I sleep poorly the night before every Playground session. It takes me hours to fall asleep, and I have trouble filled dreams.
So when I got up this past Saturday, it was freezing cold, in the single digits outside… single digits in Fahrenheit is very cold… double digits in the minus in Celsius.
So I pondered what I had to look forward that day.
For a long time, for years, when I looked, when I asked that question, I only saw one thing to look forward to: my morning tea. Rich British Blend Tetley with full fat milk…
But those days are over, I am struggling with the bad health my milk consumption has bought me. I can still have tea, but now with hemp milk I make myself from hemp seeds, or sometimes almond milk. I have
Why is it that you look at a successful person and even if you copy all their actions, even if you copy their attitude the way they tell you, you won’t be able to duplicate their success?
I have been slacking off growing, i.e. didn’t do much to grow, and I noticed. Not for a long time, maybe a week or two, but I have started to notice. Just like athletes notice the imperceptible signs of muscle atrophy and weakening when they are on vacation.
It is very easy to go to this mode… easier than to go back to growth mode.
It’s easy, because 99% of the population is there, at any one time. Most people over 18, as a matter of fact, and most people under
We produce here the full transcript of the famous speech titled “The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale”. This transcript is without the long intro by Diana Nightingale, widow of Earl Nightingale. We hope that you get inspired by his wisdom and insights.
Opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice. It is conformity.
Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.
If it is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.
Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave to: riches, significance, sex, entertainment, desire to receive for the self alone, their racket, the racket with which they extort goodies from others, justify their nastiness, their domination, their haplessness.
Extorting sympathy, or whatever they extort.
So what did Moses do with this bunch of slaves?
He made them march around in the desert for 40 years. None of the
I just read an excerpt of Mark Manson’s (vibration: 260) book, about the path to growing… The art of not giving a f*ck
Even the brief is worth reading…
Some people write better than me. Some people find solutions faster than me. Some people can teach ME things… Baah, right?
What Manson says is the essence of the Michelangelo Method of growing.
You remove everything that doesn’t work, everything that is not you, everything that doesn’t support you in living life you love and living it powerfully.
But the sticky part of this process is telling the truth
So you want to be important… liked… relevant… belonging.
This issue is coming to the forefront… This expectation of be made important, liked, relevant, belonging by other people, or by some job, of by association, or by some success.
Or to be liked by behaving in a certain way, be liked by other people because of something you do or don’t do.
It is an aspect of being an effect… not a cause. Little explored by anyone.
You are either in the world of because or you are cause… BE cause
If you want to become more, grow, evolve, self awareness is important but it is not enough. Meditation is not enough. Having a person to model yourself after is not enough. Reading is not enough. Understanding is not enough either.
Something is missing, the presence of which would make the most difference, and could take you through the barrier to full knowledge of your machine.
What machine, you ask?
This is the same as when you mention to someone that their little voice is always talking… What little voice they ask?
90% of what matters about a human, about you, is in the invisible, the vague, the hidden. Even others can only see the peak of the iceberg, not the wh
I just slashed my finger for the third time this morning. I will have a hard time muscle testing for a bit… Here is what happened:
Last night in bed I spent a lot of time looking at a deluge of memories of things I did that I am ashamed of.
They came, vividly, fast and furious, things I have long forgotten, things I am not proud of.
I resisted the temptation to explain them away, I resisted turning away. I resisted saying they are wrong.
I felt like my students when they say “there is nothing wrong in reality” and they struggle to make it so for themselves emotionally. But I succeeded and I slept long and peacefully… I got all that stuff out of my system.
Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.
I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.
So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscle test and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value”
1. The condition, the state in which your pancreas is is a predictor of fast aging. Specifically to what degree the insulin the pancreas p