The Law of Choices, or do you have a choice? Can you see that you are choosing?

I am still dealing with the attacks, I am still working out this whole theory of humanity consisting of different groups having a vastly different set of DNA’s exactly in the areas that distinguish human from other species… in the area of their humanity or the lack of it.

So, instead of throwing half-baked stuff on you, I am quoting another “law” from the same book, The Life you were born to live… a numerology book with too many words for my taste.

My teachings on choices, choosing are dramatically different, but you will probably love this, so enjoy.

The Law of Choices

The most basic choice we have in life is whether to expand or contract, whether to bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in positive or negative ways. No matter what our circumstances, we have the power to choose our directions.
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Can you feel love and hate, compassion and contempt at the same time?

choosingChoosing, caring, designer energies…

On Sunday we went back to Standard Time, and it’s Tuesday. The time change always whacks me out, it takes me weeks to get back my bearings.

I slept in today. I missed the garbage pickup. I have a sore throat. …but had a dream that brought up some issues that are worth talking about.

Caring is not a feeling. Caring is choosing

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Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths and YOU. What are you going to do?

yin and yang, light and darkness, goodness and evil
There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn.

The pitiful world of internet witches and sorcerers also known as energy practitioners

Lots of women fancy themselves really powerful and really lethal. They have a good story, the typical one is that they knew early on that they were special, blah blah blah.

They can wield energies, and they make money hand over fist (I think), have fan group groupies, tribes… like Teal Scott’s.

You see, there is no need to invent dark spirits, reptilians, ghosts, extraterrestrials… we have our own full house of all-kinds-of people.

I have been attacked, psychically, with energies, for a week now. First one person, then another joined in, and now if I feel it correctly, it is up to five people doing it in tandem.
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You have a gossipy relationship to life, and to your life

When I look at how people live, I notice an interesting thing: people have a relationship with their life I could best call gossipy. [note]gossipy is the direct opposite of ownership I talk about in another article.[/note]

They talk about it, they complain about it, they wish it were different, but the one thing that would make a difference, own it, they don’t do.

This is, I think, is the result of millennia [note]thousands of years[/note] of brainwashing.

In the beginning there were planetary events, that often became catastrophic. They came fast, they were impossible to interpret correctly, and they wiped out the population of countries, entire species, brought about floods and ice ages, starving, and epidemics.

Life was not in your hand, at the time, you were thrown about like a pebble, and with about as much care, by nature.

It makes sense to me that humans wanted to make sense, wanted to understand why those things were happening, so they made up stories by the look of things, a whole parallel world of gods battling it out in the skies, while the unfortunate humanity was reduced to watching it and suffering as collateral damage.

No human could change the heavenly storms, poor, rich, educated or not educated, all fell victim equally.
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This story is so similar to what we are doing, you and I, my dear follower

I rarely cry when I read a story, but this story made me cry. It’s about a handful (9) misfits that made history, that didn’t quit when it made sense to quit, didn’t stop until they lived in a way that matched their vision of a life worth living.

When I look at my work, I see myself as a misfit that doesn’t know when to quit. And when I look at you, I am proud to have attracted a small crew of misfits that don’t quit.

Because living a life that is worth living is a mighty idea, and needs you to be a misfit… after all the world argues for a life other people think you should live, a life not really lived, not even experienced, a life that is sleepwalking…

Enjoy the story. I loved it.
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On Procrastination: part 2: the hold-back forces and how to have them work for you instead of against you

what-holds-you-backNow that we have seen that what is underneath procrastination is the fact that we are still more, much more interested in avoiding unpleasantness, humiliation, etc. than moving towards some purpose.

And avoiding unpleasantness, will, at best, keep you the same… no movement.

From the pdf of the last procrastination article, we saw, that unless you can invent a yummy enough goal, something important enough to go for, you will not be able to move from dead center. Bottom line: procrastination is not a behavioral issue, it is a perfect illustration of physics: if the energies on a body are in balance, the body will not move, unless it was already in movement before the balance.
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Bumbling idiots vs. Having All Your Ducks In a Row: which one is better?

shawn spencer in psych: a bumbling idiot coming out on topI am reading a new book. This one is fiction, and it’s a different style than most fiction I have read: no explanation, written like a movie.

It is entirely up to you what you are going to get out of the book. I like that, it is up my alley. I don’t even mind if I get a whole different thing every day, the opposite of what I got the day before.

The book runs three stories concurrently: two right before and during World War II, and the third is in the mind-1990’s. The main characters meet, cross path.

The biggest takeaway I have, so far, is that all the characters are bumbling idiots, canceling out the myth that some people have it together. No one does.
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The energy of persistence, of insistence: will it make you successful?

persistent, insistent, pushing throughIn one of the posts from last week I asked people to put in the comment box the three characteristics they are most proud of having.

One of them, persistent [note]Badger animal symbolism has a wealth of information to share with us when we are ready to heed the message! … The badger stops at nothing to get what it wants, and this is a lesson for us to be persistent in our pursuits[/note] shows up repeatedly. Yet, the people that are persistent are not successful, not by a long shot. Why? After all it seems like a desirable characteristic, doesn’t it?

I’ll show it through falling asleep and maybe other examples, haven’t decided yet.

Imagine the scenario, night after night you have a difficult time falling asleep, or maybe going back to sleep after you woke up in the middle of the night.

Night after night you have the same thing: you are tired in the day, need coffee to keep you going, and in spite of the deadly tiredness, you have a hard time falling asleep.
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Develop the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being)

stress-of-lifeOne of the capacities that you want to activate and develop is the capacity and the skill to take criticism, correction, judgment and opinion like a Man (meaning a human being).

One of my students violated copyright recently, and I sent her an email

…you have a profound disregard to my intellectual property. I did not sell you the right to do this. So please don’t do it again, and don’t pride yourself on how crafty you are. Stop gutting, combining, etc. the audios you bought the right to use, but not the right to gut them, recombine them. You don’t own them, I do.

Then, inadvertently, I stayed connected to her… not a pleasant experience.

She went into anger and belligerence first. Then was ruminating about it, looking up excuses, justifications, etc.

Then came anguish, shame, guilt…
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