When you come from a fixed place, a fixed worldview, a fixed ‘IS’ then of course you are going to look for the answer… a fixed thing… that will match what your worldview is, completely.
But unfortunately to you there is no ‘the right answer’, the perfect match… because everything in reality depends on everything else.
It is a lot like a jigsaw puzzle where each puzzle piece is a jigsaw puzzle itself.
So it is no wonder that most people never amount to much if anything, if their thinking is that there is a silver bullet, and answer, that solves everything.
There isn’t.
But when I work with people, when I look at their numbers, their numbers show an eerie consistency with their thinking.
The more they are willing to engage with a world that is infinitely complex and yet it has a deep simplicity, the higher their numbers and the more effective they are in managing their lives.
This puzzle is infinitely complex and yet simple
Raising your numbers, raising your con