If you find something that you can say “I want this” then click on the red button on the bottom of the post that says “I want this for myself”
So now you
established your desire for what I taught in that article.
Step 2: look if you are willing to invest the work it is necessary to actually get that thing for yourself. I am not talking about products you can buy, although I may have supportive products. I am not selling you here… I am asking you to examine your heart if you are willing to give something to get something.
If you are, good. Move to the next step. If you are not willing, good. Tell yourself: It sounds like a great idea, and I am not going to invest in getting this result. Thank you very much
This way you are not going to use my site to pile on a lack of integrity, a gap between what you desire and what you do… ok? Don’t miss this step.
Step 3: read the article again, read the related articles, engage in research. None of my ideas are something th