Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

Equality: All men are created equalAll men are created equal. That is the design. Whether you are a Bible reader, where The Book of Genesis says that when God created the world, God created humanity ‘in the Divine Image.’ or you look at the DNA and see that all humans have essentially the same DNA… we are equal, but some people are more equal than others… fffffff! Right?

This is going to be a post/article I am thinking through as I am writing it. I don’t already know what will come out of it.

It is not meant to be racist, elitist, or anything like that. It is meant to be looking what is the truth about that statement in the Declaration of Independence, and what it means to you.

I consider every person a person… so to me all men are a person… and yet, I measure stuff about them, and I hold the idea that the underlying design, the DNA is the same in all.

Hah… and therein lies the mischief. Continue reading

Your vocabulary number is a predictor of your abundance… or scarcity

This post, this audio is a little on the choppy side, because you are witnessing me entering the invisible and making new connections, connecting some dots. Brilliant if I may say so myself… ๐Ÿ™‚


Okay. alright, it’s Saturday. I just finished listening to today’s installment of the 5-Minute Mentor Series. This is one of the things I signed up to carry my consciousness around 360 degrees, and alter, with the help of consciousness, what it is that I do about my finances.

Why do I trust it? Because it’s done by the same person as the 67 Steps. The 67 Steps, whether it’s good or bad, it has revolutionized my life. I did all 67 for eight times. I have been doing it since February, two and a half years ago. Because of some slight lifestyle changes, I now prefer to do the five minute a day version.

So in today’s installment, Tai talks about how to pick, or unpick people we associate with. His filter is, are these people going to abuse us, use us, take advantage of us, cheat us, or not? It’s a great way to look at people. Continue reading

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement.

In order for people to need only 1% of their brain capacity to work, one needs to distract them from activities that use more of that darn brain capacity. Because if the people did use it, the 1% would not be as high as they are… they would have competition. You.

What? Yes.

wallace d wattlesAs I have said before, Wallace D. Wattles in two of his books, but especially in The Science of Getting Rich says things that other ‘new thought’ writers didn’t say. His The Science of Being Well has only one useful thought… the whole book… so its truth value is only 10%. The Science of Getting Rich has a truth value of 70%, and The Science of Being Great has a truth value of 40%.

The thinking stuff part is b.s. It is what the positive thinking attraction people dupe you with. Ignore that at all cost. Continue reading

Immersion learning, Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only way to human being level

I am reading a book I don’t like. I was told by Source to read it… and I think I found the one sentence (so far) in the 700 page book that I needed to read. One sentence…

Reading, when it creates a world, a rich world to live in, to accomplish in, is holographic. Each book sharpens some area, fills in the missing or fuzzy details.

This one sentence has been that kind of a sentence. It was like a Flash of lightening. Continue reading

What produces extraordinary results? And how could YOU?

This article is about creating turning points from how you are to how you could be to produce extraordinary results… and everything in between, depending on how far you are willing to take it, how many turning points you are willing to create.

This week is starting out for me with a rich exposure to thinking… and I am grateful for it. After all one could say that my quality of life depends on the variety and the depth of the thinking I am participating in.

Not exposed… no. Participating in.

I learned that this morning… through experience.

One of the things i do most Monday mornings is: I read the Monday Morning Memo, and then I, occasionally, listen to the Monday Morning Radio with Dean Rothbart. Continue reading

Why is your vibration so low… and what you can do to change it?

This is a really long talk, and I probably should charge money for it… And maybe I will.

One of the justifications I have for giving it all away is that very few people are able to value what I say, for reason of everything I say comes from what is invisible to you… even though you COULD see it, but for that you have to interact with it long enough… which a low TLB person won’t.

The more you speak the lower your vibration… Continue reading

Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?

politically incorrect hair envyAre you working with what is yours? Or are you vying for what others have?

Politically correct… politically incorrect

These are expressions that people use but have no idea what they mean.

Do not be naive: language and the lack of clarity of what words mean is one of the ways people are kept from becoming powerful.

So let’s consider ‘political’ everything that is about keeping the power in the hands of the few, and the masses in a state where they are sheep but they think they are powerful. Like once every four years they can exercise their immense power to say which bozo will be president.

They have no say in pretty much anything else, or not really. They could vote with their wallets, but they don’t. Continue reading

Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions

When you look at the consciousness level chart, as much as I don’t like David Hawkins, he is right about some things… And dead wrong about many others.

When you want to accomplish something, in addition to know what is the next step, you need to know what is the ‘final’ or ultimate target, so you can stay your course.

