I have been a spiritual, raise-your-vibration teacher for a while… and when someone asked what qualified me to teach, I could say that the fact that I did it myself, and went from a vibration of 185 to 930, consciously and with my eyes open.
Now, having done that is fine and dandy… but can I teach it? Good question.
But let’s look at another area: health.
At some point I got really clear that unless you have energy to do the work, unless you have coherence to do the work, unless you are well enough… I can’t help you much.
But I had a problem, an integrity issue: I myself wasn’t well enough to prove to you that I kno
This used to happen to me all the time: I’d get an email with a link. I’d go to the page, I’d love the results the guy is having, I’d want it. I’d buy it… then… I can’t use it. Even the tutorial videos don’t help: I lost my “vision.”
How come we buy things. While we watch the sales video, we feel clear about our need to have this, we feel clear about how it’s going to fit into what we are already doing, we feel clear about what to do.
Then the magic moment comes: we are sitting in front of the product, and we have no idea about any of that.
I hear that only one to two percent of buyers, on average
Every plant is toxic. Every animal is toxic. To one degree or other.
The difference between plants and other plants, from your point of view, is what plant your body can use without much harm, because your body has evolved to handle the toxins in the plant.
Just like high altitudes are deadly for some people, and natural for others, for example the Tibetans, your body can handle some things and can’t handle others.
It takes thousands years of exposure to develop the ability to eat one food and be well, even though it’s toxic.
Context is one of those words that unless you have enough capacities, especially the big picture capacity, is impossible to explain… at least it’s been impossible for me to explain to you.
And yet, if you want to improve the quality of your life, the magic wand to do that is context.
You change the context and everything changes with it.
Your default context is, the context that is invisible to you, but obvious to everyone around you is not pretty. That is where you live… in that context.