There is no secret, no secret ingredient to raising your vibration, to become an expanding human being.

'I can't get my computer to work.'For those of you who have been making ever tightening circle around the secret, you may call it the truth, this is first a big let-down. A disappointment.

But when you look again, it gives you your life back, your ship is again under your command… you can become a finder instead of a seeker of the secret.

“The secret of growth” you’ve known but wished to be different is this: find something th

How, what you don’t know that you don’t know, is biting you… and you can’t see what bit you without help

youDontKnowYouDontKnowHow, what you don’t know that you don’t know, is biting you… and you can’t see what bit you without help

If I asked you what it is that you don’t know that you don’t know… no matter how long you looked, you would not see anything, because it is either that you don’t know or the question is stupid.

But everything that is missing for you to know is in that: what you don’t know that you don’t know.

The question is: is there a way to see what you don’t know that you don’t know? The answer is: yes… other people’s blind spots are different from y

What else do you need to know about the capacity: flexibility?

Oak-reedWhat else do you need to know about the capacity: flexibility?

In a recent article I pit reed-mode against oak-mode.

I call one flexible and the other inflexible or stuck.

But there is more to it.


  1. Reed can be blown in any direction, and it doesn’t resist
  2. Reed will return to its neutral state once the wind stops blowing. It knows what it is, and it returns there. It’s a natural state of growth, happiness and peace.

Sometimes you think you are a reed, because you are blown, in one direction: misery. But you are mistaken.

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The process of going from hopeless to energized and in action: limbering up, becoming flexible

hopeless man... as bad as being homelessAbout 50% of mornings I wake up depressed, hopeless, and regretting that I woke up at all.

Why would that be? Because my view of my life is stuck in a particular vantage point, you could call negative.

And those mornings, with the exception of a few, I look around for ways to unstuck myself. Not because I believe I can… but because I learned to do that.

This morning I read the Monday Morning Memo… and was inspired to write my own based on the same general idea.

I had no idea that I can do it, I had no idea if it would take me anywhere: I

Spirituality and Personality: The Psycho-Spiritual Controversy

If you have been involved in either therapy or counselling, or spirituality and meditation, in recent years you have probably encountered two basic, polarized viewpoints concerning personality. Essentially it amounts to this: therapists are pro-personality (and its improvement through healing neurosis etc.) while spiritual teachers proclaim personality a big waste of time, since neurotic or not, you are more than your personality.

This is not particularly surprising, since therapy and counseling tend to be concerned with the individual, while spiritual practices are concerned with higher matters. But it does lead the novices and beginners into a quandary where they are faced with the decision of what to do about personality. On the one hand, therapy could be an expensive, futile effort to better the personality, whereas, on the other hand, spiritual practice may offer an excuse to leave personal problems behind, with the justification tha

What Is Sleep Hypnosis And How Does It Work?

Hypnosis is mysterious and peculiar. It is not fully understood. Some therapists are taught a very diluted version of hypnosis and they market themselves with statements about hypnosis that are not true. They are true to the techniques they use, but not to hypnosis. Here are six common misconceptions about hypnosis and their relevance to effective change work. Some are encouraged by practicing therapists and some are just urban legends.

Hypnosis is a sleep like state

Hypnosis gets its name from the Greek God of sleep, Hypnos, which is misleading. Relaxation and sleep are two very common suggestions used in the induction process. The relaxed state you often see in hypnotised people is the acceptance of a suggestion, but it is not hypnosis. It is the effect not the cause.

In a stage show you will see the subjects slumped when the hypnotist is not using them, they look like they are asleep, puppets with their strings cut, yet as so

Are You Committed to Happiness?

Commitments are powerful. They are life transforming. When you commit to doing something, doors open and paths appear. When you commit in word and action, people appear to support you in your quest. Commitment leads to change. Decide what you are committed to and your life will change in that direction.

What is a commitment? Merriam-Webster, an Encyclopedia Britannica Company, defines commitment as “an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.” I like this definition because it does not include “obligation,” “financial risk,” or “emotional promise.” It is merely an agreement or pledge that you willingly and noncoercively have decided to do.

A true commitment involves a sense of “No matter what.”

No matter what happens, I will continue eating less food or specific food as required by this diet.
No matter how I feel, I will exercise several days for at least one hour every week.
No matter how my partner responds

The dynamics of getting stuck… Or why isn’t my life getting any better, in spite of all the things I do?

mutually exclusive outcomes

Why and how you got stuck?

  • When you see that acting would make a positive difference, but you don’t act.
  • When you see that if you did what you said you would do, you could… but you don’t do it.
  • When you see that staying angry or right will cost you everything you ever wanted… but being angry or being right is soooo justified…!

What is it that counters you taking that action, when you don’t do what you see would be a good move?
What is winning when you are obviously losing?

Obviously, a

It’s in your DNA… but it’s not working

livingstonYou’ll get the most out of this article, if you map it on yourself, on your life… Everything I write about you can find in your own life, in one form or another.

On Tuesdays I do my grocery shopping. Oftentimes I buy something chocolate, not a whole lot, a few bites I can finish before I get home. Other times I buy more…

I always know I did something really stupid within a few hours… Sugar doesn’t agree with me.

Sometimes I am knocked out for days… my mood, my energy level, my sleep, my mental sharpness all suffer.

So, here I am, Wednesday morning. It began with me not wanting t

What is Scarcity Thinking? What is abundance? Why knowing this will make you happy?

water-grabbersPeople (you) throw around words like they mean something, but in fact they (you) have no idea what they are talking about. And to boot, the words themselves stand in for many words, that don’t match well with the word used to “abbreviate” the phenomenon.

Scarcity is such a word. Scarce… not enough, meager, finite… but how does this apply to scarcity thinking? The attitude of scarcity?

Before I start, let me get something out of the way:

First off, people, you, can’t think, don’t think, instead you use prefab blocks of words and call it thinking. It isn’t. But that, the lack of th