I am running, again and again, into the same barrier with every group, with every person, their lack of faith. [note]Truth be told, I am in need of a little faith too… I have been paying too much attention at the signs of me dying… and have been resigning to it.
But my work isn’t done… but unless I generate faith… I won’t get it done… I’ll just wither away… if I keep losing weight at the rate I am losing now.[/note]
This is especially true for people who had a religious upbringing.
Religion teaches you to ask your deity to do things for you… and your deity doesn’t.
Whether there is a deity or not is everybody’s guess
There are two major worldviews in the world as far as governments and systems go, according to Thomas Sowell.
One worldview says that evolution is finished, humans are as good as it gets. (Restricted, in Thomas Sowell’s terminology)
Meaning: they consider that humans are good and bad, mostly bad, selfish, self-serving, and stupid. Much like your parents probably thought of you and your siblings.
Which means, from the government’s perspective is that they need to treat you as children who need boundaries, structures, who need to be protected against themselves.
The United States is an example for that. Over-regulated. T
From time to time I have famous gurus contacting me for a vibrational reading, and from time to time they want to work with me, meaning, they want me to teach them.
Now, the first price to pay, when you come to me, is your notion that you know something, and that what you know is true… and that you only need to add to that knowledge to be all you could be.
Especially, if you are someone who teaches others what you know, and they pay you handsomely, or not handsomely, but pay you.
… said Henry Ford in 1909 to his sales people… From Quora
The phenomenon of wanting to please everyone, wanting everyone to like you… is the hallmark of slavish people, needy people, who can’t and won’t be successful at anything.
If you are an entrepreneur, unless you rein this neediness in, and internalize that no one needs to like you… you won’t be successful… because slaves are never successful.
This is a really old article… lots have been changed in the past three years!
I have been cutting stuff out of my diet for three weeks now hoping that I can drop a few pounds. So far no good, and that has forced me to look deeper into getting the nutrients my body needs.
The experience of craving is probably familiar to you too. You crave, you feel hunger, but it is not really hunger… the body is talking to you through restlessness, through desire, through sleeplessness, through weight gain, though nausea, etc.
Deciphering what the body needs, what the body says is more difficult than deciphering encrypted messages: the variation of things that can be said, the variation of things the body c
Have you shopped and shopped and still haven’t managed to get a gift for a loved one?
I know the feeling! I have spent hours getting gifts with a special meaning but there was always someone who either seemed to have everything or or I just couldn’t think of the right thing.
But, don’t worry! I have a solution that is good for even a difficult person to buy for
A custom domain name!
How about buying a domain for your mum so she has an email address like
Some people are like grasshoppers, others like butterflies, some bees, bumble bees. I seem to be the kind of person who sticks with one “plant” until its juices become tasteless, or until it’s time to move on.
My current fascination is with Neal Stephenson, whose novels I would call historical fiction.
I have read the Cryptonomicon, and I am 60% into Quicksilve
Once we establish the limits and boundaries of our responsibility, we can take full charge of that which is our duty and let go of that which is not: in doing so, we find more enjoyment supporting others, as we create more harmonious cooperative relationships. [note]The way I word this: you can only be responsible for what belongs to you. I don’t use the word “duty” in the context of responsibility, EVER, because, in my view, duty is an outward phenomenon, and responsibility and inward phenomenon. Meaning: you want to be sure that you 1. know what belongs to you, because these are the only things you can and want to be responsible for 2. you will be cut off from your inner powers as long as you don’t take responsibility, don’t own what belongs to you. Responsibility is your access to your own inner power, peace of mind and ability to produce results, express yourself, etc. So it is an inner job.[/note]