It is hard to go out of the trench you dug… or if you prefer to call it, the groove

The walls of the groove cover up what the groove is really about.

I have two students with the same soul correction, both want attention. What they don’t will have a difficulty seeing that attention is the wall of the trench… not the cause: an effect.

Let’s look what could be missing?

All humans have needs that when they are not fulfilled, their chances to remain alive are lessened.

We have read that if an infant is not held, is not groomed, the lack of that touch makes them less resistant to illnesses, and less able to stay alive.

“For babies to truly thrive, they need to be held and touched soothingly. Research has shown intentional touch can deliver neurologic, behavioral and cognitive benefits to a developing infant. … Skin-to-skin or “kangaroo” care: The mother holds the diaper-clad infant against her skin beneath her clothing.”

“Why is touch so important to an infant?
This sense is essential to children’s growth of physical abilities, language and cognitive skills, and social-emotional competency. Touch not only impacts short-term development during infancy and early childhood, but also has long-term effects, suggesting the power of positive, gentle touch from birth”

I feel that touch is an indicator that the child is wanted. A promise.

Continue reading

Unless you go to the beyond you are still on the horizontal plain, and in the common world

walking through a wallI participated with Landmark Education in all kinds of positions, participant, coach, trainee, leader. After 26 years I quit.

I quit for the same reason I quit Emotions Anonymous, and ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I quit because they were stuck. Stuck in the ordinary world. Stuck in the ordinary mindset. The participants, the leaders… they never moved out of the deep misery… so they were going back, year after year, “sharing” the same stories with the exact same words, with the exact same emotions they shared the year before.

Nothing changed for them, while I managed to unstuck myself, one “story” at a time.

I left, because I thought I knew it better. But I only knew the end result… MY end result. And I didn’t really know how I got there… and therefore I could not take you there with me.

It took another five years to (hopefully) be able to say: I now have all the steps that took me there. I can take you there… and not lie, not exaggerate, just take you there…

Yesterday I had a call with a one-time student of mine, who left my programs to participate with Landmark Education, back in 2014. And she is coming back after six years there.

She did every program, some several times, spent tens of thousands of dollars, and she came back exactly the same as she was when she left in 2014. Not happy, not joyful, not free.

Is it Landmark Education’s fault? Is it her fault?

No, when you are not able to connect to the beyond, then you are stuck on this side.

What is beyond? Beyond is nothing woo-woo. It is like walking though a wall, a one-way mirror, penetrating a paradigm that is beyond what is available to you, to the current culture, using the currently available tools, perception organs, thinking modes.

Breaking through like Truman did in the Truman Show. Broke out of the limited stage of his existence.

The giants we are all so proud of, Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, they got a glimpse, in their dreams, in some altered state… and brought what they saw into the current paradigm, but didn’t altered it a bit.

You can pull “beyond” knowledge into the ordinary, and turn it into ordinary too.

Some giants of science, like Isaac Newton, got their beyond knowledge from the Kabbalah. And like Einstein, they dragged the knowledge into the ordinary, and made it part of ordinary knowledge.

The ancient Kabbalists spent their entire day being connected to a higher paradigm, and there was no dragging, they lived in the vertical, the higher paradigm. Kabbalah was forbidden to 99% of the population, you needed to be qualified to gain access. It was considered secret and occult, because of the knowledge being so beyond the ordinary. The weak can go mad from living in two paradigms, and have no one to talk to in the lower, where anything you say sounds weird, or illegal, or stupid, or arrogant. By some Kabbalah was also considered sorcery… but it isn’t, not as far as I can tell.

In 2003 I started studying Kabbalah. The Kabbalah Centre lifted the access requirements and made it available to all.

I lived far from a Kabbalah Centre, so I was assigned a communicator. I honored her a my teacher. I am an atheist, but I didn’t fight the terminology that suggested that there was a Creator… that sounds like a person, doesn’t it?

I didn’t fight it, I didn’t resist it, I just ALLOWED it. Whatever you allow to be, allows you to be… so I was OK.

