Help! I have been a loser! Can you help?

Before you consider yourself a winner or a loser… before you rush into conclusion… consider that life is not a simple calculus… there is a lot more to it than 2+2 is 4…

But yet a lot of my students consider themselves losers… so let’s see what the checklist shows, what haven’t you considered…

A successful life is built of projects.

Every project has five stages, five phases. any project. Work, fun, life, eating, sports, any project.

I have found this distinction very useful and calming. It stopped me from prematurely deciding if I was a winner or a loser… Posted on in Evolution Modalities | Leave a comment

Who, what should be your teacher for life?

compare monkeys and homo sapiensWho should be your teachers? What should be your teachers?

And why do you need teachers?

Everyone thinks they should know more, have more. Be right more. Look better more often. Have more liberty, more stuff, less annoying stuff.

But no one teaches you how to let go, how to become free… again.

Let go? Hell yeah.

Most soul corrections, in fact the whole of humanity, with rare exceptions, spend their lifetime compensating for some inane incident that a more intelligent species would have shaken off… no big deal.

But not the Bandar-log, the just out of the monkey evolutionary phase homo sapiens… no, they are not intelligent enough. Even monkeys are more intelligent… don

I don’t know if you know the feeling…

…when someone, finally, out of the blue, comes into your life and gives you what you haven’t been able to get from anyone, even though you have been trying and trying and trying… in vain.

And then you feel love. No, I mean LOVE… if I could I would make the letters as big as a house. Love. really.

You see, my soul correction, “Forget Thyself” instructs me to listen to someone smarter than me, so I don’t have to learn everything the hard way, but, of course, listening to the instructions is not part of my soul correction, in fact the opposite of it.

So all my life, all the 72 years, I have been a somewhat dumb person, making mistakes of my own design, all the while hopping for som

Do what is difficult when it’s easy… what does it mean for you?

do what is hard when it is easyI am hearing that you can’t wrap your minds around Seneca’s principle: “do what is hard when it is easy”.

So I am going to give you some examples… and then ask you to add your examples to the comments section. Let’s create at least 50, OK? Together…

Maintenance is a good example. Exercising is easy while you still can. If you don’t, movement becomes difficult… and then you are seriously limited.

I think the “do  what’s difficult while it’s easy” is vague, so all of life fits into it well. It’s a principle. It’s a distinction. It is a way to look at the world…

Find examples. Make it a swiss cheese: shoot holes in

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

shoot-holes-into-itDo what’s difficult when it’s easy.

This principle comes from Seneca, the elder, but it seems that it has another way to say it: do what you see, when you see it.

I am, in some way, still a child and crack up when I hear bathroom humor. I can’t talk about passing gas without laughing. Yours truly is about five years old in this regard.

One of my favorite such jokes is about the dude who goes to the doctor, and asks him to do something about his farting: it is silent and doesn’t smell… but it still bothers him.

The doctor scratches his head and gives him some pills… and tells him to come back a week later. The dude is back, enraged: your pills made my gas smell like hell, he says.

Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering

“There are people who take the heart out of you, and there are people who put it back,” wrote author Charles de Lint. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, your heart will encounter far more of the latter than the former types of people in 2020. There may be one wrangler who tries to take the heart out of you, but there will be an array of nurturers who will strive to keep the heart in you — as well as boosters and builders who will add even more heart.”

It’s been hard to be me.

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Scarcity or abundance… what makes the difference on the seed level?

I have to admit: I am going to muscle test my way through everything I say… so I become the first person on the planet who doesn’t disseminate bull crap about this topic so many people ask about. Almost 100% of the new visitors to the site come with a strong pull towards money, feeling good, really acting like puppets on a string…

Of course my site disappoints 90% of them, right away, 99% of them over the next week or so…

If you tell the truth, your filter when looking at things, at people, at yourself, hovers around abundance or scarcity… is all about having.

Does he have the looks?
Does he have the style?
Does he have the money?
Does he have the knowledge that will make you look good?

Bach energies

Edward Bach identified 38 plants and one piece of water as having a similar harmful attitude as humans.

He created his famous Bach Flower Remedies that are based on the like extinguishes like… homeopathy.

I have added four “flowers” of my own. Turned each remedy into a downloadable energy, and bundled them in my famous HOE energy that can infuse the whole 42 in water, or when you listen to it, release all the blockages that match one or all of the 42 “flowers”.

Read the original article: Bach energies

Bach Energy

Edward Bach identified 3t plants and one piece of water as having a similar harmful attitude as humans.

He created his famous Bach Flower Remedies that are based on the like extinguishes like… homeopathy.

I have added four “flowers” of my own. Turned each remedy into a downloadable energy, and bundled them in my famous HOE energy that can infuse the whole 42 in water, or when you listen to it, release all the blockages that match one or all of the 42 “flowers”.

Read the original article: Bach Energy