You have invested so much into spiritual teaching!

These should be frequently asked questions, and yet no one asks these questions, as a rule

I am continuing the practice of giving free strategy sessions to people who buy the Starting Point Measurements.

It’s work for me. It’s hard on my body having to be with their resistance, fear, or whatever they are feeling. It’s often talking to people whom, in normal circumstances, I would avoid. Why? Because they are argumentative, because they are often hostile, and because only one in 13 knows that I am an empath, what is an empath, and how I got to the measurements I got to. So they never did any work on knowing what they are paying for.

The first phase of growth is to plug the leaks of energy, life force, glycogen, time, mistakes

I am working on changing my sleep schedule, get up around five… So I can get more done before I have to talk to anyone.

It’s really difficult, and I will, most likely, have to suffer through days when I am tired, before I can be well and flow with the new schedule.

The reason for this change is a change in what is needed from me… it’s a circumstance.

If I look carefully, almost every big learning, every breakthrough came as a result of some change in circumstances that “forced” me to change my habits, change what I do.

The number one thing about change is discomfort. Maybe even pain. There is no way around it.

Most people come to me saying: they want to raise their vibration… If they knew life, even just a

Brain Fog plagues billions of people. Is it keeping you from attaining the good life?

I had a brainstorming call this morning.

We have scheduled 10 calls to see what he can do to replace his income and work from home.

I was quizzing him. He has been talking to me, at least once a week for 11 years… the results of the conversation were very eye opening: He was never really interested enough to learn from me. 11 years.

I have gifted him courses, activators, I have gifted him with my famous health consultation… Result: he never used any of it, and of course he never benefited from it. He eats, thinks, lives exactly as he was 11 years ago.

Still has no idea much of anything. But why?

On one hand, he is not curious. On the other hand: if you have brain fog,

The fastest way to get smarter in every area of life… or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

Why are you still a one-legged person in an ass kicking contest?

As I have said before, when your hydration is at or above 30%, you feel more solid, as if before you had been standing on one foot, balancing, precariously… and suddenly you are standing on both feet… stable.

You have more room for things to be “off”, off-kilter ((not aligned or balanced.)) , and less in a fixing mode, knee jerk reaction mode.

Once you have achieved that level of well-being, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, you should be able to notice when you are standing on one foot again.

You may not think it’s your hydration… and you should. Really.

So the question I am going to ask in this article: wh

The real reason Source says: don’t eat certain foods, like grains

Interesting. As soon as I ask a question, the answer lines up to be found by me… sometimes on the same day.

In my last article I said that I don’t know why it is not necessary to have gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance to get way way better by removing grains.

Next thing I know I am reading this book on the bees and what causes them to die off and leave the planet in danger of extinction… and there is the answer…

I am quoting from the book: Bless the Bees, the Pending Extinction of Pollinators: Read the bolded… otherwise you’ll be bogged down by the funky names of chemicals… and quit reading! lol


According to new research examining more tha

What can should expect when you stop eating grains… any form, hidden or overt

The truth value of this article is 20%… Higher than most articles…

I Stopped Eating Grains for a Month—Here’s What Happened

Obviously 20% is high, but it also means that it is 80% not true. I muscle test, and it is partially exaggeration, partially using untrue justification for what happened… But it’s worth reading. It is a good partial truth…

So long, oatmeal; hello, clear skin

– by Allison Young

Here’s how the whole grain-free thing came about: A year or so ago I got sick, pukey sick, and couldn’t eat anything for 24 hours without retching. I felt terrible…but my complexion was the picture of heath. Even the dry, irritated patch on my chin that had become somewhat of a persistent problem, gone! Obviously

Gluten? Fodmaps? Why do my clients feel better, perform better when they eliminate grains?

gluten sensitivity,gluten intoleranceAs you know, I do consultation with people to help them get higher levels of wellness.

I was sent an article this morning from Science Magazine arguing about Gluten…

What’s really behind ‘gluten sensitivity’?

I quote the entire article in the footnotes…

I muscle tested the truth value of the article, 5%.

Anything and anyone that talks about the companies or industries that provide all the funding for “science” are sensitive topic for people whose job security depends on their compliance in toeing the interests of these industries or companies.

So the truth value

How to have self-love? And why? and how narcissists hate themselves?

How to have self-love? And why? ((here is another article I wrote about this topic: self love))

I have been struggling with this forever. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind there is a huge resistance to it…

I listen in… I don’t even have to put a pillow on my head… I can now hear it, just need to listen.

–You are not perfect… yet
–If you ever loved yourself you would stop striving
–If you loved yourself then you would be selfish

There may be more… these are memes. Mind viruses.

All untruth perpetuated to keep people unhappy, not loving themselves. Not being on

It’s no wonder what is happening in the world…

When I suggested the exercise to make a list of what don’t you want, to tease out some distinction of the self, I expected that people will get to a place where their real colors will show.

I was sorely disappointed, and disturbed by what actually showed up: people only having ANY real concern for themselves, and even those concerns were not high-minded.

Upon reflection, I can see that it’s no wonder what is happening in the world.

Here are a few quotes that will show where and how the world is going… due to that narrow cone of vision, due to the survival/scarcity mindedness, low vibration of nearly everyone on earth.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Justice will not be served until those who are unaf