In raising your consciousness, the highest and ultimate target is what is called ‘enlightenment‘ which doesn’t mean anything. So instead of enlightenment, in the work I do with clients and students, I endeavor to take them to the next evolutionary level, which is human being… So we’ll call our call: human being, or fulfilling the Original Design encoded in the DNA.

It is not easy to notice, because it is hidden in a top right corner of the chart… but if you look and set your life at the furthest and highest consciousness, you’ll notice that it says: no emotion… and life occurs, on that level as it is what it is. Not how it should be, not how it shouldn’t be, not right, not wrong, not sad, not happy, not good, not bad… it is what it is.

So learning and mastering releasing negative emotions, and even positive emotions, is crucial.

This is a recent video by a dude, British accent… but it is OK… I have never made a video on releasing… maybe I should.

In the same chart he is absolutely and totally wrong about ‘ineffable’… an ecstatic state that is incompatible with enlightenment.

On that level, and that is what you should work towards, the mission is: the emotional state of no emotions. Feelings? yes. but emotions? driven by words? no. None.

How do I know?

I have been climbing the consciousness level scale for a few decades now. And the things have changed for me are this:

  • 1. I am seeing a bigger picture from a higher elevation where I am hardly touched by its mood…

Imagine a scenario: it’s a major intersection, and two vehicles collide. You are standing on the street corner… No compare the feeling you have when you look at it from an airplane… no sound, no gore, no emotion.

That is one of the big changes when you climb the Tree of Life, or the consciousness level scale

  • 2. the second element, or the second change is how reality occurs… If you remember, how we look at reality is that we commingle it with what we say… and that commingled reality: what is happening plus what we say about it is our personal reality.

When you climb higher on the consciousness scale, you say less and less about what you see… so your personal reality and reality are more alike… As a result you are more astute, because all the emotions that distort your view come from the words. All of them.

So in essence, these are the two differences in experience between low vibration and high vibration.

From how high you look at things from… so they don’t threaten you personally, and how much you say about things.

Now, some people who teach you know that what keeps you miserable is what you say about reality. Your meaning.

These are the people who encourage you to change what you say… But unless you see more, and not just wear a filter, your astuteness suffers: you are an idiot who refuse to deal with reality.

Other people have a mantra: Life is empty and meaningless, and it is empty and meaningless that it’s empty and meaningless.

On a lower level of vibration these words cause a cognitive dissonance that is unbridgeable… so it is not useful.

Other people yet try to help you to release the emotions, the feelings you have as a result of the meaning you have given.

I haven’t much seen that working… Despite the fact that I have known quite a few people who have done the release technique, letting go, the Sedona Method, blah blah blah.

What I have found works, what has worked for me, what seems to be working for clients of mine who are doing the work, is taking responsibility.

The act of taking responsibility is 90% of distinguishing what you said that caused an emotional reaction and a behavior and result in life. This 90% is what removes the reaction, and allows you to see things from a different vantage point, emotionless. Meaning: it raises your vibration, at least temporarily. Often by a lot.

And the other 10% is used to change your behavior by looking to different options that belong to you.

How to allow emotion to be… so it can go away:

On a certain level of consciousness you’ll realize that a capacity is always coupled with skill.

Having the capacity open is not enough. Let’s say the capacity to play the piano… you know how the piano works: you hit those keys… But to play music, you have to learn to hit those keys in the right order with the right rhythm, with the right amount of strengths.

One of the biggest shortcoming of our species, homo sapiens, is that it over-values comprehension. It lulls people into believing that comprehension is what is important, and it is also enough.

And, of course, it is a bunch of huey… meaning, it’s not true.

It is not enough, and it may not even be important… there are a lot of things I can do, exceptionally well, that I don’t understand at all.

Our species puts the cart in front of the horse… and this has resulted in a steadily declining level of intelligence, and a steadily declining level of astuteness.

Astuteness is seeing what is the right action in a situation…

You cannot learn astuteness from books. You actually cannot even teach astuteness. It grows only from the person’s self-directed observation, the kind that reveals the inner working of things, patterns, whether they are visual, behavioral, emotional, numerical, language, politics…

What increases a person’s intelligence most is pattern recognition… When it is not you who is looking, it is consciousness that is looking.

It takes work to make consciousness trust you enough that it will participate in your life. Consciousness is not on the same level where YOU are… It takes work to climb to the level where you can actually connect with consciousness…

Einstein wasn’t thinking up the theory of relativity, he climbed to the level of consciousness, locked out of interruptions, and worked his way up to 5-6 hours of being able to stay with it, so he can translate what consciousness already knew to a human level, to language.

