How Does Water Energize Your Body? Get All The Answers…

How Does Water Energize Your Body? The question is: are you drinking it? Are you near it? Are you swimming or bathing in it? Let’s see each case, shall we? If and when you are drinking it, there are a few things to be aware

Soul Correction: Fear

Fear is an issue. It’s universal. You have it, I have it. The issue of fear is coming up with students more and more often. Vague fears, like anxiety, and concrete fears like fear of doing something incorrectly, fear of being

Muscle Testing Yourself: How To Muscle Test Yourself: Getting To The Truth

Muscle Testing Yourself In addition to the difficulty of getting out of your head and into your body, when you want to test yourself through muscle testing, you have the difficulty and awkwardness of the technicalities. Let’s examine how

Breakthrough In HOE (Heaven on Earth) Bach Energies Delivery

I had a breakthrough in the delivery method of the Heaven on Earth. I am testing it, and sending out a few samples to test by students. Read more

Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff. Clothes Do

Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar

Radical Honesty: the truth about you if you are human and breathe: you are a liar. _1 Did you notice that in American spoken English, people don’t lie down, they

Now I Really Know Everything, Or The Anatomy Of Human Arrogance

There is a strange phenomenon I’d like to share with you. It’s been bothering me for 23 years, and I have never been able to remedy it. 23 years ago I was a

I have started a new blog, just on the energies and on healing

There is so much that is happening that posting about it simply isn’t a good fit for this blog. So this morning I started another blog, same look, different content, at