Third Phase Activator: Patience


I have been trying to tame the impatience in me… and succeeded to a certain degree, but I found out, as I was designing the Patience Activator that Source’s interpretation of patience is quite different from mine…

What did I find out?

I found out that impatience comes from human being’s arrogance that the world and other people would conform to their own image of perfection.

Read the original article: Third Phase Activator: Patience

Inventing a new you, a YOU you can become

Seeing what is missing
You think it is other people, circumstances that define your life. What if it is you? WHO you are, that does all of it. In that case you would want to be able create yourself, change yourself to be someone who can have a great life… wouldn’t you?

It is the hardest thing to see that what is missing is not outside. That it is inside. It is the idea of a way of being missing…

The whole distinction of a way of being is missing.

How do we know that a way of being is missing?

We start to see it when we test it: we look at every area of live. we add the way of being, and that area of life becomes a whole lot better, brighter, easier, and more fun.

We call this missing an invented context.

You may be familiar, even conversant about ways of being that are there… I am happy, I am sad, I am stupid… but a way of being that isn’t there… is entirely outside of your ability to see.

You don’t see it as possible, you only see it as a result of some

Do you need to change to raise your vibration?

There is no requirement to change.

You will naturally change though when you are good and ready.

That is what the natural result of using the Bach Flower Energies or any of my other energy products will do for you. To get you good and ready, so you will want to change. Effortlessly…

When you are disgusted enough with how you are, you will change, not before…

With that said… of course you need to change so that your vibration can rise… What were you thinking?!

Read the original article: Do you need to change to raise your vibration?

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.
Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know.

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.

Read the original article: If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

What is your soul correction? What is your soul’s purpose?

Soul correction is a distinction from Kabbalah.

Is it the truth? No, it isn’t… but it is a good guidance. Why? Because it points to the main weaknesses, delusions, distortions, mistakes you have that correcting them will take you high… very high, on the vibrational scale.

Is it easy? No, it is wicked hard.

Is it worth it? Hell yeah.

FREE PDF! Find out what is YOUR soul’s purpose … ($47 Value)

Alternatively, a donation of $2 and the year/month/day of your birth will get you an email from me with your soul correction. You can send more if you feel compelled. It will make you feel good, and start you on raising your vibration and maybe even your soul correction. But if you are a professional giver: just the opposite. No kidding. Thank you.

Read some of the articles on Soul Correction. The actions of soul correction reliably raise your vibration: you earn your vibration!”

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The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

I have written about the timeline of the Planetary Ascension before, but I will explain it in this article again.

First Phase was mandatory. It started on July 24 and ended on August 15.

Every single person on the planet got the activator. It activated “human” capacities. It also eliminated the bulk of automatic negative thoughts. My experience was, in my own environment, as if the mute button had been pushed: people’s mind wasn’t frantically busy with negative thoughts.

Read the original article: The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

You are always, every moment, are on the verge of limbo or in limbo… so learning how to reinvent yourself to move out of limbo is a good skill to learn

But change, I teach, is not good. It is mostly fixing, and every change carries in itself the seed level of what you didn’t want, what you wanted to change.

So now what? Another way to have something more, better, or different is through reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… But can you do it? How do you do it?

On a ‘What’s the truth about you’ workshop, a participant introduced to me an expression that you’ll find very expressive: stuck in limbo. Limbo, from the dictionary, means: a region of the afterlife on the border of hell, neglect, oblivion, on hold… The waiting state most people are in… they are waiting for something better. Or sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop. Either way you look at it: limbo is not a good place.

Most everyone is familiar with the feeling. You have

Who is this site for?

This is a public site. So, in this regard, it is for everyone who finds their way here.

But the question: who is this site useful for? is a better question.

This site is useful for 2% of the visitors only. Why? Because the rest of them is not willing to do anything for themselves… they are second handers, having their hands out for handouts.

You know if it is for you…

Continue Reading

Read the original article: Who is this site for?

I tried it once and it didn’t work — pretending to want a better life

This is another article using Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo for today.

They say: every journey starts with the first step, and no one listens.They say: “I can remove your blockages to action, I can remove the fear…” and you flock to them… them “gurus”.

Are you stupid, or something?

Read the original article: I tried it once and it didn’t work — pretending to want a better life