Nothing much happened for me until one day, back in 2007, my communicator, Sivan, suggested that I can connect to the Creator at any time, the Creator is like a wall socket: I can plug myself in it, like an appliance, any time.

Yeah? And with that I connected. I was connected, and my communicator wasn’t. Hm… interesting.

Then, the same year, I went to a Kabbalah Centre New Year’s event (Rosh Hashana), and realized that even the leaders of the Kabbalah Centre are only talking about connecting, and going to the Source…

I pondered that incongruency a whole lot. I wondered if that was because I was an empath? Because I learned to feel, distinctly, every square inch of my body, accurately, through three years worth of pantomime training?

But I could tell that I was connected, and she wasn’t.

And I started to revel in that connection. It was a lot like a gateway to the beyond.

The biggest difference between the two paradigms is not as much what’s in it, but how you look at it. Not the WHAT but the HOW.

I could look at something, and could see it, feel it, and not be attached to it. See, for example, that someone was angry at me… which happened a lot. And I could be not effected by it. It was their anger… and they were effected, not me.

Of course some emotions, some reactions from others are still effecting me… So unless you can clean up your past, and look at the incidents there with sober eyes and see that there is nothing wrong there, even though some things hurt, or stung, or offended you, scared you… hurt, stung, offended, scared don’t equal wrong.

Wrong is a value judgment, and it gets anchored… and pulls you out of peace, love, joy, and into the Dark Side.

Let me give you an example of a current occurrence that obviously signals that something in my past hasn’t been resolved, that there is something wrong still in my past.

I live in a two family home. There was no tenant in the downstairs apartment for three years, I was here alone.

Last summer the landlord moved his daughter and her boy friend in, and I have been struggling with something ever since.

I am afraid to fall asleep while they are up and around. I am afraid for my life… as ridiculous as it sounds. And when I look, that was true for me all my life… I could only fall asleep if no one was around.

My guess is that something happened in my early childhood, that scared the bejesus out of me.

Here is another one, also unresolved.

It was bitter cold and snowing heavily on Wednesday, and my heart was misbehaving. I have a damaged and enlarged heart… and it told me that if I walk to my exercise class I’ll fall over dead. So I called for a ride, but it was uncertain if my message got heard, so I had to make several calls. Then the driver said that he wasn’t sure if he could get up the hill because the streets were very slipper.

I walked down halfway to make it easier for him. But by the time I got into the van, I was clear: I touched on something very painful, and unresolved, because I was sobbing.

Let me get back to the original topic:

Because of my connection to Source combined with my abilities as an empath, I am continually and “diligently” guided beyond what is ordinary, what is known, what is accessible to people who are not connected and are not empaths.

Once the knowledge is brought inside the current paradigm, it is usable for everyone.

For a long time I dreamed about being the one who forwards Landmark Education, so they can actually keep their promise to take people to living a life they love and they live powerfully.

But like any “authority”, like the medical establishment, like science, Landmark Education wasn’t open… and for a long time I harbored resentment.

Imagine a company who can teach a million people a year, taking on my methodology additions to Landmark’s: it would start a “bush” fire and have the potential to take all of humanity to the evolutionary level of human being, or if not that, to the level where they can live a life they love, and live it powerfully.

Compare that with my 10-15 people a year…

But, of course, it is easier to test out, experiment, with 10-15 people whose biggest fear is that I’ll let them go… Imagine that…

They are on the warpath with me, and will be the new humanity… no doubt about it.

I have noticed a definite shift in the attitude this past week: some people have now gone beyond their own needs, and have taken on leadership, ownership of the other… their partner call partner, their whole group.

I am in awe.

In one of my previous articles I was quoting a famous architect I had never heard of, “I have always felt if you know what you’re going to do in advance, then you won’t do it.”

Had I known that we’d get here, I probably would have forced it prematurely, instead of allowing it to emerge on its own accord.

Are we there yet? No, not yet. But now enough people have seen the light to consider that we will get there.

Now, I am talking a lot about being connected. Is that a requirement?

