Vibrational Reviews: Agape Spiritual Center, Michael Beckwith, Ernest Holmes, James Tyberonn, Lester Levinson: The Release Technique – Sedona Method, Madame Blavatsky, Emotional Quotient Intelligence Test

Vibrational Reviews: Agape Spiritual Center, Michael Beckwith, Ernest Holmes, James Tyberonn, Lester Levinson: The Release Technique – Sedona Method, Madame Blavatsky, Emotional Quotient Intelligence Test

Agape Spiritual Center, celebrities flock there: 195
Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center: personal vibration: 250
The teachings: 195
Truth value: 195

Ernest Holmes
personal vibration: 235
Religious Science: 195
Truth value: 195

Gurumaya: See Siddha Yoga

Geologist James Tyberonn channeling Metatron
personal vibration: 195
message: 160
truth value: 150

Lester Levenson
personal vibration: 299
Release Technique – Sedona Method: truth value: 7%

Madame Blavatsky

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob.

Read the original article: Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?


Unconceiling is one of the most important moves of self-realization.

By design, most of what runs our life is hidden from our conscious view.

Our job, as human beings, is to find the hidden machine and replace the moves with consciously chosen moves, with being present instead of automatic animal-like reaction.

The more of what’s concealed gets unconcealed and distinguished the higher we can go in our vibration, from a reaction machine to a proactive human being.

Read the original article: unconcealing

What is the path to getting what you want?

You get what you want by playing according to the rules of reality.

But what are the rules of reality?

You may have a delusion or two regarding those rules.

We are born young and little… and the rules for the young and the little of any species are different than the rules for adults. But we humans didn’t get that the rules change… So we live as if the rules for infants and toddlers were still the rules for us, no matter how old we are. In our self-image, in our sense of self we are still young and little… About three years old, when the rules were changed on us.

Read the original article: What is the path to getting what you want?

Vibrational Reviews: The Bible, The Quran-Koran Aurelia Louise Jones, Carl Jonah Calleman

What is the system I use to write this vibrational reviews, you ask?

I have a secret: I have a software that records all the searches inside the blog (search box is in the sidebar of every page). If I haven’t the answer, I get it, and publish it either as an article, or as a vibrational review… Now you know… lol.


Healer: Cosmoenergy Master Inna Winner (real name: Inessa Khvoshnyanskaya) vibration: 170
Methodology: 130

Aurelia Louise Jones
personal: 200
books: 190
truth value: 150

Carl Jonah Calleman
personal: 170
teachings: 204
truth value: 35

The Bible
Old Testament in Hebrew (The Torah): 499 400
Truth value: 499 400
Old Testament in English: 590 300
Truth value: 340 190
New Testament: “Jesus'” teachings and story: 440 300
Truth value: 220 180
The Quran – Koran: 200
Truth value: 170


Upgrade vs. Activation

Upgrade is adding something new… like a new capacity, a new ability.

Activation is forcing you to use what you have, your capacities, your abilities.

Activators are small nudging devices that don’t leave you alone until you actually start and continue using capacities they are programmed to activate.

No one uses their capacities to the max, that is why at vibration 990 I was still benefiting from using the Harmonize your Vibration activator, that was designed as an entry level, non-defined activator… to start to dig you out of the rut of your lowly habits of slothfulness of thinking and being.


Read the original article: upgrade


Upsight is similar to insight, in that you suddenly see something you didn’t see before. The main difference is where you were looking when you saw what you saw.

In insight you are looking from the exact same place, the horizontal plane, and therefore the insight doesn’t make a difference, it adds to your useless knowledge.

In upsight you are looking from the vertical plane, from where you can only see the fact, and none of the interpretations that you were stuck with on the horizontal plane.

Getting an upsight is a transformational event with inescapable consequences: you will never suffer again from the interpretations, like before.

Read the original article: Upsight

Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.

On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.

So, how do you get to the answer without first asking that whiny question?

Read the original article: Why is this happening to me? Why? Oh Why?

vertical self

The vertical self is the part of you that is connected to all-of-it. It is the part of you that isn’t concerned with the world, opinions, competition, who is superior to who, using people, and such.

It is like a tree: striving to grow taller, to reach the stars, doing what is challenging and yet causes pleasure and satisfaction.

It relates to the lower, the horizontal self and the horizontal plane with mild amusement and curiosity, much like one would look at interesting bugs…

The position of this relationship, the vantage point is that of the Watcher or the Observer. It might also be called the Witness.

When you live from your vertical Self, then all-of-it is the witness of your life, so you don’t NEED another, although you can connect and enjoy being with another, but you don’t need them.

Read the original article: vertical self