Turn around fast enough to catch your shadow

This article explains how come that you can only interact with Maya, which is ‘not that’ in Sanskrit, i.e. not reality, illusion, shadow play, the hologram, etc.

It is much less mystical than the Vedanta imagines it: it is quite simple and it’s explained in this article.

Without the capacity that I speak about here, you are going to continue living in Maya for all your life. Continue reading

Healing, Curing, Self-Healing… a case study and a half

bacterial-toxinI just hung up with my friend. He sounded week…

Turns out he spent the past week in bed, has fever, and seems to have a systemic infection.

I, of course, volunteered to look around, see what I see, and do some healing work if I can.

He has a bacterial infection, a food carried bacteria, food poisoning, specifically he ate salad in a restaurant on his trip to Georgia the week before.

The doctor gave him a wide spectrum antibiotic.

The cause of weakness, and discomfort is now from the excretion of the bacteria.

Bacteria makes you ill by its byproduct… this bacteria seems to have a nerve toxin as a byproduct: my friend’s whole right side is shutting down, his right arm is already starting to be numb.
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Enlightenment? Is there an outlined path towards it?

incremental-changes-trimtabbingGreat stuff I want you to read. I found this on Quora

When you read all the comments (there are tons of them) you can see how much tree of knowledge there is out there, wishful thinking, hoping that there is no work in becoming enlightened.

I think that if you are hoping to lighten your load, and start soaring, you have come to the right place.
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Can you eliminate beliefs?

Is there such a thing as a belief? Are beliefs real?

Yes and no. In reality? no such thing as a belief. Belief is a mind construct.

So what is holding you back in life if not beliefs?

In my previous article I talk about the backdrop, and that the backdrop is made up of all the things you say, all the things you heard/read that you accepted, and surprisingly also all the things you have resisted.

Why are things you resisted there? Because things you don’t consider true or facts: you don’t resist.

If I told you that you were a zebra, you would not resist. But if I tell you you are a loser, or worthless, or stupid… you’ll resist… because they could be true… what if it’s true? and now it is part of your backdrop. Continue reading

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

the path to butterfly stateWhat makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is the EFFORT it takes to break out of the cocoon.

My best selling product is called Effortless Abundance.

The best selling products are gadgets… gadgets that make everything effortless… because you don’t want any effort.

You are, through and through, part of the eight billion. And you are not happy.

If you are one of the one thousand people on Planet Earth who are happy

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When having nothing to do drives you crazy… Updated

The Active Mindset: A Sure Way To Avoid All Boredom With Life [note]this article is a little chunky… it needs a serious rewrite… so if you found it chunky, come back later and check… after I whip it into shape…[/note]

I stumbled on an article that addresses an issue I have been seeing… and sheds light at what has been invisible to me, at the why of it: why people are not curious, why people have no questions, why people are afraid of idleness, why people choose busyness instead of doing something that is worth doing.

It’s everywhere. It’s nearly everybody. It is why you have a hard time falling asleep… or conversely why you fall asleep as soon as you put your head on the pillow. Both are symptoms of the same invisible.

It’s what drives you to busyness… to reading everything, to watching every video, to play video games incessantly, to talking without taking a breath, to overwhelming yourself and never doing anything well.

It’s your inability to think… instead of having thoughts. You have thoughts in the mind… and would think outside of the mind. Continue reading

Why did Jesus really say: turn the other cheek?

I haven’t been a guru follower, but I have always been curious and skeptical about the gurus reporting about their enlightenment as an incident that started out hard and then suddenly it became funny so they laughed, maybe even rolled on the floor.

What was the funny joke they all shared?

I always had a hunch that if you wanted to keep a secret you wouldn’t share it with anyone… not even one other person. And they didn’t.

So what is a secret you don’t want to share, if you are supposedly a guru, a teacher? Continue reading