No, says Source. Was it a requirement for me? Yes, says Source.

Why isn’t it a requirement? Because once I bring in the new knowledge from the beyond, it becomes part of the current knowledge, it becomes part of what you can see and do. You don’t need to go to the beyond yourself.

There are a lot of people who come to my site to connect to Source… most unsuccessfully.

Some of them ask for their starting point measurements, and when they get it, they complain: “I have been connecting several times a day, but my numbers didn’t get better. “In some cases their numbers got worse.

Why? Because unless you have eyes to see, you won’t see anything in the beyond… I did, because

  • 1. I am an empath
  • 2. because of my 26 years immersion into the vocabulary and distinctions of how the human mind, the human machine works, through Landmark Education… so I have a foundation that you probably don’t have.

So you won’t know what you are seeing… and therefore it is useless. On the other hand you fancy yourself as special, which you are not.

When you fancy yourself anything, your about-me score is too high for you to live in the world effectively, after all in life, in reality, you are not more than a dot…

In the areas where things are about me, falling asleep with neighbors downstairs, or asking for what I cannot provide for myself, like a ride, I am ineffective. In those instances my about-me score is high, and I endure suffering while producing no results.

In the areas where I can keep a distance, where I have a preference instead of a need, a want, a have to, or a should, I can be powerful. Like with my health. Like with eating. Like with exercising. Like with teaching. Like with giving feedback. Like learning to be kinder, gentler, softer.

Because there, in those areas, I see nothing wrong, there is nothing to fix. There is no hurry, there is no forcing, and there is no tension.

I can love life, including the areas where there is work to do, and I can be powerful.

The opposite of powerful is not powerless, it is forceful.

Powerless is a state of mind and you can change your mind about it at any moment.

OK, enough talking.

If you want to know where you are standing, and if you have enough energy to do the “work”, let me muscle test the 33 measures I currently offer, for a measly $15.

And when you get it, fight the urge to think that there is something wrong with you. You are where you are for a reason. The reasons are spelled out in the Starting Point Measurements, AND in your Health Measurements, that is offered, as an option to add behind this link below.

Get your Starting Point Measurements
PS: After listening to some more Partner calls, I can see that there is a cultural beyond, and then there is a personal beyond. And then there is THE BEYOND…

We cannot go to THE BEYOND, it is beyond the physical world.

I go to the cultural beyond and come back with goodies…

And you can go beyond your personal limitation, either in actions, capacities, or in breaking out of the “ditch” that you have lived until now, the binary, the systemic judgment, the right-wrong, loved-not-loved, love-hate, smart-stupid, can-can’t paradigm… the ditch.

Thought that clarification of the beyond was due.

Read the original article: Unless you go to the beyond you are still on the horizontal plain, and in the common world

More about flexibility…

Sometimes people get an idea of activating a capacity that is so alien to their culture, it takes a good 5-10 minutes for the history channel, the ancestors backwards, to build.

No one in your ancestry possessed that capacity… so it has been non-existent for you even culturally.

It is so unfamiliar that ego doesn’t even know to protest. It is like a way of being that is totally unfamiliar… you can’t see other than special people, like kung fu fighters, or shaolin monks to demonstrate it. And, of course, Aikido. I have a book, Aikido in everyday life… illustrates how this principle looks in real life… brilliant.

Flexibility is also the capacity to be able to keep your balance even though the world is pushing you hither and thither… Continue reading

Are you flexible?

NEUROPLASTICITYYour world view is hidden from your view, hidden from your awareness.

And it is, of course. World view is how the world IS for you, not how it seems.

If you have a fixed world view, than all the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men Could Not Put a new world view for you… unless you are willing to become flexible.

Cognitive flexibility has been more broadly described as the ability to adjust one’s thinking from old situations to new situations as well as the ability to overcome responses or thinking that have become habitual and adapt to new situations. Continue reading

Should I be funny? Should I be kind to get you to do what is in your self interest?

As a “writer” I struggle with one thing: It is hard to be funny in writing. For me.

