What is the truth value of your knowledge? How true is what you know?

Your starting point measurements paint an accurate picture of you… [note]The truth value of your personal knowledge, (average:  2% truth value! It means 98% of what you know is wrong!) is indicated in your vocabulary number… your clarity… It can be translated to a truth value. My truth value is 70% and my accurate vocabulary is 4000… so do some math… lol.[/note] But here is something it won’t tell me: can you ask intelligent questions? I am learning in my strategy sessions that indeed you can’t.

Questions that no one is asking are very telling. They are indicative of the direction I want to go.

When everyone zigs… I prefer to zag.

Why? Because the masses are always wrong. Not only in details, but more importantly

How to Get Guidance from the Beyond

Guidance from beyond comes in all shapes and forms
Dream 1: I am playing with and fascinated by some colored dots that make a pattern, though moving, still a pattern, building something. At some point the dots suddenly lose color and die, and the fascinating pattern deteriorates to a one color dying, diminishing mess. I wake up. I know it is the message I asked for. My interpretation: don’t be fascinated with the ever changing outside world… turn your attention inward where you call all the shots.

Dream 2: I am invited to a conference in France. I haven’t been there for over 30 years. I want to go. I go. I just throw some clothes in an overnight bag and go. I am there, and I am having fun. I am ready to come back… I can’t. The doors of the US are closed. I am not having fun any more. I have no money, no place to stay. None of my things, including my bu

A fresh look at the pebble: unconscious commitment to fail

A fresh look at the pebble: is it a secret commitment?

When you are a transformational teacher, part of your job is to do the work you ask your students to do, on yourself and on your life.

Why? Aren’t you already transformed? No, transformation doesn’t last. Transformation is a momentary opening to the beyond, beyond what you already know and hold true, and that momentary opening doesn’t stay open for any longer than a few seconds, maybe minutes.

Which means, that if you don’t take an action consistent with the new opening you see, then the tr

Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit

A battle cry is a saying…

Joel Salatin had a lot of sayings. That was the first thing Tai Lopez noticed about him.

One of his sayings is: I want just one thing from my people: ‘no mistakes‘.

Or here is another: The worst thing in life is to get older and realize you got good at the wrong thing.

I also have a lot of sayings… One of them is ‘it is all in a day’s work

Every one of my sayings has a function: to return ME to sober, centered, and HAPPY…

Happy, in my world, is when I am sober, centered… unhappy in my world is when I am out of balance, out of peace of mind, worried, or concerned… that is what unhappy means to me.

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Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

attention energyThe question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection.

Looking back to my past… all the way back to 1966 when I went to architecture school up till almost today… I have been curious inside a tunnel, but protected myself from what was outside the tunnel.

When I was participating in Landmark, I didn’t want to hear about any other programs for fear that I would find out that I was in the wrong program…


The road to hell is hell itself

20080606-mongolI consider a book or a movie really good, if it gives me pause.

What I really mean: it gives me a question that I can ponder, maybe even decades. Or until the insight comes.

Obviously, if you have been reading my stuff long enough, you know that I believe that to find the path, you need to evaluate and analyze the mis-steps, the mistakes. To know good, you need to know evil.

One of this puzzle pieces fell into place today.

The movie is about Genghis Khan, the starting point of the the 300 year old invasion, plundering, and decimating of Russia, China, and Europe.

Now, what is puzzling about that? It’s wrong, right? After all killing is bad… waaah,waaah,waaah. All life is sacred… waaah, waaah, waaah.

What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?

I used to shy away from trainings and videos, people whose teaching I deemed inferior.

I noticed that I did that.

It was self-protecting at its best.

So today I clicked on an email and in it a video that I was certain was inferior, and I wasn’t mistaken.

The dude’s vibration is 100.

Why so low?

As I said in my last article, vibration can be considered a number that shows how much of reality you see and incorporate that seeing into your life, allowing that reality to be at the root of your actions.


That was complicated, right?

OK, let me try again: if you saw

The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

Just one more thing: the cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training…

And you cannot become cause without training either…

So if you think DNA activation by itself will make you a human being, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Even though you’ll have the capacity… and now with the 14 second audio you do, you still need TRAINING in using it.

One of the things you need training in is telling similar things apart… or seeing the sameness.

It is intellectual.

What is underneath that is missing that needs to be trained to use: looking and seeing.

Here is an exam

How to become unbreakable, and unflappable?

White lotus grows out of mud… and creates beauty out of it. Peacocks eat poisonous berries and create beautiful plumage out of it… This article is about how to be like the white lotus, how to be like a peacock where life, and the circumstances don’t beat you down.

So, how to be like that, unbreakable

the song, Unbreakable, is exactly the opposite of what I am teaching in this article. That whole song is imagining a perfect world with a perfect “another” where they do all the things they are supposed to do so you can feel good, so you can feel loved… The perfect prescription for unhappiness, fear, anxiety, disappointment, frustration… because people are the way they are. Beca