a nutritional/health report to one of the employees of that center, and the yoga teacher…
And I am going to donate some yoga mats for the center, so they can have walk-ins to the yoga class.
All because of that book because of that insight. Caring about what is close to me, people.
So, as you can see, the path to being masterful at “how” is full of doors… door after door after door.
- 1. I have suggested one path: find a book that somehow really resonate with you. Read it to shreds… until you go deep enough to access the “how”…
- 2. Another method that works miracles for me is called: “name it and claim it”.
I want to change all my sites to look good on mobile devices. At present: I don’t like how they look.
To do that I need to learn new tricks. My brain hasn’t engaged fully.
When I “named and claimed” the how, I saw that I have been hoping to go from nothing to everything… and that I have been resentful of the step by step method… (many of you will recognize yourself here!)
So I said: Oh, I see, the mistake is in the how… how I am approaching this. I actually have to go and touch every little bit… cannot jump. Darn… but I can do it.
I haven’t done it, but now that I can see how… I have a new opening. I still resent it, but I can see that I will get over it, once I give myself over to being a student again.
And that is a definite how statement: how? giving myself over to being a student again.
Study the “advert list” in the footnotes. Start seeing your “how you do anything is how you do everything” in there.
If you saw an opening for yourself… please let me know.
Read the original article: The allure of what vs. the how that is the difference between misery and abundance