Long term memory…

Connecting the dots… Cognitive performance… Cognitive activity… what am I talking about?

Cognition, according to the dictionary is “the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.” Acquiring knowledge means: it stays… NOT merely understanding. You’ll see why later in this article.

As clients get better results nowadays, I am now really motivated to get better myself, to be able to help them get even better results.

So I read more books, watch more relevant videos, have extra conversations to home in on what isn’t working as well yet as I hoped it would, and what would.

How do I learn?

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Connect the dots

That only after you're there, can you then connect the dots. You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.More on connecting the dots…

We all want to know where we are doing, what we are going to do there, we want to make sure we’ll be happy there.

What business to start. What book to read. What to get curious in.

But here is the problem: dots can only be connected backwards. There have to be dots! And forward there are no dots.

This is why almost all grand strategies are bound to fail or become a disappointment.

It’s cold but sunny today, so I went out for a walk. I ran into a woman who was walking her dog. I know her somewhat. In the brief time that I have known her, she adopted two Chinese girls, started and dissolved a ceramics business, started working in not for profit…

Her older daughter is looking at colleges, and is frustrated. She doesn’t know what she wants.
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How high can you go from where you are?

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of that few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say “I am interested” are doing.

There are two kinds of “readers” that I have detected.

  • The first kind reads the whole article, reads the footnotes, and then returns later and reads the article again.
  • The second kind skims the articles. Skims 2-3 articles per minute, looking for something interesting to read.

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Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First; I got an email with that title this morning, so I am using it. This is the perfect title for this article…

You see, human nature is weird… It tries to fix everything by throwing stuff at it making it more broken. Add stuff…

When you have indigestion, or when you are sick, or when you are tired… You want to put food on it. You buy stuff… You throw sex on it. Coffee on it. Complaining on it. The kitchen sink on it.

I have noticed that anything anyone says about you or your stuff triggers a self-protection mechanism, as if you have anything about you that is not perfect means you are wrong, or don’t deserve to live, or maybe deserve to die.

Totally out of proportion reaction to the size of the threat. Continue reading

Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology

Since it got really cold in Syracuse, NY, I have been having a difficult time maintaining a high level of cell hydration. Why? I keep my apartment cold, [note]50-52 degrees Fahrenheit, 10-11 degrees Celsius[/note] and I get sore throat from drinking cold water.

By last night I was running on empty. I had a hard time concentrating, I had a hard time having a good time. I had cravings… not food… mental craving. I had cravings for stories.

Last night I had wild and slightly violent dreams, and felt no desire to do any work this morning. I got up at 3 am.

So for the past three and a half hours I have been watching youtube videos… Continue reading

Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

binary thinkingMost people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.

Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The gray area in the middle is ignored or goes unnoticed. Binary thinking helps us feel a sense of certainty.

Another way of looking: reality is 3d… Your thinking is binary… No match. No astuteness. No correct actions possible.

I used to live there in the binary. In fact every young child lives there… It is the under 3’s whole world… Binary.

But I was already an adult… And yet… I was utterly miserable… I was like an automaton… Kill it/love it, no in between.

Until 1998…

I was 51 years old when I saw it. Then a 15 year long process to get out of it…

It began with the idea of things are on a continuum… Not on a binary switch.

One of my Landmark coaches said about herself: Who I am is fully expressed greatness… And I heard the continuum for the first time.

two dimensional thinking in a 3-dimensional universeI am not either great or sh!t… I can be great, even very great, and yet express just a little bit in one situation, and a whole lot more in others.

I can always look where I am at, in any given moment and say: OK… I am here… And be well. Strive to express more… But be really OK being exactly where you are at.

It didn’t turn on the capacity, because I already had the capacity… But I was almost 50 when this happened… And before that I had nothing between the two extremes… I was either great or not great. Either smart or stupid. Either accepted or not. Either respected or not. And the same about everyone else.

I could not see gradation and therefore I could not even look to see what made me express greatness less, be less smart, be less accepted, be less respected, etc. Because that didn’t exist for me.

And you can’t be responsible for what you can’t see… Not possible.

So that was the first turnaround for me.

The sentence: If it is to be, it is up to me suddenly made sense. Suddenly I saw no situation where I had no power… I always had some power, more or less, to influence the outcome.

Upon looking at this capacity I get a surprise: muscletest says: everyone has this capacity… And yet only about 1% of the time is it used… Is it seen… the rest of the time people just stay in the binary realm.

I watched this video with Alex Hormozi: he sees it as the number one reason people cannot move forward, people cannot use coaching to grow… Because even after showing it, they insist on the binary.

We can safely say that my personal evolution began with seeing that things have a gradation…

A whole new world opened up for me, the world of gradual, the world of shades of gray, the world of growth. The world of personal power.

Until that point I had no personal power… Because I was either on or off… And there is no power in possible, only force.