I can be funny in conversation, but writing is different: I imagine the echo. And imaginary echo doesn’t echo, does it? While when I talk to a living breathing human, it is in a particular state of emotions, so I know where I throw my volley… and I know what havoc it wreaks… so it is easy for me. I can shock, I can mortify, I can wake up, I can do a lot of things that make what funny does… make you pay attention by jolting you.

I am in the process of downloading nine seasons of Seinfeld. My teacher says that a lot of his funniness in writing comes from Seinfeld. We shall see. One thing is for sure: Seinfeld, the person, can be funny. Exactly that “jolting you” kind of way.

Muscle test I am funny-ish, 40% on the funny scale. Jerry Seinfeld, on the other hand is 70%. Continue reading

How do you know if what you are dreaming about you will bring about… or not?

Frank Gehr“I have always felt if you know what you’re going to do in advance, then you won’t do it,” he says in the video, promoting his (Frank Gehry) tutorial series for the Masterclass online learning provider. “Your creativity starts with whether you’re curious or not.”

It says two things…

1. You won’t do it, if you built an imaginary future with all its glory in your mind, then your desire number is too high, while your ambition number is too low. Continue reading

The future you create with your words needs you to…

You create your future with your words… spoken or unspoken.

What is a future?

A future is not real… and yet it appears real. There is no past in reality and there is no future. Only the present moment, how things are.

The past lives in your memory, 80% is words, 20% is perception organs information. But even those 20% are “colored” by what you said about it.

I have had quite a few Irish clients who were disciplined by their parents, mostly the mother. It was a ritual. Pull down your pants, fetch the paddle or the ladle or the hairbrush for your mother… lie over her knees, and there you went. You knew what you did that didn’t meet your mother’s expectations of you.

I was beaten out of anger… and I never knew what I did wrong. Didn’t even guess. Continue reading

Most of us have two modes when we think about things:

Most of us have two modes when we think about things:

  • 1. the urgent, the right now, the emergency, the having to, needing to, wanting to, and the should. Pay the bill, pick up the kid, what to have for dinner, what am I forgetting?
  • 2. the some day one day future. Retirement. Summer vacation. Getting married. When I have lost all this weight. When I’ll have my horse farm. When I have my retirement community that I built and I will be significant, and rich. When I’ll be a rock star.

I remember when it was like that for me. And, to be quite hones, it is still work to dislodge myself and think of the in-between.

Without working TOWARDS something, it is natural to fall into the same old, same old, or good enough is good enough. The rut.

I only have to observe myself for a day to see how fast it sets in, and how automatic that is. Continue reading

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

carrying your soul correctionsIt seems that the body of a human is a vehicle for two “entities”, the Selfish Gene and the soul.

The Selfish Gene… that is only interested in preserving itself… the genetic material, even if and even while the family, the environment, the world is destroyed. Selfish gene is our physical nature, our lower self, and it is not very smart, has no foresight, none of the higher functions a human supposedly has. It has no interest even in the 160 spiritual capacities: in fact it considers them a nuisance, a hindrance. The Selfish gene is a brute.

The uncorrected soul, the soul you are born with, is the soul with an aberration. It has a behavior or a set of behaviors that are slanted towards ego.

The soul’s counterpart is the ego, not the Selfish Gene. Continue reading

I woke up unhappy.

I woke up unhappy.

And you know, when you are unhappy all you can see what doesn’t work. a d see it as big, monumental, maybe even tragic.

In my dream I attended a seminar. Lots of things were as I remembered: the people, the teacher, the girl sitting next to me. Only I changed. I got dumber, fatter, and with a whole lot less hair. One dude sitting behind me in the class even remarked me. The teacher called on me and shamed me in front of the class.

In one word: it was terrible.

So this is the mood I woke up in, and, of course, carried it into my morning routine. [note]As I was looking for a suitable picture for this article, I found out that there are a lot of people with morning depression. This article is not about that… but in my educated opinion, if depressed people learned and diligently used self-coaching, they would be not depressed any more… or not as much.[/note] Continue reading