Coaching that gets results vs. coaching that sounds good

Being a coach sounds easy to you if you have no idea what they are doing, because you have never done it.

You just do what everyone else does, and hope for the best.

A “normal” coach only knows what they learned. Tree of Knowledge. Not worthless, but not authentic.

Most coaches have a mixed bag: they did some things, and learned others.

And a master coach is someone who not only has done it, but has done it successfully… and has produced success.

I have never played team sports… I am an introvert, and I also ha

Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland

Pam Ragland Quantum Thought Shifting Update 1/14/2012

Vibrational Review: updated on 3/15/2015

Pam Ragland personal vibration: 295 re-measured on April 27, 2014: vibration is 200 3/15/2015: 170
quantum thought shifting methodology: 200
truth value of teaching: 2%

In spite of all the transformational work, all the Kabbalah, I can predict that I will have periods of anxiety, periods of depression, periods of utter misery, the desire to end it all. (I wrote this in 2011… and I am at the tail end of such a period that’s lasted so far about 10 days.)

2006 was such a year. I met Pam Ragland on an internet marketing coaching program, and was immediately interested in her promise of immediate relief from negativity, whatever that word means. She said neg

Successive approximation


Successive Approximation
Let’s use the definition of “shaping” to explain successive approximations. Our definition of “shaping” is: “a behavioral term that refers to gradually molding or training an organism to perform a specific response by reinforcing any responses that come close to the desired response.

For example, a researcher can use shaping to train a rat to press a lever during an experiment (since rats are not born with the instinct to press a lever in a cage during an experiment). To start, the researcher may reward the rat when it makes any movement at all in the direction of the lever. Then, the rat has to actually take a step toward the lever to get rewarded. Then, it has to go over to the lever to get rewarded (remember, it will not receive any reward for doing the earlier behaviors now…it must make a more advanced move by going over to the lever), and so on until only pressing the lever will produce reward. The rat’s behavior was ‘shaped’

The backdrop method of building a new, more effective Self

Just because your brain can do something doesn’t mean you will
What you WILL do depends on a whole lot more than what your brain can do.

How you will develop the habit to fully use what your brain can do is the question here.

If you live a life, if your habits don’t require much from your brain then your numbers in your starting point measurements expressing this will be low.

When in the movie ‘Defending your life’ they talk about how much of your brain you use… this is what they mean, not what you thought they meant.

Here is one of the universally un-exercised uses of the brain. A use that is needed for anything other than middling.
Seeing a scenario many steps deep before it unfolds.
Unless you habitually use that brain capacity, you are hosed in many activities.

Your brain can… but you won’t even look.

You don’t plan. You don’t keep doing or learning things, because the future disappears, and the inspiration with it. You don’t operate, market your business.

Vibrational Review: Holosync

Bill Harris personal vibration: 210 (3/15/15) has risen since I first measured it
Holosync free disc (efficacy): 7% (200 vibration). But it does a particular job really well… it wakes up the brain that it is not in touch with reality…
Holosync whole program truth value: 2%
Holosync as methodology and theory for self-growth: truth value: 7%

Holosync is a mechanical operation, a lot like breathing, that may leave you with permanent improvement of your machine, your brain.

Read the original article: Vibrational Review: Holosync

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not… Because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled, filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

I just watched two episodes of a Korean series where most people were dimwitted.

Dimwitted is just another word for “not smart”… but it is a good word because you can see that something is dimmed… as in “it’s dark here… you can’t see much”.

I like this word because it is more accurate than most.

Read the original article: Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not… Because in the dark all cats are gray

Your eating style can keep you strong and clearheaded

In a hurry to read now? Download this article and read later
Eating style is not how you eat, it is how you SHOULD eat to be clear-headed, healthy, and energetic…
That is why I don’t trust questionnaires. They rely on what you know, and what you know is low truth value, even if, by accident, you are trying to be honest.

Read the original article: Your eating style can keep you strong and clearheaded