A short meditation to step out of your mind and the noise in your head

rejuvenating short meditationHere’s an awareness exercise (meditation) that I particularly like for rejuvenating yourself with silence:

Sit up straight.

Close your eyes.

Take a few deep breaths to settle down. (if you know how to center yourself, you can do it first)

Then here’s what to do with your awareness:

Eyes closed, get a sense of the end of your personal space in front of you. It’s an energetic phenomenon, mine is about three feet… You’ll feel it.

Why can’t you get from A to Z? Why does it look hopeless?

fall in love with the grind

Personal note: I have been in this transformation game for 31 year now. I never understood why “the human condition” was the way it was, why it was “hopeless”. I didn’t know about the selfish gene… I was completely ignorant, like most transformational teachers. Ignorant.

A little knowledge is dangerous in the hand of someone who only missed that little knowledge… me. I am now confident that with this new knowledge I can guide you to winning in life.

If you are here, then I guess everything is n

Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?

the-life-of-a-teacherFirst things first: the saying is “become worth a damn.” But a lot of people consider damn a curse word, so they say “become worth a dime”… Oh well, here you have it. Become worth a dime… lol.

Second: let me explain the picture: no teacher is worth a darn, unless the student is able to handle, utilize what the teacher teaches. And therein lies all the difficulty you are experiencing.

As you can, maybe, track, I am becoming obsessed with learning to learn… or more precisely said, teaching you to learn to learn…

Because you have been mi

How to become worth a damn?

how to become worth a damnCan someone who listens to an audio, watches a video, reads a book, or even comes to one of my workshops, change?

Long sentence, eh? The answer to this question is this: it depends.

NO input can cause change by itself. The change comes from trying to apply what you read to yourself. Even if the application is just answering one question that requires you to look.

I am finding, that the prog

You are run by a machine. The machine is put together of genes, and each gene wants its own survival.

survival of the one that can changeThe title could be said differently as well: You are a survival machine. You are put together for the survival of your genes. (Richard Dawkins: the selfish gene theory). You have hundreds, maybe thousands of genes. Each gene is a code, and the genes are strung together on your DNA. Some genes are recessive, or dormant, but can be turned on by your behavior, by your thinking, or by an energy person, like me. ((The model of inner/outer dynamics I set up in this article i

What is your machine that is using your life by driving to do the same things over and over again?

master your machineWhen I participated in Landmark Education (26 years) I was always in a seminar, for 26 years. A seminar is a 13-14 week long, 10 session program.

A good seminar leader would advise the participants to put all their lives inside the seminar.

What the heck does that mean?

It is simple, and if you can own your life, if you have enough capacities to do it, you can do it.

This is what it means: you consider everything that is happening in your life because