Healing and the Placebo Effect

what does the placebo do?I wrote this article four months ago… The update is from today…

I have always wondered how the placebo effect looks in the domain of energy healing.

I got really lucky today: a close acquaintance of mine had a healing experience with a healer. I know this healer, personally, and haven’t thought much of him. His vibration is low, 170, and his whole being is low. I sat next to him once and I was literally repelled by his energy.

The patient, I also know him, has a mix of awe and contempt for me, love/hate, very interesting. He has been suffering with some physical pain, and I have been suggesting all kinds of ways to heal it, but he has had zero confidence in me.

He visited this healer and had a healing experience. Mystical, dramatic, flashy.
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Talk back to me: When I allow myself to feel my negative feeling…

A lot of people seem to wonder how they can avoid feeling negative emotions… They try to block them, get busy, take medication, self-medicate (alcohol and drugs) but the solution, as you will see, is counter-intuitive.

One of the Path Coaching students writes:

Hello Sophie

Thank you for last Friday coaching, after telling you what’s happened on that day regarding my husband, I have more clarity. After allowing myself to feel the pain and fear of the possible consequence of my text I now realize how much I love my husband and now appreciate him to be part of my life and my perception of him suddenly changed. Before this incident I was in a place where I wanted him out of my life.

I am just wondering Sophie, after the incident last Friday, I am now practicing allowing myself to feel whatever is the feeling at that moment especially the negative feelings; before that I will always found a way to avoid feeling the negative emotions because I was so afraid to feel them. Now, when I allow myself to feel whatever I feel in that moment, especially negative feelings, I notice that the negative feeling I have transform into positive without me doing anything at all, from feeling the pain, like fear, then the feeling moves towards feeling good without any effort. I am just wondering if you have some explanation how it happens.
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The Bottomless Pit that Greed is

entrainment to greedNature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least for the naked eye…

When it comes to energy and No membrane to speak of, like when we energize water, where you put water in small bottles and water in a large container together, the higher energy part will entrain the other to its own energy… vibration if you wish. Continue reading

It’s time to laugh… It is all s-h-i-t… bs… deception… illusion… a dream

religions of the world

Comets and the horns of MosesI am reading a Kindle book, Comets and the Horns of Moses (The Secret History of the World) by Laura Knight-Jadczyk [note]Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a historian and author of 14 books that span many disciplines including history, psychology, spirituality and politics. Underpinning all of Laura’s work is a powerful drive to discover the Truth, whatever that Truth might be. In her unique approach to research, everything is challenged and no official ‘truth’, no official version of events, is too sacrosanct to be exempted from rigorous testing. As she pursues her goal to uncover the solutions to the problems of Humankind, it is her love and respect for the Truth that makes her a truly peerless researcher and author. [/note]

The book is 700 pages, and hard to read, so I don’t recommend it: I will write about it, it will be as good as reading it. Not here, not now, I first want to finish it, I am 40% through.
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Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got…

The culture of Approximately

It’s taken millions, maybe even billions of years to evolve into a species that is 99% corrupted into believing that to get something it is enough to wish to.

For me this was invisible for a long time…

The first glimpse I got was when I first heard about satsang… a group of devotees sitting around a dude or dudette and attempt to absorb their whatever… vibration, peace, knowledge… all things that you cannot fully absorb, because they need to be worked for.

My parents weren’t wearing those distorting glasses. [note]Partly because that generation still knew that to get something you need to work for it. Partly because of the Jewish emphasis on learning.[/note] Continue reading

Want to raise your vibration? Don’t keep your eyes on the scoreboard!

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboardIn most activities, the goal of the activity is at least two-fold.

Let’s see how it is through a few examples:

Losing weight: losing weight can come from wanting to lose weight to look better, feel better, fight off diabetes, etc. And losing weight can come from wanting to take back control of your life: live according to your will instead of your whim.

Winning a football game:

  1. goal 1: look good, be celebrated, make lots of money
  2. goal 2: be the best you can be at something you love
  3. goal 3: be part of the winning team

Raising your vibration:

  1. goal 1: feel better about yourself and your life
  2. goal 2: have bragging rights and a sense of superiority over others
  3. goal 3: fulfill on the divine purpose of being a human being

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Enslavement devices, beacons, etc. Tools of the Dark Practitioners

beaconEnslavement devices, beacons, etc. Tools of the Dark Practitioners

A student of mine wrote to me to ask about his symptoms of stomach ache, nausea, etc.

I have been feeling crap since Friday, stomach upsets, diarrhea, severe indigestion pain up back, aching muscles everywhere, exhaustion and nausea. Today has been the worst and if I didn’t know better I’d swear it was flu! I was going to join the 6 pm webinar on Friday, but had to go to bed instead!

But I suspect maybe I need to throttle back somewhat on the subject line above? Could you kindly check if I should reduce/modify what I am doing – is this some type of detox, will it pass. Was really struggling to keep going today! I also started some Yoga classes on Thursday night, I think my friend who I went with said we were doing Vinsyasa Yoga, I did enjoy doing it and felt energized after the class. . By the way the eczema did pass as you said it would but was reasonably bad before it did – thanks.

I also sleep on an earthing sheet and have earthed mouse mat and floor mat at my computer. I have been using a (for some years) Tachyon Silica disk 4” which helps localized pain and upset, I also have one of these on my electrical distribution unit (breakers) to help mitigate EMF effects. https://www.tachyon-energy-products.com/ . Do I need to level the playing field, am I mixing too many things together?

I was thinking of switching all audios off and not taking any supplements or foods for 24 hours except water to see if I can reset?

I checked him and this was my answer:
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Getting the job done… what is mine to do?

getting the job doneI had an incident today… an incident with amazing guidance.

I bought a pack of stories to enliven my articles and my emails. There was an upsell… inexpensive, and something that teaches something I need.

I muscletested if I should buy it. The test said ‘no’. Is it because I don’t need it? yes. And then it occurred to me: ‘I have everything I need to get the job done‘… wow.

I heard and learned that sentence back in 1976… and it worked like gangbusters then. Continue reading

What is DNA, what is DNA upgrade… and what to expect

dna defines only the equipment, the usage is up to the individualDNA is a programming device of cells: it contains all the information about the whole organism and the final and perfect execution of the program… much like a set of blueprints contain every aspect of a building, from walls through air conditioning, every part.

The DNA only controls the hardware of a human being: the software, most of it, comes from the environment, the culture, the decisions one has made.

We could say that the DNA provides the equipment, but it is still up to the individual user to use the equipment to its full potential or not.
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Mercy. You want to receive it but You don’t want to give it?

The Universe has three energetic elements, just like the atom. It has the negative element, equivalent with judgment in our worldly life. That is the electrons of the atom.

It has the proton, the positive, in our worldly life it is called mercy.

The third type of element is the neutral…

Without the positive element, the world, yours, ours, the Universe, falls apart.

As it’s above so it is below… and vice versa.
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