When Does Tithing Activate The Law Of Attraction?

tithing: does it activate the law of attraction?Tithing Or Not Tithing, That Is The Question. Does tithing really work?

Now, why does this issue come up, and why now?

I have a client who asked this question, and because he has given me an opportunity to think this over, maybe even channel a little bit of knowledge, here is what I have come up with so far:

Tithing requires you to give from the seed level of vibration of gratitude. From that frequency you can activate value exchange. A value exchange, from a place of equal values changing hands, not from a place of being a bottomless pit in need, asking for handout, asking for more than you can give back. [note]Most people live in a place of scarcity, where their experience of themselves is that they have nothing to give that they can do without[/note] What does that mean? Tithing is a kind of thank-you, appreciation (acknowledging value) expressed on the level of gratitude. [note]The Law of Giving (I made the name up!) says that you are only allowed to give if what you get in return is the same emotional value, in the form of feeling good about yourself, etc. You are not allowed to give because someone needs it. You are not allowed to give because you are ordered to give. Giving needs to be voluntary, volitional, and SELFish. Everything else is an abomination, designed to rule you, to turn you into a sheep, a non-thinking zombie to perform acts for someone else’s benefit, but none for your own. It is against nature and therefore unnatural.[/note]

So when people ask: what is the vibrational frequency of money, they really should say: what is the vibrational frequency of equal trade? I give you this and you give me that, and we are both winners.

As such a tool tithing works miracles, but there is a problem. Continue reading

Here are a few health related findings that I have been holding really close to my vest.

The reality of weight loss for most people. This is what I escaped with what I am sharing in this article

Here are a few health related findings that I have been holding really close to my vest.

Why? Because I am a little scared to make them public.

Some have to do with my “suddenly” flat belly at age 70. Flawless, not wrinkled, flat. WTF, eh? Especially given that I dropped 44 lbs in the past two years.

And I don’t go to the gym. And all that…

That was actually my goal…

I have seen people who dropped a lot of weight, and their skin remained the same size… Not pretty, so I didn’t want that.

So, what did I do? Continue reading

Gloomy Sunday

As I said in a previous article, movies that you have an unusual affinity with are a great indication of some hidden belief that has an effect on your life.

This past year I have been asking and getting guidance. The guidance happens through movies, books, mostly.

I have Netflix. I don’t know what’s fashionable, what’s hip, and that helps. Ego and the collective ego isn’t driving my actions.

This is how this movie “Gloomy Sunday” showed up on my screen. Horrible title, if you ask me! And it’s a Hungarian movie, dubbed in German, with English subtitles. It was a Gloomy Sunday, and I decided to watch it.

I had prejudice on top of prejudice, but the Gloomy Sunday was there, and it was clear it was there for me. Continue reading

Capacities, constructive attitudes. How do you create them?

Capacities, possibilities, new constructive attitudes…

  • What these share is that they are words first and foremost.
  • The second thing: saying the words will not make you that…
    And unfortunately, it turned out that turning on the capacities in the DNA won’t create permanent changes… unless.

So what is the technology of inventing and making these capacities, possibilities and attitudes real?

This is what this article is about. It’s about you learning how to have what you want.

Let’s first talk about what people want… What you want. Continue reading

If it is all a process, then every single person needs…

If it is all a process, then every single person needs to create a transformational ladder for themselves.

A transformational ladder is a process with milestones… Step zero, step 1 result 1, step 2 result 2,…. end result.

The map of ascension… Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, as many transformational ladders as many processes.

None of them are a straight line when looked back at, and yet, in the planning: all seem to be a straight line.

You do this and then you do that and in the end you’ll be a millionaire… That is how it looks on paper…

If it were that simple and easy we would all be millionaires… and it would be boring.

Just look at school… same ladder, different end results. Some become professionals, others become taxi drivers… Not that there is anything wrong with being a taxi driver… but I bet most people would like to be higher on the food chain.

