What happens when you put a low vibration person in a high vibration environment? Will their vibration rise?
Is vibration like water? When you mix hot water with cold you get tepid water? No… environment doesn’t effect your vibration… only what’s inside does.
And what happens when you put a high vibration person in a low vibration environment? And don’t be mistaken: environment is only people. What makes an environment low vibration is people.
Deserts, ruins, etc. are not low vibration apart from the residual energy people have left.
Because, of course, everything vibrates, yes. But that is not what we call vibration. What we call vibration here is consciousness… and that is an entirely human phenomenon.
Everything ‘they’ say about vibration, raising your vibration on the internet is simply a lie, an attractive sales pitch… NONE OF IT IS TRUE.
Anyway, back to the question: What happens when you put a high vibration person in a low vibration environment is what