Sunday Rants – Be a fly on my wall…

sunday-rantsSunday Rants

Want to get inside my head? What I think in my privacy? What I say to my faithful talking partner of nine years?

The calls last about 90 minutes, and you can have access to them.

Will you understand? Who knows? But they are really the politically incorrect thoughts and utterances of a “mystic”, whatever that means.

Are they interesting? I think so. Some calls more than others.

Want a taste?

I let you be a fly on the wall.

Today’s call is about

  • why you want to feel better instead of raising your vibration
  • why you don’t have to worry whether you are worth a damn…
  • how comfortable societies create generations of people who don’t want

Want to Be a fly on my wall? This may be my most revealing rant…

sunday-rantsSunday Rants Want to get inside my head? What I think in my privacy? What I say to my faithful talking partner of nine years? The calls last about 90 minutes, and you can have access to them. Will you … Continue reading

PrivacyNext session on Wednesday Aug 20: Instant Coherence…An experiment that backfiredAlbert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

Only people who are willing to go to hell and back can have real compassion and be happy.

It’s been a weird couple of days. Every time I stop doing something my mind goes to evil acts I have seen in movies or read about in books. It started with the Marco Polo series on Netflix. I realized … Continue reading → Related Posts: Are You “Doing” Compassion Wrong? 5 Ways to Practice […]

If you want to raise your vibration to feel better… you are barking up the wrong tree.

93-6-23People who can’t tolerate negative, unpleasant, ambivalent feelings try to resist them, which is the surest way to make them permanent, or at least last.

What you resist persist… Carl Jung (1875-1961) says, and it is true. ((Psychologically speaking, resistance and resolution are at opposite poles. For resistance has fundamentally to do with not being able, or willing, to deal with the negative experiences in your life. And ultimately your happiness depends a lot more on handling—then letting go of—such adversities than it does, self-protectively, denying them, or fighting against them. In addition, so does (unwittingly) holding onto their associated feelings of hurt, sorrow, anxiety, or anger.

Jung was talking about his research into what he ca

How to have the wind in your back? How to have a Silent Partner with immense power?

politically correct pansiesYesterday’s article was the tree that fell in the forest that didn’t make a sound. No one was there to hear it. Many read it, no one heard it. No echo. ((And I predict the same will happen to this article… lol. Catch me giving a hoot…))

Why? How come?

Probably because you were reading it from the rarefied air of positivity. Or some other filter blocked the genius and the simplicity of the blueprint I was so very proud of.

I actually knew that this was the best article I have EVER written. But it made no echo.

Why? Really why?

In my last Talk to Me call I asked one of my students to get angry. And do it in any language he wishes.

Because without anger you can’t ac

Why do we have an ego, and how can we make it really useful? You don’t have any part that is not useful!

I just had a “conversation” with a student, where I suggested that she uses ego to support her growth.

From her answers it has become clear that “using ego” is not a commonplace conversation, and that it needs instruction.

So let’s see what ego is, and what it isn’t.

Ego is a lot like a kitchen knife: you can use it for good, for useful, or for harm… kill with it. You can also use it to clean it under your nails… somewhat useful, but not the right tool…

You can also call it bad, and ban it from your house. ((It is also a lot like a nail. It concentrates the energy so it can go through thick planks

Where did this humanity-wide phenomenon of being so weak… living like a putz come from?


Putz: putz
1. a stupid or worthless person.
2. vulgar slang: a limp dick.
verb: putz; engage in inconsequential or unproductive activity.
origin: 1960s: Yiddish, literally ‘penis.’

I meant to share student essays on how self-created rules keep them alienated from themselves, keep them playing safe and dead… not joyful, not accomplished, not living a life worth living.

Then I changed my mind.

I had two calls, where I was training, each, a person to take on a practice to activate the capacity to be with unpleasant, bothersome, disturbing feelings and actions. To be a MAN…

This capacity used to be active in humans… but because of the widespread positive thinki

One aspect of awareness is recognizing patterns, recognizing distinctions

The more things, patterns, behaviors, laws you recognize quickly, the more power you have in life… An success is largely dependent on your power to navigate the treacherous waters of life. So this article is about distinctions… patterns, behaviors, laws… … Continue reading → Related Posts: More on instant healing and instant transformation, The Avatar, […]

Skeletons in your closet… suppressing them suppresses all your life

it-is-better-to-have-skeletons-in-your-closet-than-walk-with-no-bonesI completed the third round of the 67 steps, and my intrinsic Self told me: it is time for another kind of practice.

So I have been curiously waiting for the “thing” to show up, and today it did.

Actually it started two days ago, but I noticed it today.

I need to get on the chiropractic table periodically to adjust my hip, or it goes out of shape to the degree that my thigh bone jumps out of its socket. That is very painful.

So I got on the table today… and it’s a long process… and somehow I was looking into what started my hip pain, whe