The same faulty thinking, the same thinking that makes you not do things that don’t directly produce money, or the results you seek, the same thinking that makes you a chef with no food in the pantry, is what keeps your relationships empty, and causes your vibration to remain low.
I was just looking at a post of mine: an Osho talk.
He says: Allow Silence to Grow
It triggered a distaste in my mouth. I published that article and I am suddenly knocking it? WTF, right?
But there is a reason… I have changed. I see things that even just a week ago could not see
If you could energize your cells, you could energize your whole body… including your brain. You could get stronger, more resilient, and do better in life. But…
Using just the Energizer Audio is a relatively slow method of energizing your water.
There is a saying: watched pot never boils…
It’s an idiom, but there is a lot of truth in it.
When you watch the pot waiting for the water in it to boil, you don’t have a lid on it, do you?
If and when you put the lid on, suddenly the water starts to boil.
High in vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy fats, nuts and seeds are little powerhouses of nutrition. However, nuts and seeds also contain phytic acid and large amounts of enzyme inhibitors which protect them from sprouting until they have the rain and sun they need to grow. And…
The Future of Food depends on our society’s ability and will to cook. Doing so rewards us in the short term with nourishment, and in the long term leads to us becoming a more informed and engaged food public.
If we as a society want to advocate for a certain type of food system, we can’t get there by ceding the knowledge gained through cooking to the packaged food companies and chefs who we’ve outsourced our diets to. To engage with the food system at large, we need to cook.
I watched some instructive videos of a guy who is making a living publishing books that he only compiled. Cookbooks, mainly. Recipe books. I have been anguished by the inability of my clients to use their food list and make … Continue reading → Related Posts: Cooking Jazz, Not Classical Cooking the Food System We […]
Lowering the barriers of cooking, so more people can connect deeply with the food system. Related Posts: Cooking the Food System We Want Who are you to think that you don’t need skills, don’t need knowledge in the world? How the abilities activation effects children Diet cults vs. how life intends that you eat What […]
Preamble: You can follow me down the rabbit hole. You can do it… The only question is: will you think it worth your while?
I know I have said it before, lots of times, but I will say it again, but slightly differently this time. So bear with me: the reward will be unbelievable!
When something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.
Said in another way:
When something isn’t working (the way you expected it to work), you can be sure that there is something you don’t know or can’t see.
Now, when you hear this sentence, you will never think about your mindset. You’ll never think that your thinking is wrong. That your life philosophy is wrong.
I don’t want to change you into my vision of you. Rather, I want to motivate you into becoming the person you are capable of becoming.
– Life Mapping (Bill Cohen)
Display and existence. These are two Landmark distinctions.
As I am looking at my students, the biggest missing is not intelligence, not diligence, it is these two distinctions.
I am still doing the preparation series for the mapping your life, or lifemapping workshop: I want you to come and do the work, instead of listening to me doing teaching.
Every learning is 5% input, and 95% you doing what you need to do, practicing it, using it, putting it into action.
So this is what these distinction and the article about
The title of this post is tricky: what we consider intuitive and counter-intuitive, are most what answer the question: does it make sense?
And if it makes sense, then it is Tree of Knowledge, then it fits in with all the stuff that’s stored in your mind, and in society’s collective mind, and it is 99% certain to be wrong.
The real intuitive guidance you get needs you to be disconnected from Mind, and be connected to All-of-It… and that, for most people, has been impossible.