The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

In the Playground, people do the work in pairs… we call these Partner Calls.

A partner call needs to be about a problem that came up in an incident. It is less talking than looking.

The person who talks, while the other listens, looks at the incident and attempts to take it through a set of looking points… we call that a script.

The looking points are filters through which the incident suddenly looks different… Richer, more detailed, looked through different vantage points.

The goal is to disappear

Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

One of the clues I have for proof that I am taking the idea of soul correction seriously

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… meaning: I believe that I am the alpha and the omega, and that anything and everything other people say has to be filtered through MY genius, my experience, or it is not to be taken seriously.

My soul correction that makes me a very slow learner…

I don’t even have questions when I read something, when I hear something. I am not one of the people who have a question of the speaker at the end of a talk. I first let it all in, no resistance, and let the brain work out whatever the brain wants to work out, and let the brain bring out the questions if there are a