I have been noticing a strong reluctance of people to find out the truth about themselves.

self defeating attitudeI have been noticing a strong reluctance of people to find out the truth about themselves.

When they do, they are relieved… so it is before… when they don’t know what’s wrong with them.

There is, there are signals that you are not in perfect alignment with who you would need to be to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be healthy, vigorous, the world is my oyster kind of guy or gal.

And you hate it, because it niggles away on you, like the thought of getting a C diagnosis from a doctor, the diagnosis of almost certain death.

So you procrastinate. Continue reading

What can you buy?

What can you buy?

As you can tell, I am still undecided how to organize my products… so for a while longer it will be confusing… reflecting that I am myself confused… Sorry about that.

  1. Energy Products
  2. Services
  3. Courses and workshops
  4. Coaching and consulting
  5. Special offers

If you are new here: Start here

  1. Start by finding out where you are at now: Click on the button to pay me to measure your vibration. I’ll use your paypal email to send your response to: so make sure you check it there. I work from 8 am till 8 pm, every day. If you send me a request outside of that time, I’ll answer as soon as I can. I need a current picture to make sure I connect to the right person.
  2. The H.O.E. long range, or the Heaven on Earth remedy will help you be with the feelings that you feel, like a safety net. The H.O.E. allows you to feel and let go… you won’t suppress, you won’t resist, and you won’t hold onto any feeling. Feel what you feel and be done with it.
  3. The Harmonize your vibration will energetically take you through the journey through memory lane: you may be able to take this trip without much conscious effort.
  4. The Unconditional Love Infusible version will remove the false, society built foundation for your life, feeling wrong, insufficient, unlovable, stupid, a misfit.
  5. The Water Energizer will start to change your body chemistry, so your cravings, addictions, edginess, aches and pains will ease or disappear, gently, almost imperceptibly… the Energized Water will wash them away..


Important! If you are new, please get your vibration checked first, and ask for recommendation before you buy. I don’t offer refund on my products, and not everything is useful for everyone. Please!

Read the original article: What can you buy?

Communication: Access to Power… Create with your WORD

my word is my bondWe had our last What’s Missing workshop for the season yesterday.

What a learning experience it was! Again.

I found out that unbeknownst to me I was still hesitant to believe that I am going to live, that I am not on borrowed time, that if I save money, I’ll have a chance to use it.

This, under the conscious awareness issue has been running my life for 72 years… I have never been able to save any real money… and now I see why. It is time to begin to manage this… so I can actually buy a car, now that I can drive again.

Teaching? Are you sure you taught? Continue reading

You need to have it! or what keeps flat you on your arse

Darn, these power outages… I lost a whole article I didn’t even name, let alone save. It was a stream of consciousness…. then oops, the power went out… and with it the article.

All right, the inspiration is gone… let me see if I can re-generate it.

OK here you go: I noticed that occasionally, when I play Freecell, I have a phenomenon that deserves talking about, analyzing, and see what it’s all about.

I play Freecell when I need to puzzle something out, when I need to pay attention to a movie, a video, an audio, your partner calls… so I play a lot of Freecell. It keeps me sitting, lol, and it keeps my attention on you. Continue reading

You don’t love yourself. You don’t respect yourself. How could you?

you don't love yourselfA little understood aspect of integrity that screws up your integrity…

Integrity is between you and you. There are things you do with other people, but integrity is an inside job… if you don’t like what you did, if you don’t think you did a good job, it doesn’t matter what other people think… you are not happy with yourself.

And so far so good, most anyone can get that… but the story doesn’t end here.

Sometimes you do everything you said you would do, you do it on time, you did it complete and thorough, and yet you are not happy with yourself.

What is the reason? Continue reading

I want I want I want… holiday weeks malady

  • stress is wantingI want this to be different than it is
  • I want to feel different than I am feeling
  • I want to be treated differently than I am being treated
  • I want to have more money
  • I want to do more interesting things
  • I want to have some skills
  • I want I want I want

What is underneath that wanting?

For one, a sky high desire number. Maybe even a desire trap. Coupled with a low, weak, tepid ambition number.

Holiday times are especially trapping… I can even feel it myself.

Desire, by its unrealistic nature, robs you of the energy to bring what you desire about.

Why? How? Continue reading

Somewhere else is better than here… Something else is better than this… Someone else has it better than me

Yesterday, still recovering from my strenuous weekend, lol, I watched TED talks for a few hours, all on Emotional Intelligence.

They were all profound, and nice, and useful… and yet.

Emotional intelligence, measurable in percentages, is the ability to be appropriate to life, to dance, to get stuff done, to rest when it is time to rest, and work when it is time to work, and to love, and appreciate, and say what you need to say, when it is appropriate.

To look at things from more than just one fixed point of view, to be able to empathize, have compassion, express instead of stuff it…

You see why emotionally intelligent people get ahead in life… they are easy to be around because they are OK with themselves.

What people, psychologists, writers, etc. teach is surface.

Much like telling you to cover up chicken shit and enjoy the praline… Praline is an expensive candy… for those of you who don’t know. Continue reading

It’s all in a day’s work… what does it mean?

3 years oldWhat’s the invisible dynamic that makes “It’s all in a day’s work” so transformative?

I have a different relationship to work than most people.

People at large want to do what they want to do, and don’t want to do what they don’t want to do. An attitude, a behavior, a maturity level of a 3-year old.

It is the level where most people got stuck, and now they are unhappy, because the world doesn’t respect their wishes, their rules, their “right”… so they are angry, pissed, reluctant, belligerent, feel slighted, lazy, stupid, clueless… whatever it takes to avoid playing life at life’s terms.

It’s easier to see it on misbehaving 6 year olds, than on adults… but it’s there. Continue reading

Why you can’t see, don’t see value…

you can't abort what you can't catchYou can’t catch what you don’t see

Gratitude is a capacity. You can’t fake it, like you can’t fake riding a bicycle.
Appreciation is another capacity.

Appreciation means: seeing value. Gratitude means: acknowledging value.

There are three levels of values:

  1. Cultural or systemic values. 80% of people see those. They are different culture by culture. But most of them are universal… meaning they are in all cultures… These values are binary, like an on/off switch.These are the “two drawers” the book The Art of Hunting Humans talks about, loser/winner, sad/happy, good/bad, useful/useless, smart/stupid, right/wrong, etc.
  2. The second tear is the value, extrinsic value, the use value humans place on things: they are personal values, mostly… They are closer to what people pay for, with money or reciprocation: tasty (food), a nice conversation (companionship), useful, interesting, beneficial, etc.A bowl of soup, a wedding ring, a Thanksgiving dinner, a nice conversation…Anything will have, albeit not acknowledged, not noticed value on all three levels.
  3. The third level is the godlike level, the intrinsic level, and most people don’t notice it, don’t value it, don’t provide it… Even if they know the words… but they are like appreciation: you can say the word as much as you want, the word does not create appreciation, the capacity creates the being.The capacity of appreciation is, like everything in reality, can be expressed in percentages… capacity not on is zero, fully open is 100.

It is one thing to appreciate the obvious, and quite another thing to appreciate what is not obvious… because in the moment it is not visible yet where the value is, or it doesn’t FEEL GOOD…

Too much, too strong focusing on systemic value robs a person of their ability to have spiritual, third level, godlike capacities: generosity, love, enthusiasm, creativity, intuitive, etc. Continue reading