In this article I’ll look what makes any transformational ladder produce different results to different people… and how you can become someone for whom it is a useful blueprint.

One more thing about the ladder: why do I call it transformational ladder?

Because the most important thing of any process is to make you a bigger, better person. It is not what you achieve outside, but who you need to become to achieve that that matters most in life. And that is what is called transformation: the who you are becoming.

I read today’s Monday Morning Memo about playing the game as broken field running, where the only thing that remains is the obstacles and the goal line.

The expression ‘broken field running’ is from American football… where the person who has the ball simply takes it to the goal line, or whatever it is called in football, despite of all the defense players efforts of the other team.

But unless you have a ‘transformational ladder’, let’s call it that for now, you won’t ever get to that broken field running phase.

When I look at my students, clients, what is the most missing is this vision.

They may have some end result in mind, but it is not clear, not clearly defined…

And they have a delusional starting point.

They look in their minds to see where they are at… and not in reality.

In the clarity process that I learned from Tom Beal, your most important players are where you are at and where you would like to be.

They are the players in the game of life that will tell you what your one thing is… The one thing that will make everything else either not necessary or much easier.

The one thing that can 10x your life.

Yesterday in an ad hoc webinar we dabbled in the one thing for a while…

If we look again at American football, the player running with the ball has a one thing… or he will have his attention divided, and lose the ball.

When I am looking at myself through that metaphor, or analogy, or whatever you call this, I see that what is my organizing principle, my one thing is avoiding boredom.

Really? Really.

Now, I don’t word it that way even to myself. I find a wording that is a whole lot more exciting, titillating, and empowering.

I say what I learned 35 years ago in Landmark: Creativity = living at risk. Move towards the fear!

So as the ball carrier of my life I always choose moving towards the fear. I may not call it excitement, but that is just semantics: I am excited. Turned on. Energized.

The well-trodden path doesn’t excite me. Doing what other people did to win, doesn’t excite me.

I’ll walk or run my own path… and score a touchdown or not…

Now, some people, mistakenly, keep their eyes on the winning… and won’t do what it takes, much of the time.

Why? Because winning is out there… it is either mistakenly expected as a done deal, or looks to far… and doesn’t ‘inform’ the actions in the present.

Depending on what makes you err on the side of inaction, you need to create a ‘transformational ladder’ that will be your one thing, to pull you into action and keep you into action.

One of my clients has this delusion that everything he does WILL produce winning.

His is the same delusion as some football coaches have: Every play is a touchdown play if everyone on the team does their assignment properly.

Many business people have discovered that the above statement just isn’t true.

He is a single child and his parents treated him like a miracle. He decided that he is special, and that is that… He is entertaining, talented, and a ‘goal-scorer’ by birth.

He has no future envisioned… he is going for the cheap winning moments… and to his dismay, they are less and less. The only place where they are plenty is computer games… but you don’t make a life playing computer games… so he doesn’t have a life.

Unless he learns to put his starting point to the place it actually is, in reality, he will never have a life… he can’t even plan for one, because the starting point is inaccurate.

If you live in Oklahoma but you think you are in New York, no amount of planning will get you to Seattle.

Your one-thing will be off. Your steps will be off. And you won’t score a touchdown…

Another client also has a delusion about where he is at…

I think that that is the biggest issue of all: people look into their feelings, into their opinion about where they are at, and act as if that were true.

So if we shifted gears and looked at what it is that I have to teach people to do more than anything is this. Without this nothing can happen. Not anything.

And that is to find out what is the truth about them…

I have attempted to do that step with a group some time ago.

It was ineffective. Why? Because instead of them seeing it, I told them what I saw. And I stopped there.

Do I know how to redirect people’s attention to reality?

I don’t. Can I do it? Source says, through muscletesting: yes.

Do I know what I need to learn to do? No.