A good mechanic, a good doctor, a good massage therapist, a mathematician, etc. don’t figure things out: they work with consciousness… and often cannot explain how they got to the solution they got to.

But without intentionally learning to recognize patterns consciousness will never engage… it will stay, aloof, on the side, uninvolved…

If you hope that you can do what you do, living unconsciously, mechanically, and DNA/capacity activation will do anything for you, it won’t.

You don’t need to understand what the heck I teach… you need to DO what I teach. And do it as long as it takes to get good at it, to get to unconscious competence. That is when you can start learning to do something new… because consciousness has taken over for that skill.

As long as you have to remember what to do, you are not using consciousness…

The biggest problem I see with our education system, is that it doesn’t seem to acknowledge that this is what it is supposed to teach… skills, competence, patterns in certain areas.

Mathematics, physics, algebra, chemistry, biology, geography, history… all the subjects in school are supposed to teach pattern recognition… and if you look, they don’t… although they could.

Without paying attention and enjoying seeing the patterns, these subjects are boring, and it feels that you will never need what they teach… but the real truth is: you won’t be able to use what they teach, because without patterns they are useless to you.

And if you look… they have been. Every person I have spoken with has told me that…

It happened in the last 100 years, by the way, that neither the teachers, nor the students have their DNA capacity to see and recognize and use patterns… The superpower of most anyone who has made a name for themselves.

Interestingly, some of my students who haven’t done well in life are able to see patterns in some areas of life and not in others… Some see patterns in humor… some in redirecting efforts to muscles that are not injured… repairing machines… music… poetry.

What is the experience when consciousness is doing the work for you?

It feels like you have a feel for something… not words, no way to explain… you just know and do. It is joyful.

But it is not automatic. It takes work, and a lot, before you get to unconscious competence…

What is in the way? Your overvaluing knowledge and understanding. There is a saying that understanding is the booby-prize… the Teddy bear you win at the county fair.

What you want is a great life you can enjoy, maybe even love. Isn’t it?

I do, however short the rest of my life may be… so I am still learning new things.

I want to learn to create courses where that skill building is natural, and more people will engage than at the present time.

I attended part one of an online sales presentation to create courses that are more impactful than traditional courses.

Session two is later today.

I am sitting here with what should be familiar to many of you. It is an internal conversation, between me and me… saying: I can see that they can… but I can’t. Probably can’t. I am probably not smart enough to do what she teaches.

It’s ultimately a format she teaches… so I am not fretting about my content, I am fretting about the format…

So let’s see if I can overcome this tremendous resistance I have to try something new I can fail at.

So let me see my objections… and see if they are valid.


#1: it is too much work upfront…

Too much compared to what?

If I can make a more valuable course for people, and more people will want it, more people will do it happily, and I can charge more for it… am I willing to exchange my time and effort upfront for a lot more money? Yeah… I guess. lol.

#2: I can’t do it…

That is not certain. I can start doing one out of the 10 elements she says a good course should have… so I can start with one, one that is easier (relatively) for me… How about the mission of the course? I think I can do that.

Then once that is done, I can look for the second easiest… and I will be done in no time.

#3: I have too many courses already

That is true. So maybe I can rework old good courses and add the 10 elements… and do them again. I won’t have to worry about the content, only about the new elements. I can do that.

and so on, so forth.

I am going to, maybe, rework the Soul Correction workshop with these ten new elements… Watch out for announcements (hopefully!)

In the meantime… I am going to teach what I learn as I am learning it. All ten elements. It starts with mission… your mission.

My mission is that you get your mission… so it is mission creation… for you.

Obviously everyone has a different ‘vision’ for themselves… so the mission creation needs to be tailored to everyone’s need…

If you want to partake in this class, let me know. I’ll schedule it if I have enough students raising their hands.

You can have a vision of any sorts… business, intellectual, spiritual, health, accomplishment… whatever excites you enough to spend a few hours developing a mission for it.

If you have just had your DNA adjusted, child genes, permission gene, responsibility gene, I’ll have a class for you where you can create your mission… I hope it’s not late for you. I’ll send an email with the time and the date.

So what should you do now? Other than start thinking what could be your mission for the next few months?

If you are willing to be generous and post a comment, anonymous if you wish, with what you could take on, I’ll reward you for it. I reward ‘good behavior’ and I’ll email you or mail you something valuable. What? It’s a surprise.

If you send it to me in email, I’ll read it, but no reward. Good behavior means do it the way I ask you to do it.

Now, start thinking and posting. I can’t wait to know what you are up to.


Read the original article: Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions