Each soul correction deals with a dominant pretense. A front, that hides the truth. A way to have two you’s, a dualistic way of living that is killing life.
If you read the few articles I have published on soul corrections, you may be able to see below the surface, and see what the pretense is. Most can’t. Especially their own.
But it’s there, hiding one or two layers deep.
Why pretend? Because the truth, although it sets you free, is also painful.
Why pretend? Because in the horizontal plane, in the world of the “other” survival seems to depend on this pretense… birds ruffle up their feathers to look bigger. Cats, dogs look fierce and big and threatening. It’s all pretense; it is all survival mechanism.
Then we believe our own lies, make our masks permanent, and suffer.
Humanity can be divided to two groups. The dividing line is the vibration of 200… the level of responsibility and integrity.
Responsibility is a view of life where it is up to you. What? Everything. And when it is up to you, then you are never a victim, although things may happen to you, thing may be done to you, and yet you are not a victim. Because you have something to say in the matter… and you don’t say that you are a victim.
Responsibility is a dividing line, and I fully expect that 99 out of 100 of my readers, including my regular readers, my clients, my students, think responsibility is either a duty (you have to, need to, or should) or blame (you had to, you needed to, you should have… and you didn’t!)
How you look at today comes from a worldview that you created for yourself at or around 3 year old age.
You can go and learn anything, philosophy, theology, Marxism, and yet, at the root of your worldview, the way you look at everything was created by an upset 3-year old.
At age 3, with very rare exceptions, we are all, when I compare you to an adult, dumb.
Even geniuses, like the little boy who played chess… emotionally, even these young geniuses are little kids… no sign of mature sensibilities.
One of the crucial steps in the 67 steps, is Step 26. the belts and suspenders step is a step that has been paying me dividends for years now.
It began when I first listened it.
The 67 steps is full of principles that can impregnate you, give you seeds that can germinate into something substantial. With you being fertile ground, with you nurturing it till it can grow on its own. Become ‘mother’ of principles.
In my humble opinion the best way to use the 67 steps is to have one thing… one purpose to listening to it.
If you are an integrated person (if not, ‘integrated’ could be your one thing!) then the principle of ‘the rising tide lifts all boats’ applies: your one thing makes all areas of life rise together.
In my case, the one thing was to reclaim my independence, reclaim my power over circumstances, even though circumstances were nasty… won’t go into any detail.
Circumstances haven’t changed. I have. I became a lot healthier, I became a lot happier, while I gr
My favorite niece died and my checking account is overdrawn.
I know, I know, how can I put something so significant and something so mundane in the same sentence? I see your point. And yet, they happened on the same morning, and both hurt.
I went through many phases of grieving, disbelief, denial, anger, blame, depression… I know there are at least seven predictable phases, who cares.
What do you do when someone dies, someone who you loved, even if you haven’t spoken with her since she was six years old?
Something historic may happen today and it probably will go unnoticed in the news. It’s something every man, woman, and child in the world should know about.
Before this event can make sense to you, there is a crucial bit of history you must first know …
July 16, marks the 40th Anniversary of the day man first stepped foot on the Moon.
It was indeed “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
But there is a bit of sadness in this event, isn’t there?
No, I’m not about to go on some conspiracy rant. What I’m referring to is far more “common” but infinitely more important.
You see, each and every day people walk around as if nothing is possible.
“If only I could pay off all these bills my life would be so much better …”
“If only I could quit this job …”
“If only I could get people to do as I say …”
“If only I could get out of this marriage …”
“If only I could only choose what to do with my life…”
Humans are designed to be continuous learning machines.
If you aren’t a learning machine, you have stopped being a human.
New people to interact with, new ways to do things, new way to accomplish, new things to experience and interpret rightly.
The biggest issue I see is that most people wanted certainty, wanted to know, and once they thought they did, they settled and said: I am done learning, I know everything.
But when you look, honestly, the reason you are reading this is because you don’t know how to the best you, and how to be happy and fulfilled.
Now, it sounds like you could build on what you already know, but there is not one single human who can do that.
Why? because what you know just isn’t so.
Your vibration, your accurate vocabulary, your overall intelligence number combined tell the picture: your knowledge by which you live is inaccurate.
I grew up communist, atheist, so when I left Hungary in 1982, I went to Israel to find out what it means to be Jewish. Honestly, I didn’t like any of it… It wasn’t for me… all that tradition, or alternatively all that worldliness…
I came the the US, and at some point I started to study Kabbalah with the Kabbalah Centre… Kabbalah is an incomprehensible vague oral tradition, wide open to interpretation, and thus, for most people it is quite useless. Mystical, yeah… but… mystical for a purpose is poison to your soul.
The study of Kabbalah used to be limited to men over 40. Why? because younger men, and women are more result oriented.
Result oriented is good… you would say if you live in our culture, that is what you are supposed to be, right?