So, like in the macro, it is in the micro, I myself need to build a transformational ladder, for myself…

Starting point: My clients have no idea how to look in reality. And they don’t want to. They hope that they can skip this step and be taken to a dream life, where they love themselves and they love their lives. Where they have an occupation that they love, and they are good at it. They are making a living that they are proud of.

But, of course, they cannot get to it without first dispelling their own delusions, their own myths, and locate themselves, squarely in reality.

A lot like the ragtag team in The Matrix.

You take the blue pill and you can go back and live the delusion where you won’t ever do anything effective, because it is based on an untruth.

Or you take the red pill, and find out the bad news about yourself.

I have done that.

It is ominous… but it is not as bad as you expected it to be.

My process wasn’t in a program. It was a lot longer than yours has to be.

I started it in 1977… and ended in reality reality in 2007. That is 30 freaking years!

And even after that it took me another nine years to believe that with what I had I could be successful and happy.

I definitely prefer to see the world, life, as broken field running… and call it adventure.

Expecting the world to be simple, walk in the park when it isn’t, is going to be the death of you.

But, of course, the most important sign of intelligence is to be able to change your opinion and your strategy for life as life changes.

I have a position from where I can observe a lot of people and see and feel their feelings and their behavior.

I see a lot of flailing.

Flailing is the sign of expecting life to be one way, finding it isn’t.

The numbers don’t lie.

And unless you decide to become a broken field runner… you are dead in the water.

In Saturday’s and also in Sunday’s webinar we spent some hard time looking at the idea of empowering the coach to empower you.

Instead of expecting the coach to work with no input, and to do your work for you.

What do you need, as an ingredient, to empower the person who you pay to empower you?

The first missing ingredient is respect. Why is it impossible for most people to provide respect? Because for that they would need to see themselves as a person, not an object.

The second missing ingredient is getting out of the mind.

In the mind everything is either wrong or right. Either good or bad.

The mind is entirely and totally on the systemic level of judgment, and as long as you look in the mind for how to be and what to do, you are stuck on the lowest level of being, on the lowest level of seeing value.

Why this is a problem?

In the mind the coach is an automaton that either does or doesn’t do what they are supposed to do. Bad bad bad.

And you are an automaton too… bad bad bad or maybe good good good.

No shades of gray, no levels, no details… only judgment.

So if you look at your coach through the mind, you cannot see a person.

A person is an intrinsic level concept… two levels removed from systemic.

Empowerment is an intrinsic level concept… two levels removed from systemic.

You need to work your way out of the mind, out of the systemic, if you ever want to have a bigger life than right/wrong, good/bad.

Most don’t.

Why? Lack of intellectual ability.

I still don’t know how to get you out of the mind, but an exercise I have given to my core group the other day may give you your first successful attempt, if you do it.

That is: to tell a dramatic story that happened to you, and massage it as long as it takes to take it to tragicomedy, comedy, farce… so it loses its significance and trueness.

You cannot do it in the mind.

The longer you engage with this exercise, the more time you spend in reality.

Ultimately this was the goal of the whole Playground program… and it missed the mark, completely.

Was it my fault? Probably. Can I do it better next time?

If there will be a next time: probably.

Would I bet on myself? Source says yes… Do I say yes? Not yet.

You can join the conversation by listening to the recording of yesterday’s webinar.

It’s $20. Why do I charge for it?

If you think I should just hand out my time, and everything, because you want it or need it, you are a moocher… and I don’t want to work with a moocher.

Moochers are SJW, or at the minimum moved by the idea that they are entitled. That somehow they should just get what they want.


Of course I have moocher clients, but they are less and less convinced that they have anything due to them.

If they can’t change, I’ll ‘fire them’ as a client.

The exercise to get out of the prison of the mind and retell things that happened is where they are still stuck, more or less.

You probably never thought that those stories can be told differently, can be seen differently.

Once you do… maybe.

But the webinar recording is $20.

Get the recording of this webinar

It is exclusively delivered in my mobile app… which means you need to be able to be signed up there. There is a functional but not pretty desktop version with all the content at https://app.learnistic.com

But you can’t and won’t find my app there, unless you are registered on a mobile device.

