On Insomnia and My Sleep Rescue Sleep Remedy

I can't sleepInsomnia, 14 million pages on google… big issue. [note]from wikipedia: Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired.[1][2] While the term is sometimes used to describe a disorder demonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often practically defined as a positive response to either of two questions: “Do you experience difficulty sleeping?” or “Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep?”

Insomnia is most often thought of as both a medical sign and a symptom that can accompany several sleep, medical, and psychiatric disorders characterized by a persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality. Insomnia is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomnia can occur at any age, but it is particularly common in the elderly. Insomnia can be short term (up to three weeks) or long term (above 3–4 weeks), which can lead to memory problems, depression, irritability and an increased risk of heart disease and automobile related accidents.

I need to go to sleep!Those who are having trouble sleeping sometimes turn to sleeping pills, which can help when used occasionally but may lead to substance dependence or addiction if used regularly for an extended period.

Insomnia can be grouped into primary and secondary, or comorbid, insomnia. Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause. It is described as a complaint of prolonged sleep onset latency, disturbance of sleep maintenance, or the experience of non-refreshing sleep. A complete diagnosis will differentiate between free-standing primary insomnia, insomnia as secondary to another condition, and primary insomnia co-morbid with one or more conditions.[/note]

My recommendations, from my personal experience:

Even though I have invented the Sleep Rescue, and I have been using it, even though I can even download the energy of Heaven on Earth directly into myself, even though I have the HOE Long Range playing in my apartment 24/7, there are times when sleeping is difficult.

  • Occasionally I have problems with falling asleep
  • Other times I have problems staying asleep, especially after the first wave of sleep that can go as short ash 30 minutes, to as long as two hours.
  • And yet other times I am sleeping, but my sleep is not restful, it is full of repetitive nightmarish dreams.

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Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

I don’t think I have ever really distinguished the difference between these two similar sounding activities… so it’s time.

As usual, I had to distinguish the difference for myself… the hard way.

I almost didn’t make it…

My strength deteriorated to the degree that I was having heart pain and exhaustion from just going from one end of the apartment to the other… So I started to mentally prepare myself to meet my maker, so to say.

The weird stuff was, that Source answered all my “diagnostic” questions with no… not my heart, not my lungs, not this and not that… yet it agreed that I was dying… Weird, right? Continue reading

Great Stuff I’d like you to see. Also a great gift idea, I think



I found a page of a photographer that amazed me. I use a lot of photos in this blog, and sometimes I wonder how the photographer made the photo: I sure don’t know how to do tricks like that, although I like taking pictures and I have thousands of published photos…

Here is a little taste:

Here is the link to the page. There is a video there too, that I could not link to directly.

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New Age Myth Busting: Abundance, Manifesting, and other positive stuff

tikkunNew Age teachers say that we live in a world of abundance. Law of Attraction people say the same.

Now, it may be true, to some degree, but it is not necessarily a good thing for a normal human [note]3% of humanity is a human being with all the capacities of a human beingIn my articles, starting a few weeks ago, I now distinguish between a human and a human being. Humans don’t have the DNA for the 13 capacities that came with the upgrade on September 4, while a human being does: i.e. they now CAN live in harmony with both the physical and spiritual laws, and by “can” I mean they have the ability and the desire. At this point, November 30, the number of human beings is 3% of the population of the earth, and 16% of the people that could get the capacities, could want the capacites, but still don’t have them.[/note]

We live in the physical world. We have physical bodies, and our survival is physical, depending on physical resources that other humans, other physical bodies are in competition for.

Now, is that a good thing? Is the sky a good thing? Is the earth a good thing? It’s a stupid question: it is neither good, nor bad, it is just what’s so.
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The two legged dog and you: what’s the difference?

two-legged-dogIn a Landmark Seminar they ask: what makes you who you are today? Everybody looks at the past, and they say: the parents, life experiences, etc. Then Landmark triumphantly says: what makes you who you are today is the future you live into.

Now, it is elegant. They even have a story to illustrate it on the short term.

But what if you are a Stephen Hawkins, or just a Jew, or a puppy born without hind legs? Or what if you have been raped, abused, loved, spoiled, if you were born rich, poor?

Looking at your past, and looking at your present, we can say, with high accuracy what were your decisions about yourself and your life… because the future is defined by your reaction to what hand you were dealt.
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Talk back to me: why is my vibration so low? I meditate, I try to be heart-centered…

Here is an actual conversation in email, over time.

Me, after measuring the person’s vibration

Your vibration is 150.


Thank you Sophie. I think maybe I have been drinking too much wine lately. Would that affect it? I also have had a bit of sad news about a family member. I will consider the HOE when I have a better chance to look at the website later.

Am I ready for the DNA upgrade?

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Talk back to me: is integrity an issue if I pay someone a lower wage than others?


I’m hoping you may have time to address this question: I have been using the “Cancel That” exercise. [note]no relevance to the question… by the way[/note]

Realizing that I have not had hardly any integrity in my life has been mind blowing, by the way.

Ok, my question is: in the course of doing business, is integrity an issue if I pay someone a lower wage (consensually) for a service that others are being paid higher wages to do the same service? Thank you for any input you may have.


Integrity is an inside job. No social or moral obligations are relevant when we look if there is integrity in a behavior. No one can tell you anything about your integrity.

Integrity is an issue between you and you.
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Being a winner… is it a matter of luck? What is luck anyway?

winning takes more than talent. it's easy to win against people, it is not that easy to win against your own bestBefore I do the webinar on inventing being a winner, it would be useful, wouldn’t you say, to distinguish what is winning, what is a winner, so you can choose to be that, or not.

So, I have been looking at everything through this distinction for the past few days, and I am starting to see things.

I have found that the difference between winning or not winning, oftentimes can be seen in the difference in attention.
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Turning your life around on a dime… or how to become a winner in life

when nothing goes right, go leftIn this article I am going to illustrate a method of turning your life around, going from mundane, boring, safe, and probably unhappy, to a life that excites you, a life of adventure, and joy.

The example is real: I went through this just about an hour ago… so it is real and it’s fresh. Here you go:

I have been waking up every morning disappointed that I woke up. I have had the

“I only woke up in the morning because I didn’t die the night before”

This morning I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at this mood, curiously. The “I” that was watching, was sympathetic and compassionate to the miserable “I” that was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“But it makes no difference,” the miserable I said. “People are set in their ways, the dark side wins by numbers, and no matter what I do, it makes no difference… not really!” it continued its whining.
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