face the tiger

In an article, I write the whole idea of “facing the tiger” but here it is again:
Behavioral scientists were visiting this village in India. They wanted to find out how living next to the forest of the great white tigers effected the dreams of the children of the village.

The great white tiger, whenever it got hungry, visited the village and took a child.

This is what they found:

The little children, between three and 6, dreamed about hiding from the tiger.
Children between age 6-10 dreamed about outwitting the tiger
Children 10-14 dreamed about outrunning the tiger
Children over 14 dreamed about facing the tiger.

As you see, as they matured they took a more and more courageous position.

Your case, your issue, your problems are your tigers.
Your relationship to your tiger indicates your maturity, and your ability to be successful, happy, peaceful, and content in life. Find your tiger and face it.

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Why was the little girl acting out?

Disappointment is when you get something you didn’t expect.

I expected the readers to be here to get something, and not to give. And they didn’t disappoint.
I expected people to not see beyond their noses and they didn’t… but still, kudos to the ten brave souls that forced themselves to think something.

It was hard, wasn’t it? Now I am talking to those ten.

What would happen if you did this every day? You’ll start to build some serious muscle in problem solving, and by the time you actually need those muscles, you would have them.

I promised, you delivered, so I must tell you what happened next in that story.

You know that I blasted the little girl… and I did. I was like you: stopped on the surface.

But then: I didn’t sleep well. I woke up with a question:

Read the original article: Why was the little girl acting out?

What gives away your worldview… to yourself?

You may think that procrastination is reserved for lesser people like you, but you would be mistaken.

I have been observing this famous dude procrastinating, waiting, and not doing much for the past year or so…

He is a well-known public speaker, highly effective coach who has made many people very very rich.

Read the original article: What gives away your worldview… to yourself?

Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

 I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy

I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my friend, Nancy.

One of the things I love about Nancy is that she always delivers the results I need, even when she is off.

Yesterday she suggested that I put up my articles on youtube… and I had a troubling question about that.

What is it that people are attracted to when they follow a guru?

That is what this article is about.

I have edit

How does an empath coach you differently?

Why you should have an empath re-evaluate the stuff you learn… the stuff others teach?

The obvious reason is because I can reliably muscle test if something is true or not.

But the less obvious reason is more important:

I can actually feel what happens inside a human being when something shifts.

One example: in Vishen Lakhiani’s Consciousness Engineering introduction he tries to prove a point. He says: maids in hotels have to run up and down, bend, carry, and yet they are often pudgy, in spite of all that physical activity.

When they are made conscious of this fact, that with all that physical exercise they


Thoughtless means that you don’t or didn’t give it a thought.

It is a certain form of unawareness… you live as if there were nothing and no one else whose position, interest, preferences, ideas, needs mattered.

The Nazi war criminals were thoughtless. They only thought of their own agenda, and everything else didn’t matter.

Which means thoughtless can be translated as “others don’t matter”

Read the original article: thoughtless

Healthy and socially unacceptable behaviors…

Negative-healthy-behaviorsThe healthiest behavior is simply for you to be authentic. Yet often we avoid our own authentic behaviors thinking they are unhealthy ones. Your own mind and body know what you need. And if you need a reminder why it is important to follow your authentic self, look at these common behaviors which are often considered negative which can actually be healthy.

1. Anger

Anger is something many of us avoid expressing and yet it can often be very liberating. Being angry and expressing it in a healthy way can create powerful and positive change in our lives. Anger is simply a type of emotional energy that rises up in us when we have been wronged and a personal boundary has been crossed. T