The questions: how much of your greatness are you expressing now? How much of the potential of this situation are you benefiting from now? How much of the money you make are you using to grow, and how much of it you use wastefully?

The percentage.

Suddenly saving money made sense (that was really slow coming). Losing weight made sense. Creating relationships made sense. Investing made sense.

The eighth wonder of the world is compounding interest… And although I was a math champ, as a rule for life it only started to make sense then.

Chances are that every single one of you lives your lives in the binary full time. I am talking to YOU… You who are reading this… Or listening to this.

And allowing reality with all its shades in, being willing and able to see it, can make the biggest difference for you.

But for that your entitlement aka baby genes need to be turned off.

You can get stuck in binary even if your baby genes are off… Mine were off… But maybe because of abuse I was still a baby.

The world becomes a bigger playground gradually. I remember it took about ten more years to see that I was still waiting for someone to rescue me… All the time, and get that wanting to be rescued is part of the binary…

When I adjusted people’s predatory genes, they naturally changed their behavior.

But when I am adjusting your baby-genes, the change is not automatic. Unless you see what a child can’t see, that the world is not binary, that it is gradual in everything, that getting anywhere takes a process, your adjustment will make little to no difference.

I am writing this article for myself, and for you.

If you see why you still don’t change…

…you can start looking if you are looking different, and seeing different, and yet behave the same, say the same, react the same.

your strategy is magicIn magic shows the magician waves his wand and a rabbit jumps out… In reality, the rabbit has to go through a lot of steps before it can be there and jump out of the hat.

I once had a student who could never change his mind about becoming big with one action. He hated the idea that anything had to go through a process… And subsequently he hated me… And left.

But even hate is gradual. To keep it high he has to feed the hate every day, instead of putting all that energy into something useful, like building something.

Love, hate, resentment, grief, any emotion needs to be stoked to stay on high… The natural way of everything is to change… But if you are stuck in binary thinking, you’ll put more energy in them than in living, living a life you love.

Into hating yourself, hating them, blaming them, blah blah blah.

Often hating ME.

Some 30 years ago I was in a course where there were eight Mexican participants… Because the course leader was a Mexican. We, Americans sounded weird to them.

Their English pronunciation was poor… They called us asholeeeee

You can guess what the English word would have been.

And yeah, you are an asholeee my dear until you learn to see and behave in reality where everything is gradual… And nothing is instant. Or binary. Or magical. Or even sudden.

But if you look carefully, calling someone asholee is also a binary judgment. You are either an asholee or not… Binary.

And in that binary world you have an awful lot of statements, about yourself, about the world, about everything, that hinder you, paralyze you, make you take steps that are unproductive, or not take the step to not take any steps.

We call these the pebbles in your shoe…

The pebbles that are more important with regards to your ability to succeed, achieve, than anything else. Your smarts, Your education, what you know, your health: none of them are as hindering as the pebbles in your show.

Muhammad Ali was 100% accurate about that. He said, ‘It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out, it’s the pebble in your shoe.

Unfortunately unlike a physical pebble, these pebbles are invisible to you.

I could not see that I had binary judgment about everything. And even though after I saw it, it still took me 15 years to be able to see everything in ‘grayscale’ instead of solid black and solid white.

You are in luck… You don’t have to do it alone. I did.

The coach in Landmark didn’t mean her statement, her declaration the way I heard it. In fact I literally don’t know anyone with whom I could talk to, that is looking at the world in grayscale…

And it is getting worse… Vaccinated/unvaccinated, mask/no mask, liberal/conservative… Imbecile/smart


To start, you can do like me: have just one thing turn from b/w to grayscale…

But your fastest route is to look at all the things you entertain, and loosen them up enough so they can become grayscale… All your pebbles.

I’ll start with just one webinar session. If it goes well, I’ll schedule more…

How much? How about 39 a session?

It’s an investment that can mean to you tenfold, hundredfold gain down the line.

One of my students, when I asked her in the clarity exercise, what she should start doing… made a list of 30 things.

I asked for one. One thing. But she could not see that one thing in a grayscale universe doesn’t mean saying no to everything else… Only in a binary universe it means that.

But when you look at her, she literally doesn’t do anything in her life. She wastes it.

Another student: he isn’t doing anything because he can’t think of one thing that would organize his life… So he is wasting his life that way.

In a grayscale universe you can start doing something and keep your eyes open to stay aware how it feels, where it’s going.

But in a binary universe you already know… So you don’t look, you are not aware… You stop being present.

So your already knowing makes you stop, or remain a one-track pony…

The recorded Pebble webinars is a lot of videos…

I have learned an awful lot since 2013… yet these recordings are valuable.

The new live session will be turning life into grayscale…

I will decide if I’ll make it a full blown workshop or not and see if you need any more capacities to be activated in that single session… You cannot come unless you buy the recorded course. You cannot come unless you have had your child genes deactivated. You cannot come unless your microphone works and you can talk.

Time and date to be determined… Most likely date is either a Saturday or a Sunday… First available date is the weekend of October 9.

