Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One

I was first introduced to Landmark it was called something else, Werner Erhard and Associates. I was a new immigrant in Israel, worked for the City of Jerusalem as an architect, in the Town Planning Department. I was lonely and miserable.

I left Hungary hoping for a family. I left Hungary hoping for a better life. Instead I brought my misery with me and got loneliness on top of it.

One day a woman I barely knew by sight stuck her head in the door of my office and invited us, 4 girls, to a thing at her home. I said yes, I would have gone anywhere at that point.

My Hebrew was good enough to work, not too good to converse at that point.
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Tonight’s Webinar

First off… I have been getting emails that people could not sign up. So here is the correct link… if that’s you.

What’s the truth about you? – A workshop

Tuesday, November 20 9-11 pm EST

Update: want me to run this workshop again? Just ask for it. I love doing it…

Second: There is a new way to connect. The connection is much deeper… there is one more difference: it is much less mechanical than the previous method, so most people will need to practice getting out of their minds for a while before they can connect for any longer than five seconds.

The calls are free… to register

I recommend that you start as soon as you can. My next course, the Activate Divinity Course will not work unless you can stay connected for at least five minutes…

I have come up with a dirt cheap way to get into that course where you have a chance to re-integrate your abandoned “fragments” to become whole and complete again. Invulnerable, impervious, joyful, calm and serene…

Read the original article: Tonight’s Webinar

Become Who You Were Meant To Be

Become who you were meant to be

Really nice and really loaded title, would you agree? It means that you are not who you were meant to be. You are someone else, and that flies in the face of determinists.

Determinists say that your life is scripted, and you have no choice about it. You choose what you have in store for you. You have no free will.

But the truth is that human beings do have free will.

So what is this “who you were meant to be” stuff? Determinist or free will stuff… good question.

Every choice is somewhat pre-determined by the past, by the family you were born into.

The past gets into the choice by the mind storing everything that happened to you and placing it in your future as something to avoid, or something to repeat.

When you get hurt, or laughed at, or feel ashamed about, you vow never to do that again. That places it square into your future, and it sits there, blocking your view, preventing exercising your free will, it sits there like a golem, [note]a threatening sculpture, motionless… from the Bible[/note] it sits there as the only choice there is.

There is a favorite example I learned in a born again Christian magazine I picked up at a train station some 15-20 years ago. It has made a profound difference in my life. It has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with explaining why our life looks the way it does, why we are the way we are.

Here is the story

Imagine driving on a mountain road that bends around the mountain climbing higher and higher. On one side the mountain, on the other side the abyss… the ravine, the depth.

It’s a beautiful morning, your radio blasts your favorite music, and you love your life.

As you go around yet another bend, you see, horrified, a car crash on the road. The road is narrow, and you need to choose how to avoid your certain death.
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Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?

A few years ago, (maybe 3?) I went over the list of people I was angry at, or disappointed by. I made an all-out attempt to liberate myself from the bondage anger or disappointment creates.

Anger, resentment, disappointment: all symptoms of ego/mind, all symptoms of thinking of the future and feeling threatened. Look at how the Indonesian Mimic Octopus makes sure that they don’t fall prey to having any reason for anger, etc. But humans are not as intelligent: they willingly put themselves in that position… Don’t forget to read the rest of the article once you are done watching the video

I knew, in theory, that no one can do anything to you. That it is not what they do that makes you miserable, it is what you say about it. That it’s always your ego that is bruised.

But there is a difference between theory and practice. You know it, and I know it.
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This year be your own Valentine

love-yourself-sandEnergetically you show up in the world much like a person who wears several outfits, one on top of the other.

Why would you do that? Because you hope that one of those outfits will make you look good enough and help you make it in the world, also known as survival.

We live in the age of looking good and making it.

Each layer of clothing has a different vibration, an intent to make you look and feel different to different people. Continue reading

What makes you chasing your tail?

I started to do this work 13 years ago in earnest. That is when I found out that I could connect to Source whenever, wherever… no problem, no effort. So I started to connect frequently.

That is when the negotiations between Source and me began.

I wanted to be the one to do this work: taking humanity back into the evolutionary process, so they can reach the evolutionary state of human being.

Source said no.

I get energized by no. I have proven it time and time again… so I doubled up on the work I was already doing. And by 2011 I achieved a tentative yes. Tentative. Source doesn’t offer tenure… lol.

