You create your own reality with the context inside which you look at things… And the context, unless attended to, is creating a reality that you don’t want. But because you don’t know how to create context, that is what you created. bummer, eh? Context is decisive. And yet 99% of humans cannot wrap their […]
What makes life worth living?
This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah… And context is the ultimate life hack. Most people don’t understand the distinction: context Why is that a problem? […]
Are you building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?
I am going to quote an email from Tai Lopez, because it is so useful. He talks about a conversation with the founder of Quest bars… A protein bar I would never touch… but the guy is smart, at least what he says here is very smart, and I wish I had said what he […]
Any method that teaches you to heal another is a scam. Access Bars, Access Consciousness? Ugh, ugly.
Wow wow, Sophie, that is a big audacious generalization, isn’t it? Yes and no. The truth value of that statement is 12%. If you are new here, I am using muscle testing while I am connected to Source. So let’s tweak this statement a little: you cannot heal another. Truth value: 70% Interesting. Let’s see […]
Updated: Is muscletesting a good truth method for picking a diet? Prepare to be surprised

I am starting to get hate mail. I am happy about it. They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. So when you teach something, no echo is the worst thing that can happen to you. Being called names, cursed out: that is wonderful. You got noticed. It means: you are … Continue reading “Updated: Is muscletesting a good truth method for picking a diet? Prepare to be surprised”
What do I read, what do I watch so I can become all I can be, and pass it on to you?

One of the sources of what to read is the book-list of people that are light years ahead of me, like Charlie Munger, the billionaire. I’ve read science books because of his book list. Other ideas come from my own articles: like reading Sarah Singer and Blair Singer, whose books and videos are setting my … Continue reading “What do I read, what do I watch so I can become all I can be, and pass it on to you?”
How to avoid getting hooked…
It was about 10 years ago. I was getting somewhat better by drinking energized water. Not well, mind you, better. My skin was clearing up, and I had less occurrences of narcolepsy, where I would fall asleep in the middle of speaking, or driving. I was way up in Colorado. It was a seminar by […]
Who am I? looking through the filter: who you have become…
The particular filter I am looking through here, answering this question, is the Jim Rohn “you need to change who you are” who. I cannot see it all, and I can tell you, it is not yet who I need to be so I can have all I want, but I am getting closer. One […]
Half of the people on the autistic spectrum are also empaths
I wasn’t planning on it. It just happened. A whole new insight… I somehow got onto a youtube page that features a number of autistic videos. And I am going crazy… I am shutting down, I want to run, I am crying… WTF is going on? Turns out that the videos, as videos go, record […]
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