After you sign up, send me an email if that weekend would work for you.

Learn what keeps you stuck

Read the original article: Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

you only live 3% of your potentialLet me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree someone fills their box (potential) by seeing at what point they become boring. Yes, boring. OK, maybe not to you, but to me at some point I can see them limited by their box: they repeat themselves. My three coaches, for example… 🙁

I started to watch this dude, wheezy yesterday…. Continue reading

What is transformation? Why is it so important to know exactly?

Everyone talks about stuff… using big words, like transformation, but no one actually knows what the word means, and what do people actually do, or promise to do, who cause transformation.

If you really look, you can talk for half an hour, and you won’t even get near to it…

Why? Because transformation is based on something that people either don’t know, or don’t consider sexy enough.

They talk about beliefs, and they talk about subconscious mind, and blockages… but none of those is actually how the human mind works…

Why am I so sure of that? Because certain things don’t disappear or don’t become unimportant during evolution…

The five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smell won’t be completely bastardized by words, meanings, and other mind construct. Continue reading

I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

intelligence and cone of visionI am working on a new definition of intelligence.

A definition that gives someone access to growing it. What we have now is, essentially, ‘do well on the IQ test…’ which is not really useful.

So here is the first aspect that is definitely growable, and measurable:

Intelligence is how much you see of reality, accurately.

You see, you, me, anyone, only sees a fragment of reality at any point… for many reasons of which I’ll distinguish for you a few, so you can get some power… as far as growing your intelligence goes.

1. your cone of vision
2. the strength of your concern… for whatever
3. your about-me score

So if it is one of the most important elements of intelligence how much of reality you actually see and you see accurately, then you should get intensely curious what limits the size of reality you see… and then get curious to see what limits what you see accurately.

When I muscletest, this (how much of reality you see and how much of it accurately) is 91% of all what intelligence measures… and if you can get these numbers higher, you’ll be outstanding in the low intelligence environment everyone lives in.

The average intelligence has dropped from 100 to 70 in the past few years, most of it since Trump’s running for president and his presidency.

With Trump the world became divided. And when people are divided, their intelligence is limited, because suddenly they are only interested and therefore only see what proves their choice right. (concern)

No matter which side you are on, you fell victim to this.

The only way to stay outside of this intelligence lowering trend is to take no sides. It doesn’t matter who wins, neither sides are right… because they all engage in the binary way to look at the world, and the world is not binary… it is very multifaceted. (accuracy)

But even if you stay outside of ‘political’ views, how you view the world and yourself can be still systemic… good/bad, right/wrong.

As long as you spend most of your time on the systemic judgment level, you are not able to be intelligent… you look at the world as if the whole world were in that deep ditch you live in… and you can’t see anything outside of it.

I teach how to expand your ditch… (the pendulum method) but to date no one has followed my guidance… I guess you decided that I was wrong. Or that you can’t. Or whatever bs you decided… you still live there, in that narrow ditch.

Quickly let’s test if you live there: when I say my IQ is 170 and yours is, let’s say 100… what do you think I am saying? If you say that I am saying that I am better than you, then you live in this ditch of binary worldview.

And at this point, every single student or client of mine lives there… with almost 100% of the rest of the world. A handful of exception, so few people they don’t even move the needle.

I have found an amazing couple who don’t live there… Alex and Leila Hormozi… none of the coaches I actually pay are there… and therefore I don’t trust them and their coaching. 🙁

OK, I have a call to attend… so I’ll cut this article short.

What should you buy to help? Of course the Big Bundle with HOE. Why that? Because what keeps you thinking that the whole world is inside your right/wrong ditch is that your consciousness has given up on you.

But the Big Bundle’s secret is that it talks directly to consciousness and directs its attention to notice what you are doing, and make it conscious…

What, you thought consciousness and your conscious thoughts are the same. No, they aren’t. It is typical of the English language to mislead you, intentionally, so you become sheep.

Refuse to be sheep. Wake up consciousness so what you are doing can become conscious…

…so you can alter your behavior, alter where you look, alter how you judge. Upgrade your judgment to at least extrinsic level… where it is more than just binary.

OK, get the Big Bundle with HOE. The HOE will work on the emotions that seeing what you see create, by saying something… all about you, all scarcity, all selfish, all ugly.

For another two days, until Monday night I throw in an audiobook that has the Big Bundle with HOE in the background. The offer expires on Monday midnight.

Get the activator that wakes up your consciousness
If you already own the big bundle with HOE… email me for a way to get the audiobook… I don’t want to leave you out.

Read the original article: I am working on a new definition of intelligence.

Molecules of Emotion… Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions… but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling.

Our language doesn’t keep up with the emotions: just like we don’t have words for the billions of colors that can be created with the four base colors of light, red, blue and yellow… and of course white… we don’t have accurate words for the feelings that are a combination, an energetic combination of base feelings.
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