Are you intelligent enough to use this tool to change your life?

There is a tool that you could put in your tool box, and get out of tough spots, conquer every issue, and become a happy, wealthy, fulfilled person… It’s asking different questions… to see different paths.

But neither you, nor myself have been trained in it, so we keep on asking the same questions and end up with the same miserable life…

How do you develop the capacity to ask intelligent questions that also alter your reality?

Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my students. I suddenly had an insight into soul correction, that had been hidden from my view before.

How did I get to that insight? I asked different questions.

Asking different questions is one of the missings for you. On

Who are you that you are? What is the bottom line about you?

You have a deep seated judgment about yourself. And that is the pivoting point, the linchpin that your life is growing out of.

In 1987, in a Landmark Forum, there was an exercise to drive this deep seated judgment about yourself to the surface. To make the invisible visible.

The question was: Who are you that you are?

I raised my hand and I was called on. I started to ramble about fear of commitment, wanting to remain a student all my life…

The Forum Leader said: Oh, you are a failure!

I set down and didn’t hear another word for the rest of the session.

Today, 31 years later, I muscle tested the truth value of that “failure” thing, and it was “almost true”… but not quite.

There are two ways to hear anything… part 1. Courage deficiency

There are two ways to hear anything…

  • 1. through and inside the mind
  • 2. in reality

Hearing, or course, includes reading. Reading is a version of listening. How you read is how you listen…

But even if you manage to hear something outside of the mind, the next step will decide everything.

You are like a dog with a bone. Or a cat with a new food…

You’ll drag that thing you heard into the cave, into the mind, and you compare it with what is there.

If you see a compelling reason to accept something that flies in the face of what is already in the cave, you’ll do that.

How often? It depends on many factors, but all in all… very rar

There are two ways to hear anything Part 2. What was said and what you heard…

I have been observing people’s behavior in seminars, coaching calls, and even one-on-one conversations.

They are rarely hearing what you are saying. ((This is the foundation, by the way, of the saying that you cannot talk butterfly to a caterpillar person… they translate everything to caterpillar… so you can talk, but they don’t hear you.))

Do what do they do?

  • 1. they get hooked on something you said,

The Law of 33%, or why you resist this as if your life depended on it?

One of the brilliant ideas from the 67 steps that hardly anyone considers as applying to them is the idea of spending at least one third of their discretionary time ((time you have control over, time you can call your own.  I have found that it could be as high as two hours, but as a minimum, an hour a day is necessary if you want to grow. You’ll train your TLB with this too… because being with people who are better than you is NOT comfortable… actually it can be very painful.


Make your plane go where you want it to go… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane go where you want it to go…

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip?

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Readers ask… about negotiation, enrollment, differences of opinion, arguments

Dear Sophie:

I just watched this interview with the author of “Never Split the Difference.” It’s a book about negotiation techniques. The author is a former FBI hostage negotiator. I found it quite intriguing. My head was spinning just trying to keep up with the conversation. Afterwards, I was left with very mixed feelings. It seemed to me that my desire to learn more about these techniques was rooted in greed and a sense of wanting to learn in order to win or manipulate. Whatever the feeling, I am not comfortable with it; it was not a pure feeling. I have a different idea about communication, one having to do with connection, more along the lines of Steven Covey, ” Seek First to Understand, Then to be U

Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that.

Principles [note]prin·ci·ple
1. a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
“the basic principles of Christianity”
synonyms: truth, proposition, concept, idea, theory, assumption, fundamental, essential, ground rule
“elementary principles”
a rule or belief governing one’s personal behavior.
“struggling to be true to their own principles”
synonyms: morals, morality, (code of) ethics, beliefs, ideals, standards; More
integrity, uprightness, righteousnes

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work no one else is doing? You either do one or the other…

I am still looking at how to become an influencer… ((influencer: MARKETING a person or group that has the ability to influence the behaviour or opinions of others: The influencer is the individual whose effect on the purchase decision is in some way significant or authoritative))

It’s not really my ambition… ((ambition is a desire for a something, future, or a result that you are willing and able to work towards… as opposed to desire: desire is for a future or a result you imagined in the privacy of your mind, and expect or hope to befall on you without doing anything. Another aspect of