if it is not true everywhere it is not true anywhere


what i am not saying in part 3 is that creating a new context is, in essence, what we are doing.

Read the original article: if it is not true everywhere it is not true anywhere

I Misunderstood…

I wrote this article a few days ago…

Yesterday I fell and hurt myself… so i am pecking out this preamble with my right index finger… taking forever. And there are possibly typos…

I may have to do audios until i can use me left hand…

When you have a strong enough latticework of things you know, you have experienced, you have believed, almost any substantial article or conversation will be an answer to your prayers.

You remember: when something isn’t working there is something you don’t know, something you don’t see, or something you misunderstood.

I read today a long article on The Guardian website, saying, in essence: By gaining greater knowl

You got stuck in the behavior of a 3-4-year old and it is biting you in the ass today

I am writing nowadays a lot about your mental slothfulness, about your lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, and poor absorption of what you are seeing.

In a coaching call yesterday my student started to bring some clarity for me.

He calls it “nodding” when he has no idea what he just heard, or what he just read.

That is the visible part of this huge iceberg… but what is in the immersed part?

A night and a f

How much of what you hear, read, see, gets through to you? And how much of it is replaced with noise? on the energies…

I had a webinar yesterday where I am talking with my students about the Avatar State Activator energies, and how to use them to get the most results.

If you are a subscriber, I am posting it in the subscribers’ area on this page. You have to be a subscriber and confirm your email address to view that page.

It was a very interesting call: I learned a lot.

This has been the pattern lately. I do something, say something, and then shortly after I find out what people misunderstood. I explain that… and a few days later I find out, in a conversation, what people misunderstoo

A politically incorrect view at being inner directed

Some of my findings are so politically incorrect that I hold them back for a long time until I have further proof, or gather enough courage to take the beating that may come.

Yesterday, with the Days of Power, I filled up my vessel with The Light… and with that my courage is overflowing. I am not saying I am not afraid. Last night it took me two and a half hours to fall asleep instead of the now usual 30 minutes or less.

One of these is what I didn’t write in my last article on motivation, the spirit, the inner desire to become all you can become.

What I didn’t write in that article is that maybe all men were created equal 50 thousand years ago, but evolution left certain people, certain groups unevolving, and other groups evo

Ambition, motivation, and will power… which one will give you a life worth living?

Today the sky is open and the motive power of the Universe can be downloaded. I’ll be doing it in a few minutes.

That energy, the Day of Power energy is what powers the spirit inside. The spirit that expresses itself, makes itself felt in you. If you refuse to move with it, the pressure is tremendous. In creativity it is the energy that pushes you to go beyond the limitation of the horizontal plane.

This article examines what makes you move, choose, act… Worth reading.

You want to be someone who can do things, who want to do things, who actually does things? This article will answer some of your questions on how to become that person.

I am reading a book, Diet Cults. The author and the book itself is as

Get outside of the nine dots

After yesterday’s article I got an email from one of the readers asking if solving jigsaw puzzles will develop their eye muscles to enable them to see the bigger picture and to see the deeper picture.

It doesn’t.

So I started to ponder and spent my day pondering about the topic: seeing, creativity, innovation, cone of vision, and what is the difference between extraordinary people and ordinary people.

Been there done that! the fixed mindset and how it prevents you from changing yourself and your life…

How the notes you take, the stories you tell, put blinders on you and prevent you from growing…

As a coach, I will send you back to the same book, the same video a number of times. My intention is that you watch it… But some students won’t watch it again, they go to their notes, and read them instead. In their mind they say: I have done that… I know! And they kill their chance to see how much they have grown, and their chance to allow their consciousness to see something different.

This is the same mechanism that your stories remain the same. You say the same thing at age 50 as what you said at age six. If the stories you tell remain the same, then be sure: you have remained the same.


Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

The only effective method to make something work is to remove, little by little, all the things that make it not work, or not work as well as it could.

This is true in every area of life.

So what can be removed?

Attitudes are the number one, and the highest return on investment kind of things to remove.

Your attitudes are mostly invisible to you, because they feel li