How to beat the “human condition” successfully?

I spent a few hours this week reading really old emails from two of my clients. I was especially interested in their early emails… maybe so I can see what changed?

When you talk to someone nearly every day, it is hard to notice the changes…

So periodically going back and seeing some of the things they said six years ago is really useful in this regard.

I have my customer/client emails saved, all of them, grouped by client, so I didn’t even have to search… Just pick a client, and read…

One of these guys went on and on and on how much he doesn’t want to be human. How much he doesn’t want to be part of the human condition. The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Change your view… change your life

If transformation is due to the change in what you see then the most important thing to change is your view.

Your view of anything is what you actually see without resistance. Mostly a tiny bit of what is there… and you base your whole world view on that tiny bit.

Your language, your behavior, your facial expression can reveal the your view of self you are trying to hide.

Your language, the words you use, your tone of voice, reveals your inner coherence, and all the unreality you consider reality, your attitude, your haughtiness, your delusion… everything.

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Can you tell what size is your cone of vision? Look to what degree your life is fragmented…

fragmented lifeYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attached you are to one area of life, or one way to do it, or one problem you have.

Go beyond where you normally stop… But where? How? Show me the path…


I woke up disgruntled… almost ready to go into devastation (which is my “home page”) but it all changed as I sat down and began to write. What was going to be a rant, became a celebration.

I guess I wasn’t stuck with or invested in resisting being someone who rants when I feel beaten, or slighted, or hurt… It seems that I accepted, embraced, and it got out of my face… All unconscious competence, by the way. I didn’t have to sit around and analyze it… it just happened. …and I could look and s

The difference between information (knowing) and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation.

Transformation is when your actions are consistent with the new knowledge, consistently.

My basic training is architecture, and my five year t

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you trying to be busy all the time? What does that say about you?

Your soul, your spirit, knows right from wrong

If it only had an opportunity to talk to you, to be heard, you’d probably consider stopping doing the wrongs that you do, if only to have peace inside, to have less tension, to have more joy.

The two selves we all have are twins separated at birth… one grows according to DNA, the other according to outside influences… nature vs. nurture.

The further “nurture” makes the one twin (self) go, the worse the relationship becomes, the more, whenever they get to see each other, the one hates the other. Which one is doing the hating, you ask?

 Quite counter intuitive, but it’s the bad self that hates the good self.

Why? Th

What is evil… and who is evil? Is it what the bible teaches? And what is the state of evil in the world today?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

  • You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
  • You shouldn’t have to pay attention
  • You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone

Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a “higher power” and a universe that makes sense

indigo childI think that most, or at least, many children are born with a much higher potential than what they will actually live out.

It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Some of these children, like myself, are allowed to grow like a weed. Attention, the attention of the lesser ability adults that try to pass on their world view destroys the potential of these children.

  • It is said that we live in special times.
  • That nowadays more children than ever before are born with some additional strands of DNA…
  • That children retain their ability to see the invisible, hear the invisible, feel the invisible.

I don’t think th

Learn the art of life-altering sharing

Share your incidents, success incidents with giving the fireplace wood before you expect/receive heat

It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.

Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.

Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They do