On Procrastination: part 2: the hold-back forces and how to have them work for you instead of against you

what-holds-you-backNow that we have seen that what is underneath procrastination is the fact that we are still more, much more interested in avoiding unpleasantness, humiliation, etc. than moving towards some purpose.

And avoiding unpleasantness, will, at best, keep you the same… no movement.

From the pdf of the last procrastination article, we saw, that unless you can invent a yummy enough goal, something important enough to go for, you

Bumbling idiots vs. Having All Your Ducks In a Row: which one is better?

shawn spencer in psych: a bumbling idiot coming out on topI am reading a new book. This one is fiction, and it’s a different style than most fiction I have read: no explanation, written like a movie.

It is entirely up to you what you are going to get out of the book. I like that, it is up my alley. I don’t even mind if I get a whole different thing every day, the opposite of what I got the day before.

The book runs three stories concurrently: two right before and during World War II, and the third is in the mind-1990’s. The main characters meet, cross path.

The biggest takeaway I have, so far, is that all the characters are bumbling idiots, canceling out the myth that some people have it together. No one does.

Among these bumbling idiot peopl


self-sabotage: insisting on being rightSelf-sabotage…

What makes someone procrastinate on doing things that would make a difference for them?

What makes someone not use what they bought?

What makes someone undermine their own efforts? Sabotage themselves?

Why would someone not get the benefits they wanted?

Yesterday I wrote about life scripts.

A life script or pattern is based on a decision someone made around age three… and that decision is the seed level of that script.

That decision is they unconsciously try to prove they are right about… Restlessly gathering evidence to prove that they are right. That they have been right

The energy of persistence, of insistence: will it make you successful?

persistent, insistent, pushing throughIn one of the posts from last week I asked people to put in the comment box the three characteristics they are most proud of having.

One of them, persistent [note]Badger animal symbolism has a wealth of information to share with us when we are ready to heed the message! … The badger stops at nothing to get what it wants, and this is a lesson for us to be persistent in our pursuits[/note] shows up repeatedly. Yet, the people that are persistent are not successful, not by a long shot. Why? After all it seems like a desirable characteristic, doesn’t it?

I’ll show it through falling asleep and maybe othe

Develop the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being)

stress-of-lifeOne of the capacities that you want to activate and develop is the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being).

One of my students violated copyright recently, and I sent her an email

…you have a profound disregard to my intellectual property. I did not sell you the right to do this. So please don’t do it again, and don’t pride yourself on how crafty you are. Stop gutting, combining, etc. the audios you bought the right to use, but not the right to gut them, recombine them. You don’t own them, I do.

Then, inadvertently, I stayed connected to her… not a pleasant experience.

She went into anger and belligerence first. Then was ruminating abou

On procrastination… again and again

I am procrastinating right now. I should be writing a sales letter, and I am having cold feet. Weird. Normally I don’t procrastinate a lot… but the past 2 weeks I have been shying away from doing what I said I wanted to do, every opportunity I have.

I got lucky today, and found an email with the exact same topic from a famous marketer, and I want you to read what he has to say: very useful, and in a way surprising.

At least I was surprised for myself, and now I have at least a general idea how to get myself into action on my project.

If you want to read it, you can do that by signing into the membership area where I have my free downloads.

Here is your link: https://www.yourvibration.com/subscribers/index.php?/register/RUkqw7

If you are already a member, after clicking on the above link, please select: “Existing members, please click here.” and log in instead of trying to

Ownership: the distinction that separates low and high vibration people

the tail wagging the dogI had a major insight today: Unless you own what belongs to you, you can’t have the vibrational benefit that comes with it.

I know the above sentence doesn’t make real sense to you, but trust me, I’ll explain, and I’ll use examples, after all that’s how I have come to that conclusion: through my own experience.

It’s Tuesday, my errand day.

My driver came a 8:30 as usual, and on the way to the chiropractor I was talking and talking and talking. I like talking… lol.

She interrupted me a few times to admire me for the skillful and colorful use of the English language, and I enjoyed being appreciated for something I worked real hard to achieve. I have put real effort in developing my ability to use visual, kinesthetic and a

How to develop the wisdom you need to be able to tell truth from fiction, truth from a lie?

how to develop wisdom?I just read a little local article about a fourth-grader (age 9~10) who challenged himself to read more books than he did the previous summer (100) and read almost 150 books this past summer.

His favorites are fantasy and fiction, including Viking and Greek mythology.

Now, if I asked you what’s the difference between you and this kid, what would you say?

You probably think that I am accusing you with not reading enough, so you would reach for some excuses, and some self-justification, not enough time, blah blah blah.

Some of you would say that you read as much, but you read it on the Internet, emails and such.

But I think that the main difference between this fourth-grader and you is that he probably

I’ve just finished reading the most horrible story I have ever read

I’ve just finished reading the most horrible story I have ever read. It’s about a parasitic sea creature, and the reason I am sharing it with you is because the way it takes over the host’s body and mind is a lot like we, humans, are taken over by the Dark Side, and become Dark Side ourselves.

Maybe the process is not literally the same, but yet… there is a lot to learn from this horror story, so I am going to quote it here:


This may be the ocean’s most horrifying monster (and you’ve probably never heard of it)

When I first learned about rhizocephalan barnacles I lost my appetite.

I was taking a parasitology course, and even though I’d developed a thick skin, something about this insidious creature deeply disturbed me. Even now, the thought of one makes me shiver. I’ve never watched a movie monster, heard a fairy tale, or seen a video game with a villain more horrifying than this one. And unlike those monsters, this one is real. To unders

Opportunity Seeker? Fixer? Looking for instant something? Or maybe know someone like that?

I have been thinking of approaching some of my friends and ask them to introduce me to their customers.

Most of my friends are in internet marketing, given that I have been studying internet marketing since 2004.

I need to be able to figure out what it is that is relevant, in what I teach, for opportunity seekers.

Opportunity seekers are hellbent in finding something that will make them instantly and effortlessly rich, smart, a winner, a stud… pick your poison. Opportunity seeking is like a drug, really, seeking is like a drug. It is like chasing the blue bird of happiness: it appears just within reach only to fly away once you get close to it. The more you are engaged the more addicted you become.

Opportunity seeking is addictive and it is an addiction.

It is searching for a “cheap” way to get pleasure, fulfillment, money, winning, an experience, or pleasure. And because all of those goals are fleeting and come with a downside, the hunger to fulfill that vo