I didn’t have a desire. I had an intention. I had the ambition. I was and I am still doing whatever it takes. Continue reading

What separates humans from other species, yes even the dolphins, is language.

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved for, I don’t actually know, but let’s say tens of thousands of years, and yet we know nothing about communicating.

I even see people call The Communication Course, communications course… with plural.

What does that signal to me? That they don’t think that there is such a thing as communication, only instances of it.

You think that talking, telling someone to do something or not do something is communication.

Unfortunately for you, for humanity, all the communications put together don’t add up to Communication… Continue reading

Desire kills ambition. Desire kills accomplishment.

needyWhat prevents you from growing, what prevents you from becoming all you can become?

Ambition is what makes people grow, ambition is what makes people accomplish things that are not easy.

But ambition is kept in check… as I said above, by desire that everybody says is good for you… Bah humbug.

Let’s see what the words actually mean before we continue.

Ambition is directing your motive power, your inner motive power towards the accomplishment of something: learning, building, mastering. In my view, the beingness view: ambition is the willingness to go/do for what you want.

Compare it with motivation, which is mostly outward directed: the carrot and the stick is ways to motivate the unmotivated. In motivation the motivator uses desire to to the trick and not the inner motive power, the power of the spirit within.

Motivation is for having… the carrot, the feeling, the security, the reward, the result. The stuff that is actually wholly out of your control… so motivation makes you a perpetual carrot chasing person.

Motivation whips the desire into a feverish pitch… it keeps you tense, keeps you needy, keeps you wretched.

Ambition, on the other hand is motivated by beingness given that it comes from the spirit within. It doesn’t concern itself with what it can’t control: it concerns itself with what you can control fully: your behavior, and on higher vibrational levels: your beingness.

One could say that Ambition is process oriented, while motivation is result oriented.

Desire is always from need, and desire to receive for the self alone.

People with a high desire number are motivated to get the result they crave at the expense of another: the other has to pay the price.

Behind or underneath that desire is the unresolved, unmanaged ITCH.

The person with high desire wants to scratch that itch by getting something whatever it takes. But the ITCH cannot be scratched by anything outside of you… no matter how much you try it, how hopeful it looks.

  • You got married to scratch that ITCH?
  • You got thin to scratch that ITHC?
  • You got fat to scratch that ITCH?
  • You became top of the class to scratch that ITCH?
  • You got wealthy to scratch that ITCH?
  • You became a criminal to scratch that ITCH?

It is hard to turn your life around, and become a person who grows while you have the ITCH running your life. There is a conflict between the devil you know, and the devil you don’t.

But I have a surprise for you: EVERYTHING can be resolved in COMMUNICATION.

Communication, you ask? Who am I going to talk to?

First off: talking isn’t communication.

And because your issue is an inner conflict, not with another person, the issue needs to be resolved with yourself… in communication.

How do you do that? What do you say?

To my chagrin, communication, the ability to communicate to make things happen is even more missing in our culture than courage.

Communication is the ability to make things happen, over there… outside of the communicator. It is a potent, reliable, count-on-able system to accomplish what you intend, without cajoling, forcing, tricking another.

Do I teach a communication course? No.

I teach that inner self-to-Self communication that you need to have to resolve the ambition-motivation issue, the ITCH. I teach it in the advanced ITCH workshop.

To find out, to identify, to map out your ITCH, you, at the minimum, need to do the ITCH workshop, which is a recorded course, and the Playground, which is a liveĀ  12-month minimum program.

To start the steps towards being able to grow, being able to be ambitious instead of trying to scratch your ITCH, here is a little push: if you buy the course before Friday, January 24 midnight EST, you can use this coupon code 20-OFF to buy the program.

Get the recorded ITCH program

Read the original article: Desire kills ambition. Desire kills accomplishment.

The story behind the story

The story behind the story, behind the story, behind the story…

The invisible parts of the story is also a story.

A story can be just the telling of what happened and all the thoughts, emotions, interpretions the teller of the story added.

The tricky thing is to see all the stories… and then see what actually happened in reality separate from what you made up about it.

In digging for the itch, the need that wasn’t provided in an incident, that was deliberately taken away, and now running our lives, we experienced this layeredness of the story…

Everybody’s, including my own. Continue reading