The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward

Yesterday I had a huge whatever it is you call when you end up with cream on your face… cream from a cream pie.

I had been dismayed that my clients aren’t getting the gap, and therefore they don’t present me with real coaching opportunities.

I am intentionally writing this in a self-deprecating way, because I am, I have been humbled.

How? I said: it is easy…

…and then wanted to think of an example, and could not.


Read the original article: The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward

The process to accomplish anything no one I know teaches

Introducing The bridge building process to get from where you are to where you want to be
One of the hardest thing for people, as I see, is to come up with the bridge between a dream and actions.

You can have the most amazing dream for the future, for a business, if you don’t know what actions to take to get there the dream will remain a dream… unfulfilled.

Read the original article: The process to accomplish anything no one I know teaches

Osho: Insomnia is a certain way of life, living

I like Osho. I have learned a certain way of looking at things from Osho. He has said things I would have never considered: he could see those and I could not.

I don’t agree with a lot of what Osho says, but that doesn’t say his stuff is not good… it is good stuff… I don’t think it can make a difference… It leaves you to deal with the hard stuff alone, and you won’t do it. Too bad… 🙁
Insomnia is not a disease. Insomnia is a certain way of life.

Read the original article: Osho: Insomnia is a certain way of life, living

Maybe you can’t lead people to Heaven unless…

 Maybe you can’t lead people to Heaven unless you know the habits and the moves of Hell: the anatomy of Evil

If you went back to yesterday’s post, you would find a horoscope by Rob Brezsny predicting that I will have whirlwind like experiences that will take me to what I need to learn, to the tools I need to successfully navigate my path.

Read the original article: Maybe you can’t lead people to Heaven unless…

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

If you want to get the most: focus on one thing in a program

In my Friday Podcast with Bonnie this past Friday it became clear that the methodology of using courses, coaching calls, programs is not taught anywhere, so each person feels that they need to make up their own method. Each coach, each participant.

By methodology I mean: how to get the most out of a course, a coaching call, a program.

In this article I’ll teach the most effective way to get the most out of anything. Literally anything you do.

Read the original article: Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

The secret is SEEING.

Seeing is a metaskill, says the visual artist.

He probably meant a skill that takes you to the next century. Because it is undeniable that as the world changes, the skillset that makes people make a living even now is not enough to make a living in the future…

Meta, the word, means a go-between. Like a bridge. Going between one and another piece… Like the gap between two things.

And maybe I am twisting words, but unless you have that bridge between how it is, and how you envision it, there is no path.

When I look at the people I have trained, I have consulted, I have had conversations with, the most obvious missing skill was this bridge: seeing it, building it, walking it.

Read the original article: How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

What do you do that destroys your relationships?

Someone with a critical eye will offer you some unsolicited advice today, and you should not be afraid to hear them out. Their reputation for painful honesty should be no excuse — your feelings don’t matter when real knowledge is out there to be learned.

Do not sacrifice an education just for the sake of your ego. If you do, you are not giving yourself enough credit. You are in a solid learning phase, and your mind is ready to take in new information in an objective way.

The above is the horoscope that showed up the other day in my inbox.

And the below one came from Rob Brezsny, for the same time period.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): There’s at least a 50 percent chance that the co

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

If you know you are stuck… stuck in a rut, stuck in a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or maybe you are stuck on a plateau… What you may want to consider that you need energy to move away from that place.

In this article I’ll show you two methods to create the energy to move.

Read the original article: Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How You Lost Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

If You Have Lost Them, How To Get Them Back
What is this article about?
It is about how the mind is an aberration, how it is like a cancer, how it enrolls you, makes you lose your harmony, flow and grace

This article will need me to distinguish a few things, for you.

Please bear with me: it will be worth it.
First distinction: Tree of Knowledge.
Tree of Knowledge is a personal phenomenon: if you heard it, learned from another, and it wasn’t your personal experience, any such knowledge is Tree of Knowledge.

This doesn’t mean it is not true, it only means that you don’t know what you think you know. You heard that. Your mind accepted it as true. But Tree of Knowledge will not influence how you are, because there was no learning process, training process.
Second distinction: Your purpose in life
I invented a purpose for my life some 20 years ago, in a seminar called Integrity.

The process they used was unique, maybe a little o

Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…

Boys… I used to want to be a boy.
They seem unperturbed. They laugh a lot.

Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off…

I really love this picture. It tells me that boys have more fun.
I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. And I knew it was only a matter of time. I KNEW that I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. Although I didn’t know what was cut off, I knew that whatever it was I needed it.
I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.
I knew I wasn’t welcome, I knew that boys had more of everything. They were loved more. And knew it was permanent.

Read the original article: Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…