I laughed so hard, I got tears in my eyes… maybe because I am on the 2045 side already? lol
Lady Gaga is the funniest… cracking up.
Read the original article: Just for laughs…
I laughed so hard, I got tears in my eyes… maybe because I am on the 2045 side already? lol
Lady Gaga is the funniest… cracking up.
Read the original article: Just for laughs…
I haven’t been a guru follower, but I have always been curious and skeptical about the gurus reporting about their enlightenment as an incident that started out hard and then suddenly it became funny so they laughed, maybe even rolled on the floor.
What was the funny joke they all shared?
I always had a hunch that if you wanted to keep a secret you wouldn’t share it with anyone… not even one other person. And they didn’t.
So what is a secret you don’t want to share, if you are supposedly a guru, a teacher?
And you don’t need to share notes
My first awakening, rude as it was, was in 1979. I was 32 years old, had won first prize in an architectural competition, and I was in a mental health facility as an inmate.
Depression… I was depressed…
I didn’t know I was an empath, so I have no idea how much of what I felt was mine…
One day in the big circle I said something that got me thrown out of that big circle group.
Next day I was asked to do a test: find out what I like and what I don’t. I spent a lot of time with that test, because, honestly, I didn’t know. I didn’t know what I liked and what I preferred.
They made me retake the test, and I failed again. Holy Mackerel… I had no “I”. I mean I did have an “I” that threw its weight around
I’ll do this workshop until I am satisfied that the method the way I teach it works…
We had results across the board: some came away moved to tears, some came away and quit coaching… Why? It brings up what you have been desperately trying to hide.
I’ll do the course and refine it and tweak it and mold it, until it works for every participant. Why? I like challenges, and I definitely finish what I start… lol.
When stuff happens, you go to fear, anxiety, trepidation, anger, frustration… you lose your power. This article is about how to pull back your powers with the correct use of correct language… It is not affirmation, afformations, positive thinking, visualization, etc… those, in my experience, have
Commerce, and most interactions are value-exchange-based when healthy.
But who defines what is value and how much?
Before we can go deeply into that, let’s look what you have that is of value…
Some of it is of value to you, some of it is of value to someone else.
You have your time. Instead of doing anything you want with it, some of it you’ll turn into value that you can sell. In exchange of something that you value more or equally as your time
I listened to a few Jordan Peterson talks (in classroom) yesterday. I valued what I got for my time higher than my ti
I refuse to be categorized as a healer. I have energies, I have knowledge, I have empathic “sight”, I can “diagnose”, not legally but factually, I can recommend… but I am not a healer… and yet.
Almost 30 years ago I was in a program called “Emotions Anonymous”, a 12-step program. I wanted to deal with my anger. My anger came out in really threatening ways, sending both myself and others towards the hills…
It was, on one hand, a learned behavior… both my parents had a difficult time handling their anger towards me…
One of the participants in the group was Hungarian, and very miserable. I visited him one afternoon. His place was up to knee deep in newspapers, every room, the garage, the kitchen, every inch except for a two foot wide pa
Because nothing is wrong. It is what it is, it is how it is, and it is just a phase, it is just a place, it is just how it is, for now.
I am sure you are asking yourself: has she finally gone completely insane?
But I have always been like this… because this is the only place where you can be happy, growing, doing what you want to do… when nothing is wrong.
Dictionary meaning: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen
What the dictionary doesn’t say is that you are not willing or not able to do anything to make that desire materialize. You expect it to come to you without you doing anything… anything at all.
Imaginations, visualizations, mind movies, vision boards… these are your tools… NOT earning what you want.
Read the original article: Desire
Dictionary meaning: a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work
As you can see, this is the polar opposite of desire… the emphasis is on doing, achieving, hard work… Rare. Most people I measure have an ambition score of 1… and rarely I see higher than 10.
The higher your delusion number, the lower your ambition number… delusion tells you it’s coming… it’s coming… it’s coming.
Because you deserve it…
Read the original article: Ambition
dictionary meaning: do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)
I like to say, instead of deserving, you earn what you get. With your actions, your attitude, your skills practiced… you earn it… and depending on the actions, the attitude and the skills, you earn good or bad. It is a cause and effect relationship.
The fact that the dynamic is in the invisible realm doesn’t mean it’s not a cause and effect.
Sometimes, in a zero sum game, you get because your opponent deserved to lose… like the presidential elections. Hillary deserved to lose. Trump didn’t deserve to become president. But in a zero sum game one’s loss is your gain. Unearned, undeserved.
Read the original article: Deserve