Vibrational Reviews: Lola Jones, Kimberly McGeorge, and more

  • Lola-Jones-spiritual-teacher_0Lola Jones (DivineOpenings). Personal vibration: 200; truth value of teachings: 200Update 1/7/2015: Personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teachings: 1%… meaning: 99% is either b.s. or Tree of Knowledge.A reader asked about the 5-day silent retreat: here is what I found: vibration of the retreat: 140.  It is a nice way to spend five days, but the results are non-existent and non-lasting. Why? because the person and who she attracts are not really interested in doing the real work, and don’t have high enough vibration to do the real work.Enough said.
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Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?

Why is it that in spite of all the reading, all the studying, all the classes you take, you are not amounting to much, to as much as you feel you should have earned?

And no matter how many people suggest that reading a book a week is good for you… it may do nothing for you… I have seen that with my students… and while writing yesterday’s article, the “April 1… joy-full life” article, I saw it again.

The way you do things, the way you read, learn, etc. doesn’t create connections between the things you see, the things you learn, the things you read.

When we talk, maybe you can connect the dots, i.e. you are capable of integration: seeing that two seemingly disparate concepts connect, they are part of the sam

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

4 daily tasks: the future given present4 daily tasks: not what you need to do. instead what you see you can do for a future you decided to have.

In my case the future: being able to pick up and move countries without loss of productivity, loss of health, loss of income, loss of standard of living. Having an apartment, food, transportation, internet connection, mobile phone… the important things.

The four daily tasks are really a very useful tool.

An aside: what is a task? Anything that you can do in one sitting, not long enough even to have to get up to go to the bathroom. Even writing an article is a project that is made up of several tasks… idea, outlining, writing, editing

How Could You Experience Love? What Gives You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Of Love? (Updated) When You Are Loved? When You Love? What Is Love Anyway?

love and faking love, feeling love, giving love, unconditional love How Could You Experience Love? What Gives You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Of Love? When You Are Loved? When You Love? What Is Love Anyway?

I really don’t like cheesy, corny conversations, so I am going to start with a joke. It is politically incorrect, so forgive me…

A married couple decides to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on the same island in the same inn where they were at their honeymoon.

On their first evening they go down to the dining room. They order the same meal. When t

Why do we have feelings? Not emotions… feelings…

feelings... inner authorityIf it has a name, it is no longer a feeling…

I am a True Empath. What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? A whole lot. I feel feeling you have… you have the feelings, but you don’t feel it. You only feel what you said it means.

Empathy, the ordinary kind, is part of the human DNA. It can be overpowered by the predatory genes… making the human not experience it… not care, and a whole 30% of humanity doesn’t feel empathy, and doesn’t care for another’s plight, pain, misery or need.

And then there is empathy where the person feels what the other feels to the degree that they are merged, the feelings that the person themselves are not feeling keenly. The share

There Is No Such Thing As “Instant Healing”

There is no such thing as “instant healing”. “Instant healing” is the tool of the looters and the drug of the moochers.

If we compared you to a house with its architecture, rooms, utilities, equipment, furniture, wall-paint, etc. we would be able to see a lot of the hokiness [note]Hokiness: Corny, artificial, fake[/note] and untruths that are being disseminated today by the looters, and believed greedily by the moochers. You. No offense, just stating the facts. Moocher and looter are distinctions, objective and well-defined, and unless you get offended by the truth, you won’t get offended.

If you are here because you have an honest desire to have a life worth living and to have a body working for you, n

The non-linear process of growth to a life well lived

I watched a Hungarian video yesterday on the kids who can see auras, and such… and first I felt upset, then confused, and then, by today, after I finished this article, I was clear: so what?

Every ability, every capability, ordinary or not, is only as useful as it will make you live a life worth living… but what is the usefulness of thousands of kids seeing auras… really! So what? That is their accomplishment?

Just like being an empath, seeing is a curse as much as a gift… the difference between the two is what you are going to do with it… None of the future is self-explanatory, or simple… you have a tool… but you still have to become “a human being” if you want to be happy and live

The starting point measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000):
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.:
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have:
4. your soul correction (your machine):
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health: %
7. the level of your cell hydration: %
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction:
9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score…
10. The size of your your accurate and active vocabulary: the % of words you use accurately:: %
11. Your about-me score, also the inverted number of humility: %
12. Self-awareness: %
13. Ambition: %
14. Desire: %
15. Degree of inauthenticity/pretense self overall: %
16. Level of integrity 1-100, the relationship between you and you: %
17. how enslaved are you to the Tree of Knowledge? (what percentage of your life is run by memes/untruth?) %
18. do you have a bridge between your precious “

Your cone of vision

What does cone of vision have to do with anything?

Unfortunately for homo sapiens it has to do with everything.

If you can only see strictly what is inside your focus, you are vulnerable, because what you are not seeing can kill you, steal your lunch, or as in projects, life, business, won’t be taken care of.

If your about-me score is high, i.e. your humility is low, inside the small circle of

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

get unstuckI have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing. Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute.

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