You can wait until after you buy, or check out if you are intelligent enough to sign up.

Here is the link to may almost-daily podcast
Follow the instructions on your mobile…

That means: if you opened the link on your desktop, scan the image (QR code) with your mobile and it will take you where you need to go.

PS: I just had an insight.

The picture illustrating mindfulness.

Interestingly mindfulness is the exact opposite of what the name suggests.

Mindfulness is a state where you are not talking incessantly, not commenting, not naming, not inventing meanings for what is in reality…

The inner talking, commenting, interpretation, labeling is what you do in the mind…

Reality is where things are just are, without all that feverish mind-activity.

So the insight suggests that I ask you to do mindfulness training and practice if that is available.

One that seems the fastest and the easiest is this seven minute practice.


If you use the Big Bundle at the same time, then I guarantee that you’ll get the hang of it faster.

For our purposes this program can teach two things

–for those of you that have never been outside of the mind, about 30% of humanity, this can take you outside for the first time. Note that I am saying that it can. Your willingness is crucial. You cannot be forced. But you can go willingly. You don’t have to stay, but just take a glimpse… If all goes well, you’ll see something that makes it worth for you to live there… outside of the mind.

–for those of you who have been inside and outside but want to be able to live in reality, grow, accomplish, and start having a life worth living… you’ll develop the ability to tell the difference where you are, and be able to move back to reality when you catch yourself in the mind.

The second method requires you to give more time. It is the Holosync brain training.

The good thing about it is that the free sample has enough oomph to take you there if, and only if your headset is good enough, i.e. it can transmit very deep sounds well.

If not… it loses much of its effectiveness.

If you want to try this second option, or add this second option, email me for the sample.

Read the original article: If it is all a process, then every single person needs…

Do affirmations work?

Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?

And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients. Continue reading

Success Loves Speed

Success Loves Speed… why is that? what does that look like in real life?

I have a simple tale to share, and it will become clear:

I have liked this guy for quite some time. He sounded firm, no b.s., and he left a nice comment for my blog.

I asked for his skype contact and we spoke. He sounded like someone I should do a project with. He had skills I didn’t, research, finding joint venture partners, so we discussed what we could do together, and after some discussion we settled on creating a product together: he interviews me on how to measure your vibration, how to measure anything, and stuff like that. Piece of cake.

We started out, had 3 audios made, when time came for the fourth, he was away on a hockey tournament for his son. Then finally he came back. It took us a long time to remember what we had been doing. Then he took a week off to do his taxes.

By that time I had no interest in doing the interviews, I had moved on to other projects.
Continue reading

OK, You Are Connected. You’ve Been Connecting Every Day… Now What? Are You Enlightened Now?

a state just past your connection... kind of liquid dripping, new, exciting [note]photograph by Wayne Wirs https://Fade2e.com[/note] OK, you are connected. You’ve been connecting every day… now what? Are you done? Is this all you need to do to become an Enlightened Being?

What did this connection do to you, what did this connection do for you?

Was it a magic bullet, like a modified Law of Attraction? Maybe a magic wand? The secret “Open Sesame” command?
Continue reading

How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?

Or how to unite your two selves so you can stop hating yourself, punishing yourself, and be happy inside and out

the-clothes-have-no-emporor.pngI had an insight this morning. I saw that every health issue I have ever had came from some idea, some thought, some teaching, not from my body.

Until age nine I was skinny. Then at that age I heard that whole grain is better for you… and I got promptly fat.

I have been hovering around 122 pounds when I heard from a student of mine about intermittent fasting. So I decided to do that. I promptly packed on three pounds. Nothing else changed…

All good ideas come from some mind, not your self. Your self is a lot smarter than you allow it to be. There is a separation between your mind and your real self. This article is to remove that separation, so you can be happy in all areas of life, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Continue reading