Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?

self-trustRemembering the Future…

What future? What remembering? What can it do? What is self-trust? Is it the same as self-esteem?

I have been watching, or better said, listening to videos of Jordan Peterson, and others that show up when I go to youtube… it seems that some thinking people are realizing that it will take some actions to turn all this craziness around.

Jordan Peterson, I am realizing, is a psychology professor… dabbling in pseudo science… and listening to him is not good for anyone… He can’t see the future…

What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see it?

fake it worldviewYou can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on.

So changing your worldview is only possible if you are willing for the floor to disappear. I have been… Are you?

I had a friend during my participation in Landmark Education. She was an aspiring entrepreneur. Aspiring meaning: unsuccessful.

Why was she unsuccessful? She could do things. She had the appearance: she was tall, for example.

In one of our

Can humans grow? Grow intelligence, curiosity, motivation?

idle curiosityLet me start with a joke: How to have a million dollars in business? Start with two million

How do you make a million dollars in the restaurant business? Start with two million

This is the joke that is making the circles in my brain when I think about how to have clients who have ambition, motive power, and actually accomplish stuff?

You start with students who already accomplish stuff…

Can you actually teach accomplishment? Muscle test (Source) says: no… unless.

This article is about what comes after the word ‘unless’

MindValley’s total transformation class with Dr. Fabrizio Mancini and Christine Bullock

I am an affiliate (get commission) at MindValley. I have even applied to be one of their teachers, but they sent me a form letter back, so I said F… it. I’ll go on my own.

I duplicated the video at the bottom or the post

Here is the email I am supposed to send you:

[First Name], do you meditate daily? Over 30 million people in America do.

And do you know what daily meditation can do to you?

It can…

— Boost intelligence and sharpen your focus

— Relieve stress and keep you calmer

— Increase your life span and enhance vitality

— Make you more compassionate and kinder

— Have you looking and feeling younger

— And much, much more.

As you can imagine, it affects every aspect of your life. From your career, your relationships and even your love life.

But do you know, meditation when combined with good old exercise ca

Breath is access to Soul, to all-of-it, your higher self. Finding the blockages in breath and eliminating them

deep unconscious breathNearly all of humanity is infected with the mind virus. Slowly we constitute our whole self and our whole world as our minds, unawares that we are several magnitudes more powerful than the mind… and by mind I mean the storage device of the brain, not the whole brain.

When I ask people on the calls to watch their breathing, or look for blockages, without exception they hold their breath: the mind tells them to do so. Why would the mind do that? Like all virus it is only interested in perpetuating itself, and when you are asked to watch or observe, accidentally! you might access your witness, your Observer, and then you will see the mind for what it is: a pea size hard drive able to do se

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… Amazing TED talks to enrich your concept of emotions, feelings, and self-image

Here is one… what makes it stand out is the passion, and the using of sound effects… her own voice, really authentic… I really loved it.

But what makes it really my favorite, that my clients and students who have been in a quandary about who they are… are starting to see the importance of recognizing the pattern this TED talk introduces: how you make up a new identity that is wholly inauthentic to you.

I am on a roll… I will be watching, and posting if I find the TED talk useful.

Two things about this coming TED talk: the more views a talk has, the more the talker speaks the common man’s language, beliefs, and stuff… words that are inaccurate.

Regardless, this is a goo

I need your help to name the remedy… Please

wake-up-ready-2I need your help

It has become clear to me that calling the energy remedy Effortless Abundance Activator wasn’t as good an idea as I hoped it was going to be: only few people resonate with that, and no one seems to search for Effortless Abundance… literally.

So what does the remedy do, that would be a better clue to people that it’s a perfect match to what they desire?

Here are my own observations:

  1. wake up productiveIt somehow causes me to

Bloodless, tearless transformation

A big winter storm is moving across America (I hear Europe isn’t doing better) and people are holding their breaths… Waiting for Godot [note]A French nihilist play where people are talking waiting for some imaginary character, called Godot, someone who never comes, and yet you can spend your life waiting for him… Recognize yourself?

One of my favorite short movies is called Godzilla and Bambi… Bambi is grazing, Godzilla stomps him… the end.

[/note] or waiting for death… hoping…

How you do anything is how you do everything. If a snow storm makes you hold your breath, how do you think you are when you are trying to face your